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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pft, what has he done? I bet he can't even name 2 of the Cheetahmen, let alone all three!
  2. Super <3<3 on this one, I never got way into the games themselves, but the music was perfectly relaxing but keeping a strong melodic presence, and this tends to improve on it in just about every way. Beautiful instrumentation and accompaniment, it captures the delicate 90's pop style just as well as Dale North can, and has a few surprises to boot. The solo near the end was great but it seems like a note got garbled? I'm not quite sure, but one note seemed strange; we'll see if subsequent listens make it fit better in my mind. One minor nitpick is i'd preferred if it has just a few more seconds of air at the end, but as is it's a captivating arrangement. Recommended!
  3. Just a heads up that I am still working on my track as time/inspiration permits; I have lots of other things going on too, but I have not forgotten Larry's Sacred Crusade!
  4. Nice deep soundscape to begin with; choir sample sounds a little dated though. Once you get past that to the melody it's pretty nice. Very smooth lead and gated synths. Most of the arrangement is based on the new genre of music, and there isn't a ton of expansive material, but it has a great feel and a well-executed feel to it. Not world-shattering, but otherwise every enjoyable.
  5. Before I had even loaded up the song I was cringing, due to the reputation the oldest songs on the site have, but as soon as it started i was very pleasantly surprised. Shows what I know. Cool start up intro with some blippy glitchy percussion, and well-processed and panned synths filled out the soundfield pretty well and though it won't be winning any creativity awards anytime soon, I do have to admit I was jammin a bit to this one. Great synths, pretty rockin beat, this is a really nice one.
  6. Very interesting, this is a track that takes several listens to get a decent feel for, and then several more to get a working familiarity with. There are so many hidden motifs in this, like the aforementioned Peter Gunn theme, as well as a few others I can't as readily name, but mostly recognize from ages-ago music theory classes or commercials. This mix plays out as an aggressive stroll down some demonic main street with all sorts of things happening at once as you pass. It juxtaposes at a breakneck speed, sometimes sounding completely natural, and shifting to something jarringly mechanical (like that insane piano run). Qualities like this actually add to the nightmarish feel, as if for a moment things seem normal on the surface, and then the facade is ripped away suddenly, revealing something else entirely beneath. Not something i'd listen to casually, but undeniably compelling. It will take a few listens, but you'd do well to get familiar with this one. Very much a quality mix.
  7. I remember really enjoying the music of the original, and the game itself was nice, despite the frequent battles and sloooow battle speed. I remember getting bored with waiting for so long, so I'd do pushups during the battle animations after inputting the commands. By the end of the game I was a pretty tough looking guy. The track starts off really interestingly with makeshift percussion in the form of metal hits and the like, and builds a bit. There are some really cool elements like the super-speedy acoustic guitar synth (big bonus) and some stuff that is complete ass, like the out-of-tune midi saxophone (seriously, why? ;_. Also grating to the point of physical pain is a high pitched *something* that sounds like a bomb falling. It cuts straight into my brain and is excruciating. The rest of the mix is good, but I can't listen to something that causes my head to hurt. These flaws are all the more frustrating, because the arrangement is really nice and there is a great texture to the percussion and a few of the background synths. I think it's a bit empty in a few spots, but it's still decent, but the pain and the lame sax sample ruin it for me.
  8. I'm a big fan of this one, great groove and some cool ideas like the panning guitar throughout. The drum loop gets a little grating eventually, but melodically the mix is great, with some excellent piano comping and a solid bassline. Some subtle synth flourishes in the background add a bit of subliminal interest, and all the sounds are well chosen, giving a great mood to the song. Since the track is so old by OCR standards, it's pretty easy to forgive the single loop usage, when considering the quality of the rest of the track, but it does become a big issue on repeated playthroughs. Overall the song is worth a listen or two.
  9. Agreed on the first few notes making me think of ad600. Some sections sound performed, and others sequenced, but overall its pretty nice, I need to figure out how to use that there sustain pedal for my own stuff. Nice arrangement that is a decent change from the original.
  10. Killer production, great playing and creativity, but something has always bugged me about this track, so i'm not as enthused about it as i should be. The reason is that for the first half of the song, the transitions seem really forced, and the second repetition seems like a cut and paste of the first. I love the concept and each section is executed near-flawlessly, but the shift is so jarring even when expected. It's like you were listening to the radio and just changed stations. There is some synth work that comes up in the ethnic section on the repeat that ties the sections together when shifting back to the heavy part, but when going to the ethnic there is no real connection save for the root note. The second half of the track is the best part, as it is both impeccibly put together, and coherently transitioned. The good in this far far far outweighs the almost trivial transition issues. The guitar tone is excellent while still fitting in with a super-packed soundfield of synths and percussion. Getting something like this, with all the competing frequencies sounding good is advanced stuff. Kids, don't try this at home! Overall great stuff with just 1 flaw that happens to be my personal bane. Killer work, guys. \m/
  11. It's pretty cool to see some of the more "recognizable" OCR artists' debut tracks, and Sephfire's first is no exception. It has an overall more atmospheric feel to it than what i'd normally expect from him, but is laid out pretty well. It does tend to establish a mood and then stay there, rather than continue to evolve, but it works very well as background music. The piano and pads form a solid backing texture and sharp distorted synths poke out to emphasize chord changes. The beat itself is generally subdued, but still contains energy. Not nearly as exciting or expansive as his more recent stuff, but still well worth a listen.
