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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. Oh well, I was hoping to have a kind of preview I hope that the project will be even better...
  2. I listened a few seconds of them, I'm waiting for the finish of votes to download... No one of them is from this project uh?
  3. Never played any GI Joe game, but I like this mix
  4. Well yes, that can happen but...it's a different thing. If you do a speedrun there is no luck at all...
  5. Luck? Hope you're kidding.
  6. Sure. I use Windows Media Player to add the front cover in the folder of that album, while iTunes is better to add the artwork in single mp3s. If you use something else to listen music, check if there is an option to do it; if not, you can simply download like dBpoweramp that has a tag editor in it. I'm sure that are plenty of programs that can allow you to do that .
  7. Sorry to say that, but I didn't really like either the source or the remix. I think that your music isn't just my genre... Anyway it's great to see something from Kirby 64, I hope there will be more in future
  8. Uhm maybe they think it's better to leave the listeners free to add if they want it like I do (in the Doom album there were alternate covers too i.e.)...
  9. Oh great one! This reminds me there is a Deus Ex Soundtrack out there...
  10. Wow, a great track. I hope that game will arrive here in Italy soon .
  11. Wow, what a great deal
  12. That's so nice and consider that I don't particularly like the source...
  13. This game deserve a project
  14. Wow, an italian song on OCR! Nice to see other italians here
  15. Ahh Kadmium, one of my favourite remixers of all time; I'm happy to see you here on OCR . I remember this track from DoD 2008/04, but this is a better version. Anyway, I don't understand why you chosen this track; I personally liked it less than many other remixes of you Great work, hope to hear more =)
  16. Just beaten ToS, now I start to listen disc 3 and 4
  17. Good notice us when the new version is up (I've not noticed anything anyway ) . Nice remix though, it was only yesterday that I re-listened all the FF8 soundtrack and I was thinking why there aren't so much remix of it
  18. http://dod.vgmix.com/current/Anon-ZOoT-Colossus-DoD.mp3 try to listen this.
  19. Happy to see that someone chosen my Eternal Darkness suggestion
  20. You're right, you're right... But I'm searching to do some critic, and that is the only part that I don't like
  21. The bad thing is that here http://dod.vgmix.com/past/oct08/ is listed as Legend of Heineken
  22. Well I like the Pokémon premise, but I think it should can done better... Probably a MMORPG would be the right choice anyway.
  23. Yeah, but they (or maybe only the first, 'cause I played only it) fail to overshadow the main series. I would like to have something darker, with Dark (as well as Light) Pokémon alignments that grows depending on how you play...
  24. Maybe here www.anime-remix.com, lol
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