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The Vagrance

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Everything posted by The Vagrance

  1. I'd be down for the Warzone Spaceship (and by that I mean can I pretty please do it)
  2. Yeah, I'd definitely go for an older pair. Monitors are one of the most important parts of my studio, and though they're not extremely nice ones they sound nice and give me a way better feel for a track than headphones.
  3. I wasn't trying to compare the consequences, but rather show that an illegal activity that is frowned upon technically in the law is still ingrained in culture, and is something that you can't really regulate away.
  4. Piracy has become as ubiquitous as speeding in world culture; arguing over the morality of it or ways to curb it are useless unless the answer is "complete surveillance." Really what people should be focusing on is how to make people spend money on their product, as opposed to how to keep them from pirating.
  5. I actually didn't mind it. They didn't have enough time to fully develop the character so they just kinda amped up the brutal a couple of notches in a shorter time span, although I quite love the story in the comic book as to how he got his mask, and I also wish they didn't make it seem like he hated the psychologist so much (in fact, I kinda wish they fleshed out the psychologist more)
  6. I actually thought that Silk Spectre was the only person who was bad, and in fact I loved Nite Owl just because he played the middle-aged mid-life crisis pretty well.
  7. Just got back from seeing it. To be honest, its kind of a weird movie. I enjoyed it and will certainly watch it again, but it was weird to have something follow the source so damn religiously. Granted, there are changes, but most of the changes are only there to make the movie feel more complete as opposed to having loose-ends or storylines not fully fleshed out (or fleshing out [quite literally] storylines not in the graphic novel). Examples of this (MAJOR SPOILERS, LIKE HOLY SHIT) 1. The new ending is that the technology that Jon is working on when Rorschach first goes to him is actually a device to emulate his powers, and he is working on it for Veidt. Veidt then uses this technology to cause explosions in major cities around the world, making it seem like Dr. Manhattan was turning against Earth. 2. The Rorshach ink blot test while he's in prison isn't touched upon as much as in the graphic novel. 3. Only very minor references to the Black Freighter in the movie. 4. Nite Owl and girl-whose-name-I-can't-remember-because-its-late-and-I'm-extremely-tired get it on, and its HOT The acting wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I think that the guy who played the Comedian did a quite excellent job of conveying the "Fucked-up-ness" of the character.
  8. I recently bolstered my ringtone collection quite a bit thanks to audiko.net so now my ringtones are: Aesop Rock & Del tha Funky Homosapien - Preservation Animal Collective - Peacebone At the Drive-In - One Armed Scissor Beastie Boys - Get it Together The Black Keys - I Got Mine The Black Keys - Psychotic Girl The Blood Brothers - Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon The Brookes Brothers - Tear You Down Cheeseburger - I'm Comin' Home (Superjail Theme) The Chemical Brothers - Chemical Beats The Clash - Complete Control Death From Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine El-P - Lazerface's Warning Funkadelic - P Funk Keller Williams - Freeker By the Speaker Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire Linkin Park - One Step Closer Logistics - Cosmonaught Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama The Mars Volta - Meccamputechture Mistabishi - Printer Jam The Prodigy - Girls Red Hot Chili Peppers - By the Way Snoop Dogg - Sensual Seduction Spor - 1up Stephen and the Colberts - Charlene Random Stephen Colbert ringtone (him saying "your phone is ringing" over and over) Sub Focus - Frozen Solid T.I. - Be Easy So yeah, kind of insane, although most ringtones are specific to a person in my contacts list.
  9. Yeah, the two dubstep ones. "White Collar Grime" I like the more I hear it but I still think it goes on way too long.
  10. I'll listen to it in a second, after I finish listening to "Greed" by Mistabishi (sweet track btw if you haven't hear, but I'm sure you have). EDIT: Overall, I like the song. A lot of the changes you've made in terms of levels and EQ are really nice and the mix sounds a lot more dynamic, but I still can't help feeling that there's a hole in the middle of it, that something could either be bigger or another element could be added. The dubstep section also still feels a bit slapped on, like you were running out of ideas or something; I like the idea a lot and it has certainly improved but more needs to be done with it.
