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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. It's a tag problem, don't remember how I fixed it, but I think that I used winamp to change the ID3 something...
  2. I wish that my children will listen to this wonderful album
  3. Me too, but I think I will play Brawl more because of the bigger single player content...
  4. I was hoping for something more in my genre, but still a good work I think...
  5. Seems I must hurry to start (and beat) Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia
  6. I know that isn't the best game of all time but it was a really nice trip in a nightmare of Bart Simpson. It was borrowed to me by a friend in my childhood (SNES version), and it somewhat is still in my mind. The intro theme (and some other tunes too) can be a great remix with the right inspiration I think.
  7. Uhm I didn't liked it, sorry po!...
  8. I had PK Wii, and I was not understanding why in EarthBound the Wii was mentioned XD
  9. This because Yellow was loosely based on the anime... Anyway, Red came first
  10. Yes, his official name in the game is Blue/Green (Oak?), I am one of the people you're talking about But I admit that I didn't thought about it before reading this post....
  11. I remember it, it was great
  12. Oh damn...not again...
  13. This can be a great remix, really.
  14. Uhm I think that I've saw it some days ago (before the patch was released maybe)...
  15. Uhm, maybe on the site there is a guide to do that, I don't know...
  16. Started yesterday, awesome.
  17. I always loved Lemming's soundtrack!
  18. http://dod.vgmix.com/past/jul08/ZZalt-Juja-MM9-Robot-DoD.mp3 here is one. ( http://dod.vgmix.com/past/jul08/ )
  19. I think that Brawl characters are more balanced than Melee ones, but there are so many things that is impossible to tell who is better than who. Anyway, I miss MewTwo, it was a cool character.
  20. Yeah, I was really disappointed that 'Super Mario 2007' wasn't a orchestral version of the Mario theme...
  21. I like it too, why don't you allow to download it?
  22. I really quote this guy, Comix Zone has a great soundtrack.
  23. I'm not an expert, but please improve this mix, OCR need more PW.
  24. Happy Birthday djp!
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