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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Super close call on this one. Production is definitely above the bar, and though the arrangement follows things really closely, I think arrangement-wise it just scrapes over the bar as well. Nice playing as well doesn't hurt at all either. Here's the break down! From the OCR standards: of those listed, this mix changes Rhythms, though in the first 3/4 it is mostly backing rhythm parts; it's more personalized and expanded later on when the song is closing out. A lot of the drum rhythms are original throughout, however. Instrumentation is changed ever so slightly in the slightly playful bell section near the end, but is otherwise negligible. If the genesis could do guitars, I think the original would have sounded similar to this. Tempo is changed slightly on both tracks to smooth out the overall curve- most noticeably, One's Side is slowed down a bit as to not completely clash with the slower tempo of Knight's Errand. For the additions line, original solos, transitions (along with a smooth keychange), harmonies, and counter melodies were all added. They certainly could have been more prevalent, but they were undoubtedly there. So overall, though none of the requirements for a remix were delved into super deeply, a lot of them were touched on, some more than others, but I believe this is more than just a cover. yes
  2. I like this a lot, but it really does feel like a cover song. While covers are good, they aren't what OCR is about. It needs to be more than just adding guitars and drums; some additional parts would have been great, or a solo! The production was good, the balance of instruments was there, and everything meshed well; no issues there. Also, the source song is very cool, I really like the music of FFXI. You are a talented guy, so please make this a little more personalized, or if you have considered this track complete, have your next submission be a little further from the source. no, please resubmit
  3. I was really digging the original actually, and it was pretty easy to discern the 7/8 feel, as it's blatantly spelled out in the french horn. It'd be a totally great metal track, that's for sure. Anyways, the remix sounds like it's in 6, so there's some arrangement there. It makes it a little more difficult to do direct comparison, but the riffs are certainly there, though not really dominant at all times, though I think some of that is due to the driving nature of the original, and the more laid back synth selection of the remix. Arrangement checks out with Rozo's breakdown, and the production is fine, but honestly I find this remix to be pretty boring. It feels really meandering and has none of the focus that makes the original track cool. No disrespect for Rozo, because I think he is a cool guy and talented, but I really didn't think this was an especially good remix, despite falling under the guidelines for the site. Sorry Rozo, if I am seeming harsh, but you still get the yes, despite my personal opinion.
  4. m-m-m-MONSTER (triple) POST! Interesting idea to reduce the speed on this one, but I think it paid off, I am a strong proponent of manic arrangements, and the original can definitely qualify as manic, but it goes by so fast, you can't appreciate as well that there is a cool melody in there. You definitely get a lot of milage off of the A section, which is fine by me, since it's so varied. Even after the revision, the snare seems a little loud, but definitely not lethal. The sound is unorthodox, but i can dig it. It reminds me of some Thriller-era MJ. Pretty cool. There's plenty o' source, the arrangement is good (and a cool new style for you), and the production works now as well. yes
  5. Production is a bit muddy due to a bit too much reverb on the instruments, but the live crowd ambiance make it seem at least a little intentional, and the track overall has a live feel to it, so the muddiness present is more natural sounding, if that makes any sense. Other judges may have more of an issue with it, but it doesn't dealbreak this deal for me. Snare is a bit loud as well. Arrangement is fun and silly, but very personalized, with additional transitions and leads, and of course vocals. The genre change-up was unexpected, but the melody really fits. Overall, an excellent arrangement; creative and cool. Pretty nice solo as well. Overall, the production has some issues that definitely add up, but I feel the vibe and arrangement rises above despite the issues. It's a close vote, but I feel comfortable enough giving this track a yes.
  6. lead guitar tone isn't really super awesome- it's a bit brittle and needs to be smoothed out - not terrible by any means, but it sticks out a little too much. The rhythm guitars sound pretty meaty, and mesh well with the bass. The production seemed a bit slammed, and loud; I think just a little extra practice getting the levels to sit right while maintaining power and balance will get you to where you need to be. Things all seem a bit dry right now, and front-loaded so some judicious use of reverb and panning should carve out some extra room for you without having to resort to massive compression. Jimmy Jam has the right idea about some very minor EQ, but I think giving different items more space throughout would assist as well. some pretty great screaming - you've got a monster set of lungs here, totally awesome work here, I don't completely think the track supported the intensity of your initial scream at that moment, but it sure did later on at the end. I think weaving more apparent source into that section would be killer. The arrangement is good, but needs just a little more dominant source. This is good stuff, but not quite there. no, please resub
  7. good stuff, I really enjoyed all of the little details added to this. It's like the chiptune Sistine chapel- details stacked on top of details. Nice work Willrock
  8. Since it's a 3Y-1N with me being the sole dissenting voice, i'm listening again. Though those 16th notes get very repetitive, but it doesn't kill the song completely, just reduces the replay value, and I do dig the old school vibe. Jimmy makes a good point that this is done well, and me keeping my vote as a NO just to hold this back seems needlessly selfish. I can live with the 16ths. yes
  9. Funky and creative, with some good variation, this is definitely a quality mix. I dig the difference in sounds for the different sections, and this overall is pretty great. Nice work.
