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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. lol @ QQers So you can turn items off? That is awesome. Can you do it for 1player mode, or just multi?
  2. Apparently not. >_> http://www.amazon.com/Clock-Tower/dp/B00002SU8F
  3. I fully endorse this event! Happy birthday Norg!
  4. you've got a smooth birth day wrapped around my heart it's not made of cake that can be eaten away birth day as only you can have something something and it's all because of your parents happy birthday!
  5. I'm diggin the Larry-approved favorites thread Sent mine as well: 1. Soul Blazer 2. Secret of Mana 3. Aerobiz 4. Lufia 2 5. Gemfire close but not close enough E.V.O. Rock and Roll Racing Super Star Wars True Lies Smart Ball Super Ninja Boy
  6. Pretty mechanical sequencing and a few sound choices i'm not sure of. Some of the synths are really piercing, as is the attack or the bells. it's a little click that spikes right into my brain. ;_; Drums are too buried and sortof just add white noise rather than distinct beats. Arrangement is pretty generic as well.. Sorry dude, not feeling this one
  7. Aliiiiiiive... though the eeeend appears my frieeend!!! And bloooooooooood Tears IIII Cryyyyyyy.. I love blood tears, and can totally hear the connection, but I do think that it works here as well (I mean, it's so good, how can it not?). It does eventually go off into more Diablo/original territory. The panning is nice, and the synthetic streams are very interesting. Percussion throughout is unobtrusive and more for keeping time, giving the rest of the elements time to shine. The solo violin sample is a bit lifeless, but considering the mix's age, it's still very well handled. The soundscape is pretty full and the mood conveyed is really deep. It distinctly does feel like a refuge in a world gone to hell (get it? lolz). A very nice mix, BloodTearsBias or otherwise.
  8. Very understated and chill, I am not really feeling the sound effects, but the rest of this grooves really well. If I was looking for awesome background music, this would totally be on my playlist. It has the introspective yet melodic quality I really like, and it's unobtrusive so I can do other stuff while I jam. I do think it takes a little too long to develop, and once you get to the main section, it doesn't last near long enough, but for this genre, I think a 9-10 minute long track would work pretty well, so I feel this is a more truncated version of the song. If you have an extended mix, where the melody section is longer and further delved into, hook me up! Though there are a few parts I disagree with, it's a really nice track, and I'm enjoying it.
  9. I'd love to see a Kid Icarus sequel as well. I had the game as a kid and beat it several times, and the first day it was available, I picked it up on virtual console and played through it twice, once getting the decent ending, and once getting the good one. I think what made it cool back then was it was one of the first games to have both horizontal and vertical scrolling (I am pretty sure it came out the exact same time as metroid and zelda), and a pretty good, but fair, challenge. The music was also pretty awesome :3 If a sequel was made though, my personal preference would be high res 2d, drawn by Niklas Jansson. http://itchstudios.com/psg/miscgame/kid_icarus.htm I guess though i'd just like any high res, 2d game created by him.
  10. OLD! But I am about 80% done with a Lufia 2 mix.
  11. The samples are not terribly strong, but the treatment of this makes the source songs a lot more exciting and listenable. The cymbals are a little too much, and the ending was too abrupt, but everything else worked really nicely, and though it basically just fills out the arrangement, it's a marked improvement over the original.
  12. It starts out pretty meandering, but has some good military-style sections that have a bit more focus. A few sections afterwards are overly sparse, however, and really could use some rhythmic backing to keep momentum. Maybe some orchestra snare? Maybe some technoz? No, probably not technoz, but something needs to go in there to keep things moving. Some snare does come in later, but I felt that overall it was a little too empty and plodding to really keep my interest.
  13. This starts out dramatic (after the weak-ass movie sample that is), and though the violin is a bit shrill, it gets the mood across well. Then, uh, it's time to dance? You kind of lost me in the 'transition'.
