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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. hey nub, hows that "one man remix project" working out? still need me to bail you out via collab? Maybe in return you can build me a computer like this one: i'll cut and paste teh infoz from the site. Mac Pro # Two 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Harpertown” processors # 8GB memory (800MHz DDR2 fully-buffered DIMM ECC) # ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics with 256MB memory (other stuff.) The important thing is that it's an intel mac so I can run TF2. Which I will. Right after I see how many concurrent tracks I can run in Logic.
  2. Other recent additions have all been really nice, but this one is even nicer. Very very cool stuff. I forsee myself doing a lot more collabs because of this. Great organization as well.
  3. Did I say a few more months for my computer? I meant tomorrow. I will be seeing you all very shortly http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/9844001/wo/qk1iqro3tYFT3SHgR721T8uSKZt/1.?p=0 And I agree that unless it's a clan server, dropping in on OCR peeps should be fine.
  4. I don't play too frequently because of my computer setup (non-intel mac), but I own a copy of the game and once a month I rock out LAN style with some friends and play the TF2 drinking game. If you die; drink. Anyways, i'll be playing more in a few months when I get my new Ubermac, so I can install an XP partition. I'd love to rock out with some OCR homies.
  5. Beautiful mix... I think it's completely tragic that the ending idea is just that; I'd have loved to hear additional interpretation on it, as that idea alone could be a substantial basis for another minute of exploration. Regardless, this is a great rendition, and despite a touch too much reverb, a great warm piano sound. Awesome work
  6. The synth arpeggio line that goes throughout this makes it completely catchy, and the serene piano and sfx at the beginning help set an amazingly relaxing mood. Even the sax sample is good, and I am super picky about that specific instrument! I've been grooving on this track for the good part of the last hour and I could listen all day. Excellent balance of synthetic and not-quite-as-synthetic elements. Beautiful track. I love it.
  7. This one took a lot of listening to really get into, and even then there's a few stylistic choices I don't quite agree with. Some of the distortion is a bit too apparent, or more likely the wrong frequency center. i think some of the distortions should have been a bit darker. The single kick hit? You lost me there. HOWEVER! The balance of experimental noise and structure is great, and the presentation of the melody is superb. I normally wouldn't be drawn to such a sparse melody, but I've been singing it all morning (in my operatic tenor)forcing my coworkers to appreciate it's brilliance. The use of the low strings to keep the track moving along rather than typical percussion was nice, and overall it's probably one of the strongest and most cohesive CotMM tracks i've heard. Nice work.
  8. Happy birthday, good sir! I hope it's a good one!
  9. Killer work; super varied and great use of sounds. The texture is always changing, but cohesive enough that the listener doesn't get lost. Even more props for making me like a Metroid song, especially one that I recognize and previously was 'meh' with. I love how the basses at the beginning sound so agressive, and the clean guitar playing throughout. Very deft touch, and tasteful phrasing as well. Piano used throughout was great, as were the synths, and the rock was sufficiently heavy. The reverse playing at the end was a great surprise, and overall it's pretty hard to pick nits on this one. I was rockin. Awesome work gentlemen.
  10. This seriously needs to be like the number one thing people listen to before they start mixing. If only I would have known years ago. ;_;
  11. Already gave you the congrats, but here it is again! ps. finish your album i want to hear it ;_;
  12. i remember reading about it like a month back but didnt think much of it because of the mobile phone only thing, and the fanfic-ish sounding story. could be really cool though
  13. Happy birthday to the KING OF SWEDEN!!! Hope you have a good day.
  14. In before Brad. Obviously it's a promotional video so it is going to look super super awesome, but if even it's half as good as it claims to be, it would be a super useful tool. I'll be very interested in reading reviews when it first comes out.
  15. A great sonic journey, the sounds and textures are excellent. The choir is well used, and the synths are sinuous and hypnotic. I especially love the harmonized synth that comes in near the end. All the sounds chosen are perfect; you never know what will be appearing next, and when it does, it always fits. There are so many layers that it takes several listens to even begin to get to the core. Melodically it reminds me a bit of a few Xenogears tracks in a few spots. Always a good thing. Overall very mysterious and meticulously crafted. Fantastic work.
  16. You know I loved this when you were working on it, and I still think it's great. The textures are great, and some of the syncopated ideas are perfect. The builds throughout are incredibly exciting, and the solo when it finally peaks is excellent. The perfect combination of melody and flash. This type of solo is my favorite kind, and you pulled it off beautifully. The synths all switch out as needed, so the sounds are always staying interesting, but still there is enough crossover that they feel cohesive. My one complaint is that the track ends before it completely fades. For as much attention you put into the rest of the mix, you really should have added a few seconds at the end. Regardless, a fantastic mix, and probably my favorite of yours that you've done thus far. PS. Thank you for not using that sound file at the end.
  17. I gotta agree, those drums are amazing. Incredibly crisp and well balanced. The synths are great too, and things ebb and flow very well. Melodically there isn't a ton going on, but this track has always been about the textures, and they are completely captivating. Nothing but props from me.
  18. I played my first online game against Avaris today. It started to lag a bit near the end, but otherwise it was fine. I love making custom taunts
  19. hah nice; it's a classy, timeless look, and great for summer just remember sunscreen if you go outside
  20. I admit I couldn't really get into this one. It's a good theme, but it seemed like the timing on the various instruments never got into a good groove, and there were were dropped half beats and stuff in the transitions, as well as some weird recording noises and a lot of hiss. The theme is beautiful, but the execution is a bit lacking.
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