  10. Some of the string leads sounded just slightly out of tune, but this was a really creative and well done mix. I thought the breakbeats were cool and further emphasized that this is a whole new way of listening to Schala. Some of the horn rips seemed a little random, but overall I was really feeling this one. One of the early tracks that really broke new ground, IMO.
  11. You guys are silly. Funny that the best hook in the song was the vocal clips, and i think you could have definitely gotten even funkier with the entire arrangement, but it'll do. Good synth choices, and the bass writing was really attention-getting. I loved the bass slides, and the counter melody writing was pretty good as well. Nice drumwork as well. Everything about this one feels inspired, with great attention to details. Nice work guys.
  12. This really meandering for my tastes, but I appreciate the work that went into it. Nice sax tones and some well defined grooves should make this a definite favorite for connoisseurs of laid back smoothness.
  13. Really nice work on this one, some great lead programming overall, and a very good arrangement. On of the highlight tracks of the project for me.
  14. it was already a yes before, so I guess improving it further would make it a Yes.
  15. I love the arrangement, and I feel pretty rotten Noing this based on the sample quality of the leads, but even though they have a good amount of care put into them with modulation and velocities, they aren't really cutting it. The sax is more of an issue, i think, but that should also be easier to get a player for on OCR. The muted trumpet lacks character, but is just barely passable i'd say. I really hope you will take the time to find a few horn players, because this arrangement is really nice, and the piano solo was excellent. no
  16. excellent work here, awesome synths, great beats, and everything is tight. Good transitions, and a decent original theme. Completely bad-ass stuff, I love it. That crazy glitched part right after the subdued breakdown is where it is at. The cool ending was icing on the cake.
  17. absolutely sick work on this track, everything is excellent and though i think nowadays the production could be improved just a little, nothing can touch this arrangement. Varied, interesting, a stellar source track, there isn't anything amiss with this one. Highly recommended. If only Digimatic wasn't so elusive. Two remixes in seven years is way less than i'd like to hear.
  18. I loved this mix, and not even that horn can turn me away. Awesome work dude, I can't wait to hear more!
  19. i think the repetition hurts this one- the production is pretty good, but some mixing aspects seem off. Minor stuff, like the volume of the tambourine and some of the synths, but really the main issue is the arrangement drags. I think it needs some breaking up somehow, so it doesn't just feel like the same short loop over and over with minor variations. No hate, but i think this needs a bit of a second source, or a more varied arrangement to pass the bar. Definite candidate for a resub. no
  20. the tone of most everything is good i'd say, as the guitar (both clean and electric) sound nice, but Vinnie nailed down most of the issues- Drums are too far back, bass is too difficult to hear, and the distorted guitars have a bit too much distortion (especially the rhythm ones), and take up a little too much room in the mix. The arrangement is also pretty coverish, with a solo added. It deviates a little near the end, wiht some cool counter melody parts, but The track needs that level of personalization throughout to meet the arrangement bar. Definite promise, but too many issues to pass. no, please resub
  21. I totally dig the textures, and the production is pretty good, but unless there is more source to the arrangement than what i'm hearing secretly hidden away, I need to also go negative on this one. Sorry dude. no
  22. The intro took awhile to get going, but it really had a nostalgic feeling to it, and it's incredibly rare, but I think the SFX actually added a lot to the mix, instead of being distracting. Well played. Production-wise, When the melody synth/panflute thing came in, it sounded a little weak, but everything else was good to go. Doubling it with piano was the right choice. This is a very expansive take on the original, even though you didn't focus on the melody as much as the rhythm and structure, the track is still close enough to the original in my opinion. The lack of the super prevalent lead, even after a resubmission, makes this a tougher decision than it really needs to be, but I can recognize enough source here to give it the nod. Other judges may disagree, as it's easier to latch onto main melodies, and you've really pushed the chords into new territory. Good luck with the rest of the votes. yes
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