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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pretty straightforward stuff, but very high quality. Personally i'd have preferred more syncopation in the percussion. There's a whole lot of subdividing, but that's just a personal thing i guess. Nice synth sounds; all well chosen, and great panning, especially on the descending orchestra hits. Production on this is very strong overall, but I can't help but think the source was a bit too straightforward rhythmically for you to make it more interesting without completely shaking it up. Regardless, a very good listen.
  2. I do agree we could use moar metahl and teknoz on this; we have some great piano and orchestral arrangements, but it'd be cool to balance things out. I will plead with the DoD posse and see if any of them would be down. A metal version of Kingdom of Baron would be Epic. The song is begging for chugs and pinch harmonics. Ring of Bomb would also lend itself really well to a downtuned style.
  3. I am completely in love with Logic and don't even have the newest and coolest version yet. The learning curve in 7 can be pretty steep for even the simplest things (like options that only seem to have hotkeys and no menu items), but I've heard 8 is much more user friendly. I've had a lot less experience with FL, but I didn't find the layout to be as intuitive, personally, because of it's reliance on building loops.
  4. Big and stompy, the percussion on this one is fantastic. It is really a strong atmosphere piece, rather than something specifically melodic, making it slightly harder for me to get into. Despite my personal preference, it is very well done, and there are some fantastic textures throughout, and great progression. It also sounds completely badass; this is the type of mix that steals the other mixes' lunch money. Great transition of the theme, the whole thing was seamless. The low brass was a bit blatty for my tastes, but that's the only real complaint I have with the mix. Well played.
  5. Funky with a great groove, I really liked this one. Excellent balance, great synths, and a fantastic beat. Great variation, and great progression, and a surprising but very well executed ending. Production is pretty clean and there is a lot of strutting energy on this one. Very nice stuff. This mix is over 6 years old now, and it still holds up amazingly well today, which very few of it's peers can claim. Songs like this are why AE is one of the most highly regarded of the earliest remixers. Excellent work.
  6. Not really digging the weirdly sequenced intro and outro, it just strikes me as sloppy rather than something artistic. Once it gets going, it seems kindof basic to me. The rhythm changeups on the melody keep it slightly interesting, and the drums are pretty well done. The half time sections are nice. There are some additional counterpoint elements that take the forefront in a few sections to give the track a bit more longevity, and though structurally it doesn't really deviate at all, enough new bits are piled on to give it personality. Decent; check it out if you really love the Terra theme and need to hear all the mixes of it.
  7. Catchy and fun, it definitely has a less-than-pristine live sound to it. Just a bit too much reverb, though it does help to mask the fakey brass a little. The panning is effective and helps it from being complete mush sonically. The drum partwriting and the guitar is where this mix shines though, as they are both very energetic and varied. Nice clean tone on the guitar as well. I'm super disappointed in the "ending" though. You guys just get tired of the song or what? :/ Overall fun and a pretty classic older OCR track.
  8. Pretty generic sounding to me, honestly. Basic sounding synths, sound effects and snare rolls for the transitions, I agree with some of the other reviews saying they'd hope this would have done more. There are some nice arpeggios going on, but the beat is pretty boring, and a lot of the 'atmospheric' sections have a paper thin piano going on. Sorry dude, not digging this one at all.
  9. Order +1! I'm looking forward to this, it's been all metal all the time recently, so this will be a great change of pace. Listening to the samples on your site has me very excited for the cd to arrive. Congrats on your first album!
  10. I can install it, but Logic doesn't detect it. So it's Kompakt that's the issue? Thanks for the info. I really wish this could be solved without spending more money, but that just might be the case. :/
  11. Ok, this is sortof a last-measure thing. I've checked the NI website, downloaded several of the patches on their site, and even spent a few hours digging through their mind-numbing support forums. I've googled the issue, and found plenty of people asking "why", but no answers. So, my question is, how can I get my EWQLSO to work on an intel mac with 10.5? I want to do some strings and harp and I cannot.