  11. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought "Warrior's Dance" sucked, I can't stand that track for some reason. Anyway, Mistabishi's debut album came out the same week and I'm digging it a lot more -- definitely recommended for anyone who likes drum and bass. Its not life changing in anyway but still pretty sweet. P.S. - Oh hell yeah Fireman Joe! I didn't see your comment until I was about to post mine.
  12. If you like REAPER, use it. I knew this one guy who taught at the college I took classes at who swore by it. That said, don't use it if it doesn't work for you. Don't choose your DAW based on what someone else says, thats like choosing a guitar based on somewhat else says. Try it out, and it you like it, buy it.
  13. I mentioned this in another topic but you may consider something from the "Journey to the West album by Monkey (Damon Albarn). Link:
  14. This week 1. Finish senior thesis 2. Finish make-up work in Calculus 3. Think of a birthday present 4. Buy AP study guides This Month 1. Figure out a way to release my EP that I've had finished for 2 weeks (I have a website but it can't take much bandwidth, plus my internet is really spotty so I can't do bittorrent). 2. Get 50% done with my next EP 3. Start on a live set so I can potentially play shows. 4. Finish EP my band made (got like, 3 or 4 songs our singer is recording tomorrow, need to track down some girl singers, and need to mix it all) 5. Finish my damn Super Metroid Remix (and potentially my Metroid Fusion one too) Before Summer 1. Pass my AP tests (preferably with 4s or 5s) 2. Play a live show (even if opening) 3. Party Before College 1. Clean out closet/buy new clothes/get new fitteds & kicks 2. Lose weight 3. Figure out how to shrink studio space
  15. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20691&highlight=Omen It was mentioned toward the end of the thread. I personally liked it but it felt like it should have come out around the point AONO did. It feels a bit too much like the Prodigy are playing catch-up. That said, it certainly has quality tracks and "Take Me to the Hospital" is up there with "Girls", "Smack My Bitch Up", and "Voodoo People"
  16. I actually listen to him, which caused me to o_O at your picture.
  17. http://www.eastbayexpress.com/blogs/take_shrooms_and_cruise_hollywood_in_a_lamborghini/Content?oid=927361 Just another reason why Josh Freese is awesome.
  18. 0:00 - 1:02 Nice and beefy kick, I like it. The bass is also really understated but fits nicely; a minor touch but its nice. Not a bad basis for an intro, I'm assuming a few minor flourishes will be added but not much is needed. 1:02 - 1:17 Not much to say, I'll wait until the automation is finished 1:17 - 1:47 I'm loving everything here, nice atmosphere you got going. Especially that main melody synth, the reverb/delay on that is very nice. 1:47 - 2:17 Lovely, though I think when you go back to do more work on this the drop needs to have a bit more impact. Maybe don't get the kick as beefy as it is in the drop but rather work your way into it, or get some nice percussion going or something. The drums need to differ a bit though. 2:17 - 2:32 Now, this is an area I can see being troublesome because its a very necessary break, however the key change is a bit awkward in a dance setting so I'd give this transition a lot of love, but aside from that it sounds nice. 2:32 - End Back through the motions again. I like the way it tampers off and the strings are an absolutely excellent touch I didn't notice until the third or so time through. Overall: I've always liked this WIP, and this time I like it even more. A lot of production work will have to be done to fix the cracks but the base is very strong and there is definitely a lot to work with.
  19. Not video game related but it samples FF7, and is also tight as hell.
  20. Only Braid, and to be honest I think this basic idea (of whether video games can change one's thoughts/make them reassess positions on something) is what is behind a lot of the "are video games art" dilemma, but even then is it really the video game that changes your thoughts, or the writing?
  21. I'm already working on a Venus Lighthouse Remix.
  22. Damon Albarn (Blur, Gorillaz, The Good, The Bad, and the Queen) recently did a Chinese Opera that is pretty interesting entitled Monkey: A Journey to the West. Its not something to be listened to frequently but the tracks "Monkey Bee" and "Heavenly Peach Banquet" are phenomenal.
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