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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I remember this from DoD, it was really amazing. I'm happy to see it here; the only thing I don't like of this remix is the title 'Legend of Heineken' would sounded better, maybe... Great work.
  2. Almost 500, they're 493
  3. I buyed yesterday, just after beating the game...what a great soundtrack
  4. Just completed it! It's a little masterpiece men...and it runs not bad on my MacBook...
  5. Oh I remember this... I was searching for Zelda tracks on a P2P software (maybe WinMX), and I found this; after a while I followed the link in the album tag and....well I discovered my favourite website ^__^
  6. I think would be great something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoQdLJt--kE
  7. I found that a few hours ago...and than it was removed... What happened? Just curious... Beautiful song anyway
  8. I'm waiting with great impatience in fact I really hope that it will satisfy me, because the Pokémon soundtracks are too much underrated and I always loved them... Anyway I'm pretty sure that, with that project, at least some tracks will have the respect that they reserve
  9. I wonder if they will make a new Crystal too...
  10. Right now I'm watching Naruto Shippuden and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
  11. The battle tracks, the battle tracks!! Anyway, I think it's true that one of the best thing of the remakes are new soundtracks, but I was not so happy of the new Red and Blue one, maybe I just love the original on GameBoy too much....
  12. They can add many things...I hope they will not cut away the coolest thing of G/S: the return to Kanto!
  13. I know that not many people played this really odd game, but I've just completed it and....well, it's been an odyssey (it took me almost one year and half) XD but in the end I loved it. Maybe the music wasn't so spectacular, but I'll like to hear a tribute to this game . I can't give you the source because I don't know where to find it; I would like to do a game rip because I know how to access to sound test feature in the game but it's a mess and I don't know how to use it.
  14. Anyone has ever played Glover? It was pretty good...
  15. Greeeeaaaat news ^__^ I'm so happy
  16. So many changes recently, uh? Anyway I'm not a remixer (yet?) so I think it's okay, but I don't like the bigger text...
  17. I think you guys are great, not so much for the Portal Song, but for the others that I found on your website. I hope you will send more here on OCR .
  18. I never beaten FF7, I think it's the biggest hole in my videogame culture... And...when I emulate something it's rare for me not to abuse of savestates, rewind and things like these...
  19. Nothing to add
  20. I think it's a good thing, but I don't like the new layout of the game images...
  21. I really love that man, he has all my rispect. He's a great gamer AND film-maker.
  22. Ok man, I really love the Phoenix Wright series (and its soundtracks too), but this track isn't one of my favourites... Anyway I think it's an interesting choice. I think the rearrangement is ok, but you need to improve it for OCR; you can in example try to expand it in a sad, nostalgic way, like adding a piano; or maybe something more aggressive, with a heavy drum... Don't know what else to say, good luck
  23. Really nice I need to listen it a little more but it's my genre of track and I really like the source. Now I need to sleep, here in Italy it's 5AM...
  24. Finally a metal remix of The Landing! Will you send to the judges some of that?
  25. Owww so many memories behind this tune....I always liked it... Anyway, the remix is really pretty, I like it, it's relaxing. But it's not good enough for OCR I think, so I suggest to improve it, maybe adding some instruments like a piano and a...whistle? (I can do it for ya if you need XD ) Don't know what else to say, this isn't the kind of mix that needs to be too complex in my opinion...
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