  12. A little bump to celebrate VHD finishing his track. If you are a mixer who I havn't heard a WIP from yet, please contact me and give me an update. That being said; since I know none of you will contact me, I'll be contacting you by the end of the week.
  13. at my office, we had a pool going to see who could last the longest. I dropped out after the first appearance for the bagpipes. One of the other graphic designers made it all the way but can't stop giggling maniacally, even an hour later. We might have broken him. :/ I have to say this is a winner of a song.
  14. Sounds like the ending themes. Whoever assists with this, please bring a few instruments forward; right now its super mush.
  15. Ziwtra is *so good* at making incredible tracks using completely terrible samples. I think the key is using generally thin samples, but packing a ton of melodic lines and counterpoint in. Regardless, it's awesome, and very distinct. This is pretty strong work, with a fantastic arrangement. Very unique and once the beats come in, it's very obviously Ziwtra's style. Excellent moving parts; nothing is on autopilot, and it sounds like an incredibly tight electro-jazz group. I think the style of this one is beautiful, with a dense but always clear sound, and near-endless repeat play potential. Tracks like this are the reason Ziwtra is my favorite.
  16. Nice samples, but things sound pretty mechanically sequenced. I think the arrangement is pretty nice, and there is a good progression through to the end, with a good amount of variety. The strange fades and low brass transitions made me frown , but when the sending theme came up I smiled. I love that theme, and the way you handled it was pretty great, but that transition into it was pretty weak. A decent listen, but somewhat forgettable for me.
  17. Great intro build leading to the reverse snare into the main section. There are a ton of great sounds being used, from the 'computer blips' to that bass part early on. Percussion throughout is more on the subtle side of 'hardcore' but very densely layered. Super nice. The combination of organic and electronic is about perfect here, though i think having the percussion get a bit more 'in yo face' would have helped progression a bit. Great work from 2 awesome mixers, I really enjoyed this one.
  18. Pretty solid mix for it's time; well balanced production (except for a slightly too loud solo piano bit near the halfway point. it's just a few notes though), and some cool beatwork, i'm digging the 4 over 3 a lot. The ending was a bit abrupt, but worked, and the mix doesn't overstay it's welcome. Nice sounds and a pretty creative interpretation; cool to know that even the more mundane Star tracks are well above average. I dig it.
  19. Kindof rough in some production aspects, but what is here is catchy and cool. That kick sound is so amazingly loud that it about destroys any goodwill I have towards the mix. It's way beyond annoying territory and into headache-inducing. The flute needs a bit of reverb, but otherwise it isn't too offensive. It won't fool anyone into thinking it is real, but it's not bad on it's own. The pads and guitar are nice, but the guitar itself is too buried. It could come up 4-5db and be a lot more prominent. Overall a nice mix with some great ideas completely ruined by that overbearing kick.
  20. Overly short, with some production issues, but some very cool arrangement ideas overall. The synth plus brass is a cool idea, and the transitions are well done, but the hard panning of the beats, as well as some of the levels makes this somewhat painful to listen to. The scratching effects on kefka's voice are awesome though. This is a really cool envisioning of the theme, but the execution falls a bit short.
  21. Nice interview I guess getting you to OCR is the one thing those terribly boring fighting game soundtracks were good for.
  22. I love DoD. You can count me in the group of Snapple's recruits. Making a song every month has really pushed me to streamline my setup so I can get good results fast. Also not spending so much time on a song means there is less I can do to ruin it. I've heard a lot of great musicians through DoD that I wouldn't have heard otherwise. DoD is great!
  23. For a rock mix it's lacking a lot of energy. It has a bit of a stumble to it. The drums are punchy but don't really drive the track.Things are mixed decently (though that snare is too prominent I think), but i'm just not really feeling this one. The arrangement is pretty creative and the transitions are good, and the bass playing is pretty nice. Though nothing is technically amiss, it just doesn't sound very exciting to me. Sorry.
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