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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. If I were you, I would be the angriest man on the planet. Maybe even angrier than the angry video game nerd. If that was even possible. My heart goes out to you, my Popeye's-less brother.
  2. Not something you'd expect to come from Mazedude, but it has that distinctly high quality associated with his work. Samples are uniformly well-used, and the song progresses well. While it feels pretty ren-fest to me, that's mostly musical conditioning because of Poledouris's strong style of scoring those early fantasy movies. I'd have preferred some dynamics in the piece, but overall it was excellently done. Another victory for Mazedude.
  3. Well it appears I have no soul. Annoying sound effects and decent if uninspired straight-ahead beat. Thankfully it's pretty short. There are some decent components of this, like the counterpoint is nice, and the loop used for the beat is pretty punchy. Nice uses of panning too, but things are very repetitive, and there is only an 'A' section to speak of. The melody drops out for a moment, but nothing happens in that time to change things up. The ending was pretty weak too. Though I can't recommend this song, keeping it around for posterity is pretty cool. It makes me appreciate the growth that has occurred.
  4. A bit messy, yeah, but super energetic. You really can't help but bop along. The extreme panning on the tapping section early on makes you kinda sick with headphones though. bleaaaahhhhh (that was me throwing up from sonic vertigo) Transitions are pretty weak, and i think it if pretty medley-heavy, but it's still pretty enjoyable to listen to. There's good variety on the different sections to keep it feeling fresh, even if it is actually several different songs stitched together. So in my opinion, there are several rough spots but overall it's a fun track, especially on speakers.
  5. I am having Popeye's withdrawls. ;_; I had kfc last weekend and it sucked so bad. There is a single Popeye's in my state, and it's a pretty far ways off, but I might have to go there sometime.
  6. Very nicely done, I remember this being one of the first tracks done for the project, and it is definitely one of the stronger tracks on the whole album; great mix of different styles, and a very strong progression throughout. Orchestral elements were nice, and the percussion is easily my favorite part. The end is where this really comes together, very nice use of all the elements. Killer work, one of my favorites from tweek. Recommended.
  7. Samples are showing their age, but they still blend together decently well. The percussion is unflinchingly brutal though, I think perhaps the snare player was having a bad day. I really like the main Starfox theme and this is still enjoyable, even if the samples don't stand up nowadays, the arrangement is still pretty good; nice transitions between the sections, and the additional counterpoint on the piano would sound good if there was more spatial separation . Old school, but still worth a listen.
  8. Fun and crazy but the samples haven't aged well. There is also a pretty strong recording hiss from the piano. There is plenty going on throughout, and some nice interpretation, and good part writing. I wish it was a little longer, but there's only so much you can do with the source without writing your own song.
  9. Wonderfully varied textures throughout, with a very excellent sense of space and a distinctly human touch. Trumpet playing as great, and the bass is nice. I like how how this could go to any number of new directions at any moment, and frequently does. The section with the solo trumpet and grungy synth was my favorite; I totally agree with the write-up that each instrument has a lot of character. Cool mix, check it out guys.
  10. Great atmospheric track, the delayed bass harmonic sample at the beginning was awesome, and the track progressed very well while retaining a deep atmospheric mood. Synth choices were all fantastic and meshed together well, and every few listens, you discover another layer of sound. My one complaint is that is starts fading at the end and then gets abruptly cut out. Considering how much care was put into the rest of the song it seems like an oversight. I'm wondering if this track hasn't received the attention it deserves review-wise because its downtempo? A more obscure game? It was posted nearby a lot of other, higher profile mixes? I'm not really sure, but if you are reading this, be sure to check this track out.
  11. Early on it was a little too heavy on the right side for spatial balance, but as it progressed, it evened out a bit. Drums and bass were forgettable, but the rhythm playing is spot on. I keep throwing quarters at it, and they are bouncing back. Now that is what I call tight playing. Lead tone i'd have preferred to have a bit more sustain, but it all works together, and the source is excellent. Very well done.
