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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Ilp0's music style is sortof like audio steampunk. All kinds of seemingly random elements thrown together to make a completely amazing finished work that sounds meticulously planned, and beautiful to behold. I especially like how each phrase is played with slides down on the guitar, making it seem like the passage is sinking back into the water, only to be buoyed up again by the next one. It's like the musical version of the game's actual swimming mechanics. The drums are varied and creative without becoming too busy, and there are lots of great panned elements that swirl around the song's core. The original B section was fantastic, and all of the arrangement ideas worked well. Complete genius. Highly recommended.
  2. Pretty lofi beginning with some annoying sounds and a lot of hiss. I realize it is supposed to be rain, but it sounds like just tape hiss. When the drums come in the cymbal is amazingly loud. I think this needs a large sound overhaul. There isn't really a single sample that sounds specifically good on this, and the mechanical sequencing and even guitar playing is pretty weak. It gets better in the final 20%, but the first 80% I don't like at all, sorry.
  3. Ok, I loved the Taucer links. I tried doing the basic frog stance last night and balance wasn't an issue as much as I thought it would be, but i'll definitely have to work my way up to a consecutive 60 seconds! Such an awesome exercise and so simple to do (as in I can do it anywhere), I think that specifically is just what I needed!
  4. Cibola sounds like some dude recorded his keyboard after pressing the demo button. Actually, it sounds a lot like my keyboard sample-wise too. ;_;
  5. I'm picking this up tonight, and am pretty excited. I've found this to be a great multiplayer series, and i'm ready to try some new tracks! I've heard the best control scheme is actually the nunchuck + wiimote? Confirm/deny?
  6. I don't specifically recall this, but since you are my little spoon, I kindof figured it was part of the job requirement. I go every month for a massage and every 6 months for a facial/waxing. It's super recommended! I love it! ONTOPIC! Jill, i'll totally post my review on cdbaby for you once it's done. I've only listened through the entire album a few times yet, but Avalon, Shadows, and Hajime are the tracks that immediately jump out and gently but firmly demand my attention.
  7. AnSo's goal is the dude in the back! http://kotaku.com/assets/resources/2007/12/ffiv_mini_trading_arts_w.jpg
  8. I got my copy over the weekend; i'll post more detailed track reviews once I let it sink in a bit more, but on first listen, it's completely stunning. I go to a spa once a month so I am exposed to a decent amount of new age music, and this is so much better than what I hear there, it's hard to even think they are the same genre. Fantastic work. Super good mastering too! >_>
  9. ok! Did a weighing this morning, i'm currently at 175, and I hope to be ideally 185 or so. I go to the gym 3 times a week right now but have currently plateaued on my weightlifting. Talking to a few of the trainers there, I've reached the limit of what my body can lift right now (neural gains? something like that), so i need to gain more muscle mass to lift more. My goal is to look like James from this season of Survivor! GOAL!
  10. This has been easily the best month this year in terms of overall quality, IMO. Super super awesome work. Check these entries out!
  11. they are overpowered. other than that, i got nothing. Sorry
  12. Love at first listen. Easily my favorite remix so far this year. <3 Maybe a bit too much reverb for my tastes, but beautiful work all around.
  13. These things happen. Maybe we could start our own thread to discuss the pros and cons on Jimi Hendrix. PRO TIP: his biggest contribution to music wasn't his guitar playing SRV>>>>>>Hendrix
  14. Very pretty but so short. I'd love to hear a solo section or a bridge section added. I'm glad this got in when it did, because there's no way it'd pass now, but it's very soothing. DS's comments about adding mandolin (and maybe accordion) are spot on, and would really take this mix to the next level. Still, as is, it's very nice.
  15. Beautiful rhodes sound, and the bass sounds good as well, but that drum loop is just so repetitive. :/ It has a really smooth groove that is pretty easy to get into, but I think I would have to be in a specific mood to really appreciate this one. It flows very well, but doesn't really take any risks.Some of the samples are kind of weak, like the flute that is thankfully only used in a few minor spots. But for every weak sample, there is a strong one, like the underlying undulating synth. Pretty nice stuff, with just a few issues with a few instruments.
  16. Great pads and percussion on this, even the simple progression and beats at the beginning is interesting. The modulating synth gives it some teture, and the piano + dulicmer sound great. When the flanged beats come in, I feel the high end is a little too sharp, and it gets distracting. This is a very nice and chill kind of groove, with a lot of underlying motion. It doesn't completely blow me away, but as long as the flanged beat isn't around, it's great background music.
  17. The sound quality of this killed it for me. The arrangement is pretty good and the drums are very exciting, but the sounds just don't mesh at all.
  18. Brass is a bit loud, but this is stellar stuff. Great samples and atmosphere, and it's a good theme, with an excellent treatment. The chugging guitars in the rhythm with the nice brass hits and the choir sound great great, and the lead guitar is good as well. The sound quality says to me sampled, but the nuances say performed, so honestly I have no idea on this. Either way, it's very effective and sounds good. The drums are the weak link, but with so much going on, it's pretty easy to let that slide. If they were any busier, the song would be overly cluttered, and right now there is a lot packed in there. I actually think a bridge or something that wouldn't have so much going on would have made this even more effective, but it is still a great mix. A super nice surprise. Recommended.
  19. I'm kinda hitting a DS lull right now, maybe because i've been doing so many mixes. :/ I picked up the new advance war game and kindof got bored; i think maybe i'm just advance wars-ed out. Right now the only game that really appeals to me that i've heard of is the FF4 remake, though I am pretty certain that i'll play the hell out of it. The World Ends With You sounds really good actually, almost all of those features appeal to me, since I play tetris via wifi, turn my DS off, and also LOVE LOVE LOVE to multitask. I think the character designs are kindof ugly, but if the game is fun, it's fine.
  20. The bass sample is glaringly out of place here at the beginning compared to the higher quality sounding stuff. As the track fills out, it's a little better but still apparent. The rest of the samples are fantastic, and well used as well. The fact that this is a megaman song completely blows my mind, as I certainly didn't expect somethning so thoughtful sounding from a series that generally attracts rock and electronic genres. Vocal samples are also very good. Very nice stuff throughout.
  21. Nice use of background crowd noise on this one, it really gives it a solid backing atmosphere and a great mental picture as well. I thought the bass used sounded a bit midi-esque, but the rest of the sounds used were fantastic. I love that bright, cutting piano sound. It's not even close to being grounded in reality, and I think that is what makes it so appealing to me. Overall the sequencing was pretty rigid, but somehow it works. I think it would have been more effective sounding more natural, but it almost has a Disneyland feel to it. You can tell everything is fake, but it's fake done so well that it makes it's own rules. An awesome party track, i'd have this as bg music at a BBQ.
  22. Upbeat and cheerful, I can totally relate to DJP's story of recording game music onto a tape. I specifically recorded NES and SNES music, but the end result was pretty much the same. My poor parents, being forced to listen to the same game music tapes over and over in the car Anyways, I generally dig the non-quantized feel to this, and the lofi drums are pretty hot, as well as the scratches. The vocal clips are middle of the road for me, and the sustained synth that comes in later on is a little too cheesy. some of the soloing has a few strange note choices, like that chromatic run, but overall this is a fun mix. Nothing to completely wet my pants over, but i've been listening to it on loop for the last half and hour, and it put me in a good mood.
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