  14. I gotta agree with Larry on this one, I thought the original track was kindof ass. This track just proves that the source was good, just buried under a lot of junk. It needs some normalization, and some of the samples are on the weak end, but overall it works well, and has a lot of cool bits to keep things interesting. Several of the passages are very pretty, and the ending chord progression is sublime. I think this arrangement with better samples would be completely jaw-dropping, but as is, it is still very very nice.
  15. Nice production on this one, and the multiple layers of percussion keep it from getting too plodding, despite the slow tempo. Nice choice of synths, I can really get into them, and the chromatic runs are unobtrusive, and blend pretty well into the track. Completely sweet ending as well, except the mp3 cut off at the end a few seconds early, before the sound had completely faded. I like this one, nice work.
  16. Completely fantastic soundscape at the beginning; I love the guitar/dulcimer along with the drums. The flute samples were a little weaker overall, but nothing too offensive to ruin anything. Even the jungle effects were cool, and the percussion, though at times mechanical (the rim hits in the double time section specifically), is well layered and interesting. The brass punctuation and a lot of the syncopated hits were well used, and added some nice contrast and power. I always thought most of the Kingdom Hearts music was well executed but overly vanilla, so something like this that throws on some chocolate sauce and whipped cream is definitely welcome. Nice work Blue Magic.
  17. Added some new m1x0rz to the list. Things are moving along decently IMO.
  18. Great tone and playing. Some heavy rhythm, and some great shredding leads. I especially enjoyed the brief interlude with the military snare patterns before the solo section. Some really nice runs in there. Overall a nice and tight arrangement. Compact and filled with some delicious riffage, then deep fried and served with sour cream and salsa. Mmm Ok, I think it might be time for lunch.
  19. Way too heavy on the vocal samples, and pretty ass sounds used. Arrangement is creative and varied though, with some great ideas used. Mustin is an excellent remixer, and has way better stuff, so check that out instead; Don't let this one color your perception of his skills. It's 8 years old and hasn't stood up very well.
  20. Very strong in a lot of sections, though some of the transitions could have been a little stronger. Specifically the one between the intro and the heavy part, some sustained strings or something would have helped ease it a bit. Some of the drums fills also could have been more interesting, but the drums totally fit with the 'Sad but true' feel, so it's a stylistic descision I can respect. The guitar tone was excellent, I was rocking the hell out to the rhythm guitar playing. The wah solo stuff was also very solid. Some of the timing on the bass/drums seemed to get off here and there, but not enough to ruin the track for me. Arrangement-wise it almost seemed like 2 seperate songs, so I kindof wish (ok, really wish) you'd have brought back some of the ethnic elements throughout the song to help tie them together better. Maybe an extended version where the ending isn't so abrupt. Great track, I really got into it.
  21. Mechanical but expansive. The arrangement is great, but it does sound like a PS2 track. There are some nice additional ideas, and overall it's spread out to be more atmospheric. Pretty decent.
  22. Woah, mid-90's dance-O-rock-O-tron here! I can appreciate that. Time for the Belmont training montage! Some drum fills would really help the transitions, and overall the production needs to be a lot punchier, but for the date, this is killer stuff. Synth programming is nice, and the synth guitar actually sounds pretty good. This is a great mix that has been slowed by age a little, but still brings it. Nice work.
  23. Pretty cool track, I have to agree that the thin guitar tone works (sounds great really), though I think that a fuller tone should have been used as punctuation in a few sections for specific rhythmic hits. Synths were nice, and the bass synth at the end was especially great. Loved that slide down! The track arrangement has some really nice builds and breakdowns, and though the shredding at the end alternated between pretty sweet and pretty sloppy, it was an overall good performance. Nice work homies, this is good stuff.
  24. An ancient 8bit track, you can tell his playing was as good back in the day, but the production is very rough, and the drums are super plodding. Some of the tapping and background shredding was nice, but it was buried. Ryan is a real guitar force now, so it's cool to hear that he had to go through all the work too and didn't automatically know exactly how to do it all.
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