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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Very old skool OCR vibe on this one. Decent textures throughout, though it just seems to go on and on.. Production is clean enough, and things sound good, though the samples seem pretty lifeless to me. I think part of it seems like it's just a series of cut and pastes. There aren't really any interesting drum fills, or variations between repetitions. It was Aite, but somewhat dated.
  2. Info We like/love the game's music. Therefore it is project time! The plan is to get a good, cohesive album. We don't feel the need to do every track in the game just because it is there. If that's how it ends up, cool, but the focus is on quality rather than quantity. Green is Complete! 47 WINNARZ! 01 - The Prelude - BogusRed 02 - Red Wings - Nutritious 03 - Kingdom of Baron - Audio Fidelity 04 - Theme of Love - Pot Hocket 05 - Prologue... - Another Soundscape 06 - Welcome to Our Town! - Mazedude 07 - Main Theme to Final Fantasy IV - John Revoredo 08 - Fight 1 - Tweek 09 - Fanfare - DragonAvenger 10 - Hello! Big Chocobo! - DragonAvenger 11 - Chocobo-Chocobo - The Scuba Divers 12 - Into the Darkness - Nutritious 13 - Fight 2 - Audix 14 - Ring of Bomb - Audio Fidelity, CotMM 15 - Rydia - Cyril the Wolf 16 - Castle Damcyan - Level99, Audio Fidelity 17 - Cry in Sorrow - Rozovian 18 - Melody of Lute - Abadoss, James George 19 - Mt. Ordeals - Longbane 20 - Fabul - OA, Nutritious, and the Fabul Men's Choir 21 - Run! - Cyril the Wolf 22 - Suspicion - AeroZ 23 - Golbez Clad in the Dark - bLiNd 24 - Hey, Cid! - Wiesty, Audio fidelity, and OA 25 - Mystic Mysidia - AeroZ 26 - Long Way to Go - Prophet 27 - Palom & Porom - Cyril the Wolf and OA 28 - The Dreadful Fight - Kidd Cabbage 29 - The Airship - Nathan Rich 30 - Troian Beauty -ilp0 31 - Tower of Babil - Nutritious, OA, Nonsensicalexis, Moonlapse, Audio fidelity 32 - Somewhere in the World... - Hy Bound, Loka LaFevre 33 - Land of Dwarves - Longebane 34 - Giotto, the Great King - ilp0 35 - Dancing Calcobrena - Level99 36 - Tower of Zot - Children of the Monkey Machine 37 - Illusionary World - bLiNd 38 - The Big Whale - Vampire Hunter Dan 39 - Another Moon - Dragonavenger, OA 40 - The Lunarians - James George 41 - Within the Giant - bLiNd 42 - The Final Battle - Audio fidelity, Nutritious, OA, Lisabela, and Cyril the Wolf 43 - Epilogue #1 43 - Epilogue #2 - Fishy (nice work mate) 43 - Epilogue #3 44 - Cecil Becomes a Paladin -Avaris 45 - FF4 Overture -AeroZ 46 - Dancing Calcobrena 2 - John Revoredo 47 - Rydia 2 - Abadoss, Audio Fidelity, Bustatunez, theultravisitor
  3. Guitar tone was pretty bleh, and 1 minute is way short. It has decent sloppy energy, but Jaxx has way better tracks.
  4. That snare has way too much high end for the volume that it's presented at, and for the general mood of the song. Everything is saying laid back, but that snare makes me flinch every time. The sound itself is fine, it just should have come way down. The arrangement plays it pretty safe, but there is some unique piano comping and some cool pad ideas that are introduced, further enhancing the theme. The very subtly flanged hihats are a cool detail that doesn't initially come across, but adds some depth to the track. The Lufia series had some great music, so it's nice to see a bit of attention to a good theme.
  5. Ok, missing downloadable songs sucks A LOT, but I for one at not interested in the least with playing with other people online. Half the fun of the game is making up awesome rock poses with your friends, and online doesn't convey that at all. Are you guys honestly that pissed about not being able to play online? I'll just be playing with people in the same room, and if that means I have to get an "expansion pack" or whatever they plan to do for additional songs, then so be it I guess. Not ideal, but it's ok.
  6. Nice mix here, but it seems like the drums are almost *too* punchy for the rest of it. Typical McVaffe niceness here, a bit on the conservative side for my tastes, but for the time period it came from, this is great stuff.
  7. There are some great ideas here, but the transitions are abysmal, making the song structure seem like a Frankenstein monster wrecking havoc. There is some nice stuff in here, creative percussion, nice synthwork, and some cool arrangement ideas, but it doesn't flow or sound cohesive to itself at all. Sorry, gonna pass on this one.
  8. Intro is pretty nice, and lulls a bit, so when the song kicks in, it sounds extra energetic. The layered guitars are great, and overall its a good mix, but I am not digging that explosion near the end. Ouch! Some of the guitar tones themselves are kindof thin, but when there are like a hojillion guitars rocking at once, that's the only way to do it. Sounds like the bass is live too, which is a gift to us all. Good mix, nice phrasing.
