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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. AeroZ's first OCR track, back when he was only the Prince of Sweden. The only things I dislike about this mix is some of the flange effects used on the drums (which don't happen frequently), and the off-tempo sound effects (which happen a bit too frequently). Everything else is fantastic chiptune-inspired bliss. I love the crazy and fun decending arpeggios, bringing to mind the sound effect that plays when megaman (or his robotic foe) gets to zero energy. Very fun and fast stuff, minor issues contained, but overall very strong. Check it out.
  2. Production is a bit muddy, and some of the guitaring is pretty sloppy, but there are some good arrangement ideas scattered throughout. I thought a lot of the samples were strangely used. Seriously, acid reflux plus terminator equals confusion for me. The drums seemed pretty weak, and a lot of transitions were jarring. Props for live guitar and bass though. Some good arrangement ideas, but compared to remixes nowadays, the production is really lacking.
  3. for some reason, every time i see 'The Prophet of Mephisto', i think 'Little Spoon'. and it EXCITES me.
  4. Fake but pretty awesome. I was impressed.
  5. well after discussing the exclusion of downloadable songs on the Wii with my pretend-guitarist/wife, we have decided to buy a 360 specifically for Rock Band. I still think internet play is not a selling point, but the lack of DLC is a dealbreaker for us. I am certain they are going to sell the hell out of this when it comes out, but they made the whole thing kindof expensive for us, especially since I can't think of any other 360 games i'd really want to play at the moment to help justify the purchase. Except for the re-release of bionic commando I guess
  6. Your echo-based name for a Final Fantasy remix album is too short! Needless to say, I am super excited and can't wait to hear this! I hope Snappleman doesn't hold you up!
  7. Beautiful work. VHD proves that he can do some amazing stuff with samples, and taking a good song and giving it a great, creative arrangement, and executing it very well. Some phrases are so good that when a synthetic-sounding note comes up, it's a bit jarring. Regardless, this is beautiful work, with a lot of attention paid to each detail. I'm a brass fan, and this one totally delivers. Recommended.
  8. Barring the wrong bass note that hits twice (probably what the other reviewer mentioned at the :35 mark), this is a super-quality mix. The flute is a nice lead, and the rhythm section keeps things solid and moving along. The piano is especially good, and even though the abrupt fade and lack of expansion holds the mix back, it's still stylistically a very good conversion. I think a solo section (or a percussion solo even!) would have really improved things.
  9. Not feelin this one, production was rough, and the beat wasn't driving at all. Sorry.
  10. I pulled up the DoD results one and they sound completely different, specifically in the midrange. Am I on crack?
  11. Very nice textures and ideas, though I almost wish it had a few more hooks in there to really grab my attention. I almost felt like it need some sections that were less rhythmically intense, and there were some nice melodic passages interspersed from the constantly subdivided one, specifically the short phrase where the synth and bass feature prominently. I realize the need for such cut patterns with a mixed meter and a lack constant percussion to keep the flow (though when it is in there, the bongos are killer, and a mix highlight for me), but some interspersed legato licks would be nice. Production is a bit mechanical, but overall not too distracting. Panning really helps this stay organized, it's be so hard to follow otherwise. I dig this one quite a bit, but it would work best as a movement, surrounded by something a little smoother.
  12. A little too edgy for my tastes. The constant scratching gets a little distracting, and the vocal cut up section doesn't fit stylistically. I think if the track was a harder-hitting, song, the vocals would have fit well as a breakdown section, but as-is, it seems like a completely different section from a different song pasted in. I love the rest of the track; the bass and strings are great, but as a whole, this one didn't really work for me.
  13. THE KING!!! of Sweden!! This is a pretty sweet mix that combines a nice chiptune sound with some powerful percussion. A great benefit of chiptunes is that it's very easy to get a nice separated sound between the elements, so you can really pack in the counterpoint without things sounding too busy, and Sebastian has a ton going on at once. Thankfully, the track keeps it's focus throughout, and there are always new sounds and textures coming around. The ending is a bit abrupt, but it works in the context, and while this isn't my favorite AeroZ track, it is very strong and well worth the download. Check it out!
