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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I endorse this as well, i've been pretty busy the last few months, but a reminder like this is always good. As for incentive, while reviewing a lot of the tracks, I found a ton of *FANTASTIC* ones that I had somehow missed. It's an awesome treasure hunt for amazing music, and that in itself is an awesome reward. Also, I hear remix reviewers get all the chicks. http://www.babble.com/CS/photos/apr2007/images/13730/365x369.aspx
  2. well Dec 1 has come and gone; is RK's stuff in or do we have to cut it? Also your bonus singing thing?
  3. While you are working on it, please add a bit more to the transitions, I think they need a little bit stronger partwriting to tie the sections together. Good luck on your resub
  4. oh yeah, almost forgot, the other reason for earplugs is that they play(ed) really boring songs. edit: here's a band from like norway or someplace like that; they sound kinda like nightwish but no opera-y singing:
  5. Go for sure but bring earplugs. Because, uh, concerts can be loud, you know.. >_>
  6. Everything Bahamut listed plus Lullacry, who is is basically Sentenced with a female singer.
  7. Actually, my initial calculations were off, and it will require that note for 12364716238974620987365 beats. Just FYI.
  8. Requiem is done! that leaves 2 TWO II songs left! Thouh we all know facing will never be finished.
  9. yeah, i'm good to go, I was just joking. This should be a pretty fun project.
  10. Picked it up last night and got pwnt pretty hard; I finished it on easy level and started working my way through normal now, and a few challenges here and there. I love the art style on a lot of the more "open" stages, such as the jungle and city, as well as the underwater stuff, and the music is pretty good, with the exception of the waterfall area music, which is frickin amazing. I'm going to remix the hell out of that one.
  11. That soundtrack would have been awesome, and the controller would be cool too. What would have made me jealous beyond all reason would be if the snes controller had been wireless. I am talking about learning Japanese, flying over there, and buying enough Nintendo-related shit to get my club points or whatever just to get said wireless snes controller. Luckily, it isn't wireless.
  12. Proph's ego will overshadow them all... ...and in the darkness bind them!!
  13. This is easily my favorite mix from Sixto. We all know the dude can shred circles around just about anyone, but it seemed like his earlier remixes were more on the coverish side. This takes all of his strengths and adds a great, unique arrangement to the table, and some amazing production. Badass work, I love it.
  14. Didn't really dig the first few minutes as far as the strings and synths went; it was just a little too floating with no real melodic direction, but once it picked up, it was great.
  15. Pretty sweet stuff, and the price is awesome! I'd recommend this to any beginning mixers who have issues with drums (myself included). A super cheap way to improve your mixes tenfold.
  16. Arrangement takes a few days, production has traditionally taken forever. However, now that I am learning Logic, production is much easier. Overall a mix takes about a month or two for me right now, but it's speeding up a lot.
  17. Looks like requiem is done; if Avaris needs to alter that volume, do it before dec 1, but it sounds really good, especially compared to the previous versions.
  18. I am a bad enough dude. My WIP has been in progress for a month or so, just working on arrangement. I just want to have something awesome, so I havn't shown the WIP yet.
  19. Beam sword + Fire flower + Homerun bat = MIND BLOWN. What will they thnk of next?
  20. The second prince of persia game had some badass riffage as well. Warrior within? The one with the time bitches.
  21. some of the Onimusha games have some pretty killer tracks, i'd try the later ones in the series.
  22. Excellent syncopation and some great ideas; I love how it has just enough polish, it's just raw enough to have street cred, but still has a nice sheen. Solos and general arrangement are amazing, this is a track I can really get into. Thanks DiggiDis
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