  12. I hope it has the Rama report every 3 or 4 months, just like VGDJ. jk dude, I'll be checking this out for sure.
  13. One of the most creative Aeris renditions i've heard (and man, have I heard a lot). Fantastic usage of samples, you have a great gasp on phrasing and the ability to make everything sound natural. Even the brass sounds good. I will be honest and say that i'd like this a lot more if it wasn't the Aeris theme, as I like the melody, but have just been bludgeoned with it for so long, but the parts that were more interpretive, such as the piano solo near the end, and the smaller motifs throughout were beautiful. You've made it sound fresh enough to be listen able repeatedly. I love your work and am incredibly impressed that you could make me like this song again; thanks.
  14. I'd had this playlisted for several years and it's super energetic but with a nice and steady beat. It's always been a solid contender for my gym workout mix. What? You think these biceps get so massive on their own? /flex Anyways, The lead was a bit on the squiggily side (for lack of a better layman's term), but I can speculate that Beatdrop was trying to emulate the feeling of the purple laser in the game that does in fact become "all squiggily". Otherwise it's straight-up Beatdrop style dance and it's well balanced soundwise. Check it out if you are going to pump some iron.
  15. I wasn't too impressed when I heard the exposed clav for the first few seconds, but as the track built, I was feeling it a bit more. The beat is solid and the bass is excellent, but I don't think the lead is as good as it could have been. It really sounds like the soundfield is missing something, most likely some rhymes, but as a backing track, it's pretty solid. Just needs a hook. Well crafted, but seemingly incomplete.
  16. I love when obscure game tracks are done with a high level of quality; it's generally the best way to get people to take notice, and this mix is clearly in that group; Cool synths and a killer groove, with nice punchy drums, it gives you a little breather before building back into a ass-shaker. Excellently deep bass on this one, it's a very well chosen sound, that's pushed to the forefront for maximum effect. Some cool bit crushing closes out the track, very creative idea for taking the percussion out of the equation. A lot more groove-oriented than I am used to, this track works pretty well; the synths are well balanced, and though the melody is in the passenger seat for the whole ride, it is still a pretty exciting journey.
  17. \m/. The rhythm parts on this are completely incredible. Meshuggah-esque, without the time-signature wankery. The fact that your rhythm tone is pristine and crunchy as hell, as well as played super tight really sells this track. I'll say it again: Phenomenal rhythm playing. The lead tones vary from decent to really good, and the synth touches are excellent (especially good is the counterpoint a little after halfway on top of the super-syncopated riff. Completely metal). I think the drums are too dry in a few areas, especially near the beginning when they are more exposed, but when the track gets busier, it fits perfectly. Superb arrangement, great playing, and tight production. This one is a clear winner.
  18. Definitely not what I expected when I saw it was by AmIEvil, but a very welcome mix on my headphones. The sound field was very sparse, but it works very well, and puts more attention on the performance. I thought the synths changed the mood pretty drastically, but I can dig it. Due to my general hyperactivity, this isn't a mix i'd listen to often, unless it was bedtime, but it's very quality. If you are the relaxed type, this will be one of your favorites.
  19. I gotta say that even though all the stops are being pulled on making this sound fresh throughout, with melody drop outs, counterpoint, and some beats, but it repeats way too much for me. The synths were pretty nice and the added game effects were cool, but it was too much of the same for me.
  20. Super super clean sounds, and some nice breaks; this is a great track for happily doing your thing to, whatever said thing might be. The synth right before the DnB kicks in is excellent, I love that sound. Light and fresh, this is a fun remix. I'd prefer a stronger hook in there somewhere, but as is, I think it gets it's point across.
  21. Wow, totally missed this gem the first time around; Awesome-A indeed! There are so many great details, and each element has it's chance to shine. I am completely in love with the gated synth + horn combo that comes in as the second theme begins. Amazingly beautiful. I do have to say that I wish a few of the synths were a bit crisper, and that the percussion cut a bit more, but they are minor complaints when the rest of the song is so strong. Beautiful arrangement, very strong production, and some great source material. I strongly recommend this one, give it a shot, guys.
  22. Beautiful chill track; I disagree with those who say it lacks direction, you just need to listen that much closer, as the development is exceptionally subtle (as it should be on a track such as this). I love the delicate feeling each element has, and the care that was put into the panning percussive elements. This one has been kind of overlooked, check it out; It's classy.
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