  14. Distinctly blue; this is aptly titled. Even better that it fits the game name as well. I love the noodling with the clav and rhodes, and the atmosphere set with the piano and string bed. This really does have a different feel than the usual funky DJP fare, and it feels a lot more personal. My plan was to review a group of tracks this morning, but this one really caught me, and i've been just grooving with it for a few hours. I think it's the combination of the instrumentation, the slightly-behind-the-beat playing, and the sparse comping that speaks to me. Beautiful music.
  15. As soon as this came on at the DoD listening party, it was pretty clear to everyone who's entry this was. I remember it being good back then, but this re-recorded version is like a super nova compared to the night light the first one was. The whole piece is infused with new energy, and it has a strong forward momentum. Even the beginning, where it is supposed to meander a bit has good focus. Nice interpretation throughout, and great shifting moods. I wasn't totally sold on this at DoD time, as it was lacking that 'je ne sais qua', but this is a huge improvement. I certainly hear it now. You should be super proud of this. Excellent work.
  16. Anything lighter than 3.0 thickness and you are just wasting your time. Why even bother to play the guitar if you arent going to do it right?
  17. Hidden gem alert!! When there are so few reviews, but all of them are completely falling over themselves, you know what that means! Fantastic brass sound even 5 years later, that is knowing how to use your tools well. Some of the sequencing seem a bit mechanical, but the strings and brass are beautiful, and the theme is well represented with a lot of excellent counterpoint ideas. Fantastic work here, you make it sound so effortless.
  18. Absolutely killer mix. The amount of turnarounds and little mini-riffs in here is amazing. Nice original section material as well, keeps this very unique to itself, and gives a bit of a rocking breather before getting back to business. I think some of the synths are a little too verbed, as there is the wall in front, then some distance, then synths. I think moving a few synths slightly forward would have made it all fit together even better. Ending is a bit too abrupt, but overall this is a super ass-kicking track. I love it. I hope your arm heals soon. We need more of your guitar.
  19. Completely melancholy, this has a distinct feeling of isolation with it's barren soundscape. It's beautiful, and the minimalist presentation lends each element that much more weight. There is a distinct anticipation for each note in the phrase, and the delivery makes repeated listens a lot better. This is very easy to loop for hours without it getting grating in the least. The instruments chosen are perfect, and the wolf howling adds a bit of a throwback to the game. I remember fighting wolves for hours to level up my weapon skill. Overall this is a fantastic mix, and really brings out the strengths of the original track, while adding a personalized spin to it. My one complaint is that the synth at the end only appears there. Either it should appear where it does currently and then have piano or a lead instrument we have already heard come in to close out the track, or have the synth appear earlier on, so it feels more like it belongs. Right now it shifts to synth only and then trails off. Not the best ending to the track, though it can work if you loop the song repeatedly I suppose. Overall very good work, a bit of a hidden gem here.
  20. This is my favorite mix off of the Radical Dreamers project. I love the constantly-shifting textures and the slow burn that it has going. The synth programming is great, and anything with both rhodes *and* musicbox is a winner. It seems that when I wasn't looking, the bass groove got improved too. Nice work homies. I love it.
  21. I remember that this was one of the first mixes I heard when I first came to the site that really stuck out to me. I think the guitars had a bit too much distortion on them, but otherwise it's a pretty solid performance. Drums and bass are muddy, but as Rize mentioned, that gives it more of a live feel to it overall. Though there are some flaws in this one (playing could be tighter, production, more interesting fills), it's still really nice, and it holds up well to time. There is a lot of character to the mix, and it has a lot going on. Despite what I think could be better, the mix is very strong and is a classic OCR track.
  22. Boo, I wanted to check Gecko's UI, but the links do not work for me. The patch came with pretty much no issues for me, and the new stuff is awesome; lots of healer-friendly dailies, and the new 5man is fun with some good quest rewards. Very cool final boss fight too. I was with a pretty terrible pick up group but managed to see it all. Good stuff for me since I'm bored with raiding and just assist in the pwnage of nubs in PVP.
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