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The Vagrance

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Everything posted by The Vagrance

  1. I hear "This is one of the few albums that I can actually listen to all of the way through" all too often, like a great album is an increasingly rare occurrence. There are SO MANY great albums that I've that I can't name them all without having to actually sit down and list them, which I've attempted to do and have yet to finish mostly out of apathy for having a list on my computer of great albums. You have to wonder, "surely you don't love every song on the album?" And its true, I very rarely do, but when that is the case it makes the album boring and makes the listener lose focus. An example of this is Aphex Twin's Richard D. James Album. Absolutely phenomenal album and a classic, but its hard to listen through multiple times in close proximity without just getting bored of it, whereas other albums (The Unicorn's Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? comes to mind) that may not have as consistent of an "awesome" curve, if you will, are much more enjoyable to listen through multiple times (I've listened to that Unicorns album probably 4 or 5 times within the past week). Albums need flaws to be more enjoyable as a whole experience. Now, I'm not saying that there should be some bad songs thrown in for the sake of it, as this rule only works if the more unlistenable moments still work in the context of the album, such as parts of Squarepusher's Ultravisitor album. Its nearly noise at certain points but the album of a whole doesn't suffer too much for it because it ebbs and flows enough that if you power through sections of robot torture then you'll discover rather beautiful and brilliant moments. Really the primary criteria for a great album is for there to be a singular theme or tone holding it together, and very clear effort put in by the artists, and of course points of brilliance scattered throughout. Some examples of great albums to me that I feel exemplify this: The Blood Brothers - ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn Busdriver - Jhelli Beam Dinosaur Jr. - Farm Flying Lotus - Los Angeles Mew - No More Stories... The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? µ-Ziq - Lunatic Harness Now, that said, there are plenty of albums that I love that are simply compilations of a lot of quality singles that really don't have a very clear collective goal in mind, and there's nothing wrong with that. There are also a lot of albums I really like where there are enough stretches of dislike to keep me from calling them great. Really my definition of a great album isn't set in stone, but if it can do one or both of the following then I'll call it great generally: 1. Impress me thoroughly with few stretches of bad songs 2. Make me listen through the whole album multiple times as opposed to picking out random tracks after a listen or two Unfortunately, because of their purpose (background music very often), video game soundtracks are rarely considered "great" to me. There's usually a lot of throwaway tracks on most simply because of the sheer amount of music that often has to be in the game. Not to say I don't enjoy a lot of video game music because that simply isn't true, but what I will say is that I've never listened through a video game soundtrack without skipping over certain songs. There are certainly brilliant moments to be had on some songs ("Attack!" from Final Fantasy X remains as one of my favorite songs period) but I'm more of a big picture guy. </pseudo rant>
  2. http://www.scribd.com/doc/11995844/Guide-to-Mixing Found this on DOA, figured it was worth sharing, some nice info in there.
  3. Gladly! Its not so much the long intro that irks me, as the fact that generally intros are supposed to either: a. Build up constantly until the drop or b. Build up until the breakdown before the drop, then build up again immediately. The problem is, you essentially go through the entire song, and then drop into the main section, maybe you could try expanding a section of the song a bit more before moving on to the next? Yeah, I'm well aware of the challenge of mixing up the arrangement considering you probably listened to my mix . That said, I wasn't specifically referring to the arrangement in terms of notes, but rather the overall structure, tone, and atmosphere of the piece. I understand your goal to "awesomeize" the arrangement but instead of simply adding synths try to nail a feeling to it. Try to make it feel like you're stuck in the underwater dungeon (Its been a long time since I've played Chrono Trigger) and the machines are pulsating around you and the guards are attempting to seize you, something like that. And I liked the outro, but talking about things I liked is boring. No, I'm definitely familiar with electro house, what I'm saying is that you're relying to much on your kick to provide the groove. Take for example this electro house track: ( ). Notice how the bass and kick play off of each other and the drums pump in and out, also notice the subtle percussion in the upbeat. House thrives on funky grooves, hell thats pretty much the entire basis for minimal house/techno right now. As for the kick, you may want to just start with finding a different sample as opposed to layering a bunch on and hoping something good comes out; you may want to play with your setting on your compressor but much more importantly EQ your kick wisely. That said, layering a 909 kick almost always will fatten up a kick without being overwhelming, so thats never a bad place to start. There's a lot going on in the arrangement so interpreting it is tricky and I don't have a rock solid answer for you as to how you should go about it, but always remember: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." And sorry if it seems like I'm being harsh, but I'd much rather tell you what I think is wrong than to tell you "nice work" and move on. Also, don't think for a second that I'm right on some of this stuff, you can choose to ignore what you want, but I'm giving my opinion from the standpoint of someone who listens to a lot of drum and bass, underground rap, and weird punk/post-hardcore/indie rock.