  12. I think they are just waiting for the right time to strike. And i'm not an evil MN resident, i'm one of the good ones. The evil ones keep me locked up under the stairs though. ;_;
  13. TO has pretty much single-handedly turned my opinion of Doom music around from being a hater to a fan, so I am pretty excited to hear what you have all cooked up for this.
  14. It takes a ton of work to keep this over-mixed relic fresh, and I have to say that this is a pretty creative remix. I'll focus on what great about the new, since the source is so familiar. Strong counterpoint changes that tie into a new section all work really well together with a energetic bassline and an entire kitchen sink full of percussion. Of course the Hoo hoos get most of the attention, but where is even a samba whistle and a multitude of toms. I can understand many people being sick to death of the theme, but give this one a listen, it's about as good as the chocobo theme is going to sound.
  15. This reminds me of the song at the end of Revenge of the Nerds... ONLY IN SPACE! Catchy 80's goodness with creative synths and lots of drum fills, it is super retro, and works really well with the source. The backing synths switch up [retty frequently, keeping it fresh, and the percussion is punchy and varied. No auto-pilot on this one. In some ways though, the sounds are too married to a specific era, as I can easily imagine this as a soundtrack to a high school movie set in the era, but not really anything else. Still a nice track though.
  16. This pretty sweet; I like WoW, I like OCR. Please use my mix as background music when you talk about the triumphant return of holy paladins as viable healers in 2v2 arenas.
  17. Woah, this source is awesome! Funky as hell and amazingly catchy. The arrangement is completely stellar as well, with all kinds of counter point and precision panning and effects usage. The lofi feel to a lot of the samples makes it even funkier, and the variety in accompaniment is inspiring. It seems like this gem was completely buried due to the source selection, but please PLEASE check this one out. I give it 5 "slammin'"s out of 5.
  18. Fantastic atmosphere that TO is clearly a master at, with some great backing strings and hugely reverberated percussion. This song feels incomprehensibly deep, yet at the same time, the tension is so high to make it feel claustrophobic. The in-game monster sounds hidden about and the vocals punctuate this . An excellent juxtaposition that works very well. To make it even better, Bladiator adds some sorrowful and understatedly beautiful piano work. As the beat gains intensity, I was expecting it to have a more prominent climax, but it seemed not as strong as it could have been. The piano outro was nice, but seemed somewhat tacked on. A minor complaint, as the song itself is excellent. Highly Recommended.
  19. As far as sample usage go, this is nearly flawless. Completely stunning. The arrangement is gorgeous and expansive, with several points of interest occurring at once throughout. Obviously there are some homages to Elfman, but dare I say that this transcends the aforementioned's work? Yeah, I dare. I could go on and on about how great this mix is, but I have no desire for Professor Andrews to file a restraining order on me, so instead, I made him a little gold medal. Awesome work.
  20. Excellent percussion married to pretty bad choir synth, which dates this severely. It's actually kind of strange how if you replaced that one sample it would have a totally improved feel, as the rest of the soundscape is completely different. Every other sound used in this feels cohesive, so an updated version would be really nice. Otherwise it's solid, except for the abrupt cut at the end.
  21. Remember at TGIF when we ordered the same entree? That was awesome!!!! happy birthday
  22. Short! But decent, despite it's length. The grooves are strong with this one, and though things sound somewhat lofi due to the effects used, it's still an enjoyable track. The bass is pushed super far back though and it makes things a bit on the weak side. Basically I think this would be a lot stronger if it was cleaned up, the bass was increased, and maybe some additional sections were added. The source is a good track, but as is, the mix is good but not great.
  23. I guess I might as well get my "I hated Doom music in-game but TO makes it sound awesome" comment out of the way immediately, or maybe just add it out of tradition. I even have my final doom disk still, so maybe I could find this track and compare, but that sure is a lot of work. I love the piano in this and the long reverb on it. I thought the snare was a little overpowering when it came in, but the rest of the percussion works well. The piece definitely has a sinister undertone to it, and the textured glock and piano weave together very well. I really get the feeling of going through corridors and darkened hallways with slivers of light shining through while listening to this; It's very creative throughout and keeps the atmosphere throughout while managing to keep evolving. My one complaint is the ending wasn't terribly smooth. I think even a fade out would have worked better, but it's a minor complaint up against an excellent track. Recommended.
  24. The brass sample itself at the beginning was fine, it's just that the wrong sample was used for the phrasing. The attack was far too slow for the passage, but when it was a single held note, it worked beautifully. The choir and percussion was fantastic, and the build was excellent, though I would have preferred A strong resolution just for personal taste. As is, it works very well and is Super Effective(!) even for those of us who haven't played the game, and is great mood-setting music. Very nice work.
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