  9. Great concept for a mix, the source really lends itself to the genre. Right out of the gate, the percussion was tight, and the backing arrangement was nice; I think the low strings could have had a slightly sharper attack, but they worked well enough; the synths and flute were great. Later on, the guitar solo was tasteful and well played. Chorus was great, and was the strongest part, great conversion of the melody, and well performed singing. For the verses, the flow varied from being really good to above-average, with some verses being really strong. Nice work, pretty inspiring stuff.
  10. eh, don't take it personally, dude. I think the default form will help out for those times that you can't figure out. It gives you specific things to listen to when helping to critique.
  11. Not quite, It was $3,200. The first rule of dealing with Apple is to never buy ram from them. I got the additional ram from newegg.
  12. This is a great example of great sound selection really improving an already good track. Very interesting how this one works. Melodically, it is incredibly sparse, but it seems to be full enough to never feel thin. The beats are great, and and pads + strings and brass are a great combination. Overall this is a great way to handle a more atmospheric track. Nice splashes of melody throughout, and a great build. Great work.
  13. It's completely awe-inspiring the power this track has. The source tune is great, but this is just so much more so. Changing the 3/4 to triplets works wonderfully, and the production throughout is relentlessly strong. The bass is beyond massive, and the highend is super crisp. Asspat +1, guys, bLiNd and Leifo are the bomb.
  14. Never really got into this one. SoaD would have done it better.
  15. Very subtle rendition of the theme, and pretty well executed, though I think I'd have preferred some additional counterpoint lines in some of the sections. I like how there are several distinct sections, though I think the transitions were a bit weak between them. some of them seemed to be a bit too abrupt, specifically the transition the the fast segment. I think a bit more buildup would have done it good. Overall a pretty liberal mix, but it works well, and I think it is within the bounds of the site, as the connections are apparent throughout. Nice work guys.
  16. This has a great early-OCR sound as far as creativity, but the production is way better than the songs of the area. The pad idea in the beginning was excellent, what a creative and cool surprise. The song is in it for the long haul, focusing on an extended drive, rather than going all out right away. It's very effective, and even the sound effects come across as adding to the song, rather than being annoying. The transition sweeps are great, and the synth used in the for the halfway point solo is beautiful. Great work all around. This is a classic mix.
  17. I do the same, and go to different experts depending on what aspect of my mix I think needs work. Guitar, drums, production, synths; I go to people who I respect in all these areas for and it usually works out decent. For the most part, I find the WIP forums to be overly full of useless critiques, much like what Dr. Coop described about his art class (my design classes were like that too. It was infuriating). Crits like "I don't know how I could go about critiquing this, asides from...FINISH THIS SONG!!!! Cuz it rocks :D" don't help anyone, and are basically just an asspat and +1 post. In conclusion, I think Snappleman should be crowned emperor of the WIP section and should rule over his domain with an iron fist. If people can take one of his critiques and not be a little bitch about it, then they have a chance of improving. PS. I think the form idea is excellent, and something like that would encourage me to be more active in this place.
  18. Funky and smooth, I love the rhodes bed and the soloing. The hand percussion also added a lot of great textures, and the vibes are like the shimmering frosting on top. The leads switch out great, with an organ coming halfway through to keep things even more mixed. Jazzy and fun, check this out out, guys.
  19. I thought i'd listen to this one since I just heard a pretty 'meh' icecap remix and thought it'd be interesting to compare the two. I gotta say that this one completely slays the other one in just about every area. Production, synths, percussion, etc. It's all here. The get-up section tied in well, and made a clean breakdown to the original with some improv synthage. Texturally, it's great, and the percussion is slammin. I wish there was a stronger and more memorable ending, but i'll take it as is no problem. Good stuff.
  20. Decent soundscape, but very repetitive. after the first minute and a half you've heard the whole song. I do like ice cap though.
  21. Truth. They are also good with bows for reasons I can't begin to understand.
  22. Starts out a bit loud, but it sure as hell got my attention. The treatment is absolutely perfect for the source. Playful and upbeat, the constant adjustment of the accompaniment makes this unpredictably fun. A lot of the sound effects are silly, and the production is good. A very creative and fun mix. Guaranteed to put you in a good mood.
  23. Rum and coffee, DJP? Interesting, i'll have to try it sometime. I think that the no quantization idea worked very good, and the feeling on everything is very natural. Arrangementwise it's still pretty close to the source, but I think enough personalization went into the swinging and small ornaments to keep it on the site, at least for the time. I'm actually not a huge fan of the source. It's got nostalgia points for me, of course, but that's about it. However, the rhodes makes the melody pop a lot more to me, and I think the instruments chosen for the mix in general are perfect. A little coverish, but if you like mario music, you'll love it.
  24. Legend of what? I can't say i've heard of the game before, but it gives me a clean slate to hear the mix on it's own. Structurally and melodically it's great, though there are some production issues that really date this. Big ups for midisoft though; I used midisoft 3.0 (as in the windows 3.1 version) for about 10 years before getting garageband and then logic. I think this is a good look back for both mixers, as they are both pretty accomplished nowadays, and a remix of an obscure is always something worth listening to.
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