  4. Just random things I'm noting about your mix: 1. Takes way too long for the drums to come in, the track should build up to when the kick drops in but instead the track has already ebbed and flowed by the time the kick makes its first appearance. 2. Really there's been very little done to the track arrangement wise, I mean even the arp sounds like the exact same one used in the original, this track just feels like the original with a drum loop, bassline, and synth presets. 3. Maybe its just me but the actual electro house elements feel lame, the kick is too hollow and the snare has more "snap" than punch. Yes, you got the idea to grime things up but you're dirtying up the wrong elements in the mix. The kick should be felt more than it is heard, let it punch through rather than setting it on a basic 4/4 groove and have it lead everything along. 4. I like the basic rhythm and melody to the bassline but do more with it, have points where it just gets distorted and messy, have points where it grooves heavy, have points where it does both, but at the moment the kick is driving the mix too much. Granted, part of the point of remixing is to pay homage to the original tracks, but the other part is to put your own personal stamp on the remix and interpret the particular theme from the game how you experienced it. At the moment it feels generic and haphazard, focus less on the concept and more on the style, you dig?
  5. Eh, potentially, I plan on doing a mostly instrumental mixtape sometime in the near-future so I could revisit this remix and possibly extend the rapping part, hopefully all of the files still exist that I used to make this though There is also this original rap track I did that is significantly grimier in the mean time though: http://tindeck.com/listen/ieex
  6. I just wanted to post and say thanks to Foxhull and especially Avaris for coordinating this. I showed interest early on dropped out and it was gracious of you to let me back on the project and wedge a track in. Overall the project sounds fantastic and it was great to be a part of it. Who says sum noob can't make a project?
  7. Ok, well he doesn't want to put the lyrics up with the album but the bassist helped me fix things because his mom also wanted a lyrics sheet so I'll just post 'em here considering I took the time to solo the vocal track in each song and type 'em up. 1. Out for Blood: VERSE 1 They say its something thats bubbling inside of me Its like a secret and I can't keep it and the only way its freed Is to kill… Or fill me 'til I'm filled with pills and I'm never filled And thats why I'm always out for CHORUS And I'm always (Out for blood) She's always (Out for lust) We're always out for blood VERSE 2 Its like a vision but still it seems so clear to me I'm losing fluids but I'm lucid and its what I wanna be Fits the bill Which helps to wash down all the pills that bring the chills Thats why I'm always out for CHORUS BRIDGE They same the last time feels like the first time Which feels like every time to us, it could be any time to us OUTRO You're always out for blood! 2. You Dug Your Grave (Now Lie in It) VERSE 1 What have you done, what have you done to me? My phone's become a loaded gun the barrel's all that I can see Don't talk, I hope he's everything you want The perfect asshole boyfriend jock, I hope he's everything I'm not CHORUS (Can't bury me!) (Can't bury me!) Bury me into a grave of misery The only satisfaction I'll receive is you dug too deep to come back to me VERSE 2 Can't put the blame on anyone (Yeah thats what she said) Can't blame the bullet for the gun (Yeah thats what she said) CHORUS BRIDGE You thought you dug my grave with promises you made That you were 'bout to break, the tomb still reads your name OUTRO (Can't bury me) (Can't bury me) (Can't bury me) (You dug your grave) 3. Marriage Material VERSE 1 (Oh no, too bad, its so sad) [He never loved you] (And who knew you'd be hurt so bad) [Well maybe I do] Let's get your daddy back, well baby come on let's go CHORUS You're damaged goods girl, and that sounds good to me. You're damaged goods girl, and that sounds good to me Its just a picture, pretty picture You're damaged goods girl, and that sounds good to me. VERSE 2 (Aw its too bad, its so sad) [What are you looking for?] (The one thing you've never had) [Just have a couple more] We'll get your bad man good yeah we'll show him the ropes So swallow back whatever happy thoughts you had Just close your eyes and leave with whatever's left The boys you want to love don't want to love you CHORUS VERSE 3 (C'mon c'mon c'mon) He never loved you (C'mon c'mon c'mon) He never loved you (C'mon c'mon c'mon) He never loved you (C'mon c'mon c'mon) Nobody loves you! CHORUS 4. Knives VERSE My eyes are blades they penetrate These girls are game these girls are prey My eyes are knives they're cold as ice They're tracing lines they're taking lives I'm staring daggers once again I'm picking out my next victim CHORUS Such silent infidelity Such violent natural tendencies Such suicidal love for me VERSE BRIDGE My eyes are open My sights are set Itchy trigger finger can I take the shot yet My hands are steady My knives are sharp Take aim, take aim, OUTRO My eyes are knives (x100000) 5. White Lines VERSE 1 Your face is made of such a pretty fabrication Theres lipstick where your lips should be inhaling medication With your nose up to the mirror, you get lost in your reflection Slipping in and out of consciousness to check on your complexion CHORUS 1 'Cause last night, I learned a dance I can't describe And last night, I picked up speed 'til I took flight VERSE 2 You look just like a model, how you're sucking on your cigarettes You call yourself an actress but I saw you on the internet Going down on your prescriptions you look better than you ever did my friend I see sniffing out for status but your nose is too stuffed up again CHORUS 2 'Cause those guys, had knives where there should have been eyes And those guys, howled at that poison moon all night VERSE 3 Your gag reflex has left you after choking down your self-esteem (Hold down the fort!) We'll drive around until we're sure we're clean Your skin's all pale and pallid from all that hiding from the sun you've done my friend Don't place names next to the faces, 'cause in the end they all begin to blend CHORUS 3 'Cause last night, felt like the night of long knives And those guys, strung me up and left me out to dry 6. 3/4 VERSE 1 There was rage that boiled the blood in my veins There were bombs and barbed wire that bloomed out of my skin There was hate that blistered the lids of my eyes There was nerve gas and napalm that rained down from the sky CHORUS (When the girls go home) We're burning like matches in love with our lighters (And they're bathed in smoke) They're ashes they're embers they're cherries they're fire (And the hearts beat cold) Another day older another all-nighter another day older another day brighter another day older another day VERSE 2 I was young (I was young I was hopeless) I was so out of love I was sunk (I went down like a depth charge) I was down on my luck I was tame (muzzled and collared) I was hung up and framed I took aim (They were fish in a barrel) like two crashing planes, they went down in flames CHORUS BRIDGE I can't be angry anymore 7. Killers VERSE 1 From the inside looking out that closed sign looks like you're wide open Wrapped around in coffee grounds your red eyes tell me that you're golden PRE-CHORUS And all those fucking parties (Where the guys are so sweet) And the smoke and debris (That you choose over me) Are just boys with knives where their eyes should be All those red plastic cups (Filled and drunk) Crushed and used up (Loved and then dumped) I guess they're out of time, I guess they're out of luck CHORUS 1 And if you have to kill all your friends to make it happen, then make it happen And if you have to go out blow out like a local high school shooting Or two planes end up crashing into two gigantic buildings VERSE 2 She's got those pictures on the internet well they're just evidence of her existence Girl you can do your best, try to repent, but you're all out of innocence PRE-CHORUS CHORUS 2 And if you have to kill all your friends to make it happen, then make it happen And if you have to end it (end it!) publicly and bloody, and broadcast it on TV all across the country OUTRO And when the drugs wear off And when the cops get called And when the girl is gone And when the sun comes up And when the drugs wear off And when the cops get called And when the girl is gone And when the sun comes up And when the drugs wear off (Skinny arms and skinny legs, another car crashed down on the ground where I had slept) And when the cops get called (These nights are the only things keeping me from putting a bullet in my head) And when the girl is gone (Skinny arms and skinny legs, another car crashed down on the ground where I had slept) And when the sun comes up (These nights are the only things convincing me to put a bullet in my head) Honestly I don't know why he doesn't want them out because I think they're really good.
  8. Thanks, and punk is so much fun to play, especially once everyone starts getting their parts down and syncing up well. I can't imagine being in a super serious band, granted there is the whole "artistic merit" side to it but I'd much rather have a bunch of fun and mess around the whole time. Thanks, especially for sharing the music with others. And lemme guess, you didn't like "Grave" or "3/4"? Those are pretty much accepted as the band's least favorite songs. EDIT: And I contacted the singer/guitarist/songwriter about the lyrics so I should have them uploaded shortly.
  9. I wouldn't call this a gimmick at all, we all love punk music in the group and will probably continue to write it individually. The title actually came from the last set of mixes that I did when I sent them out to the band, because the EP has been worked on for like, the past year (off and on, we're lazy bastards with side-projects and schoolwork) and my album title for the mixes was "maybe we're for real this time" as in maybe we'll actually get this released. It also adds to the humour factor considering we've essentially broken up due to collegic enterprises and the fact that the US is huge. I'll see what I can do, I'm not fully convinced that David has all of the lyrics still (most were just written on random slips of paper that have since been thrown away) but worst case scenario I can just listen to the individual vocal tracks, or I could just see if I could write them all down from memory because I've heard this EP so many times, lol.
  10. ......... Fuck yeah demolition derby of remixing!!!!!!!
  11. You're actually the only person I've heard any problems from, I guess flashblock isn't that widespread. That said, thanks for checking it out.
  12. I'll bump this once then let it die, no love for punk on OCR I guess.
  13. This project is becoming increasingly ridiculous.
  14. Weird, I downloaded it myself with Adblock on as a test before I posted and it worked fine. Maybe you don't have the newest version of flash? Thanks for at least showing interest!
  15. http://thecoldcoldhearts.bandcamp.com/album/maybe-were-for-real-this-time Its rough, its dirty, but its good ol' fashioned high school year-long lasting punk with inside jokes and studio talk (and synthesizers). Really this has been done for a while and we've since kinda sorta broke up (Not really "broke up" as much as the fact that we all go to different schools now) but its still fun, and I enjoy listening to it, and White Lines has a totally sweet breakdown. So yeah, enjoy, share, etc..
  16. I'm not sure how many other people use soundcloud but personally I find it to be a great music sharing/social networking site, so I thought I would create a group for people on OCR to share any remixes or original tracks or what have you. Link: http://soundcloud.com/groups/ocremix
  17. http://soundcloud.com/fli/liquid-mix-october-2009 I'm actually digging this a lot more than the last one I posted, I feel that this flows significantly better. Tracklisting is in the link, download and enjoy!
  18. You're the best. My excitement for this project is building rapidly
  19. Nord Stage Clavia is one of the few companies who I dig everything they've put out as an instrument, favorite keyboard company by far, all of their stuff is total quality.
  20. http://soundcloud.com/fli/murs-can-it-be-flis-hour-remix I was bored today and had kind of a sweet choir sample to play around with, so instead of saving it for sometime really useful I pissed it away on this track.
  21. I've actually never played Wild ARMs, and don't really plan to, yet I have two tracks on that project lulz. TBH its more fun to remix stuff in which you have absolutely no context.
  22. I don't know if anyone here heard Bop's album Clear Your Mind, but it was a remarkable piece of music, and now he is having a remix contest. The prize is only Med School's catalog (15 releases) but there's always the exposure from a sublabel of one of the biggest DnB labels out there, not to mention the whole "joy of remixing" thing. Link is: http://www.iambop.com/remix/ I have a feeling I might actually finish the remix I make for this competition considering the source is actually good and I'm not trying to do a cheap quick electro house remix.
  23. If you can, I'd recommend getting actual studio monitors as opposed to headphones. Granted, you might not be able to for whatever reason but if you can they're well worth the money and I highly prefer them to headphones. Also the B4 II is a pretty wicked organ simulator, it sounds a bit thin sometimes but if you work with it you'll get some stunning results.
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