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The Vagrance

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Everything posted by The Vagrance

  1. Just out of curiosity, I plan on having an EP finished by this summer and hopefully a remix posted before then, but what if the remix is accepted, but not posted yet? Do I have to wait for the remix to be officially posted or only until it is on the "To Be Posted" area on the Judging forum? God bless grey (gray?) areas.
  2. This was started almost right after the Midna Remix and I've already had 3 or 4 upstarts on a Zeal Remix that never went anywhere but this time around its a bit different. The mood I'm aiming for is one where all of the elements blend together and so far I think its coming along quite nicely. Anyway, WIP2 (I skipped WIP1) below: http://media.putfile.com/Zeal-Remix-WIP-2 EDIT: I must confess also my attempt to emulate some of the things I did in the Guardia Forest remix JustChris and I worked on, although I definitely wanted this to have a more synthetic feel. EDIT2:http://media.putfile.com/Zeal-Remix-Final Updated EDIT3: http://media.putfile.com/Zeal-Remix-possible-final-2 Updated again, based off of some comments I've been receiving. EDIT4: Final version?
  3. Probably one of the best things I've seen/read regarding the issue. All the points were laid out very nicely and the images were used to illustrate rather than imitate. I don't think its completely fair to draw imitations to Yahtzee because you're both trying to accomplish something much different through similar measures, its like comparing Metroid Prime to Halo. Anyway, well done chap.
  4. Just a lead 2, but really the extra sample rate isn't quite essential and there's enough patches on the thing that you probably won't miss the extra ones either. It was just on eBay with the Buy it Now price being $600.
  5. They're cheaper than you'd think. I got that one for $600, and that was including the case. Maybe I got lucky but still, not bad considering it was worth every penny. I have yet to use it too much in actual production but live that thing is invaluable.
  6. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=112574&l=66043&id=684275108 My studio, though the Virus was only temporary as it was just kinda too much money for me to spend at the time ($2000) so I got rid of it. That said, I did buy a kick mic and another overhead so I'll be able to track drums once I fix my mixer/get a new one (its emitting a ton of noise now).
  7. First off I want to say that for some reason your topic title has bestowed upon me an unusual amount of joy. Probably because of the bluntness of the idea. Anywho... Intro Nothing new, not necessarily bad though, does go on a bit long though. 0:40 Not a bad little chainsaw synth you got going. Its a bit grating, but it could be because I'm just using my laptop speakers...let me go get my good headphones real quick... Ah, much better. The sound effects in the background are nice but not exactly deal-makers. The change-up is also good but I feel you could go for cheap atmosphere in it, not necessarily this early into the mix but later. 1:20 Back into it, and aside from the nice minor edits made to the main synth, not enough has changed. I like the double-time on the bass but it still doesn't feel like enough 2:00 This is lining up nicely. The arp is a really nice change, but I'd really like to see something at the very least similar to that introduced with the main theme earlier. 2:53 Remember the cheap atmos thing I mentioned earlier? Perfect time for it here, just load up any old cheap pad and you're good to go for easy tension. 3:19 There is an unholy amount of Mario in this Tetris Mix, I feel at any minute my computer is going to start spewing goats or some shit, but I digress. The introduction of all of the elements back into the mix is long overdue but finally achieved at this point. 3:46 Back through the paces it feels like, same as all of the other sections. I would have liked to have seen some more slicing, or scratching, or something else over this section. OVERALL Its not bad by any means, just a bit repetitive towards the end. While I'm sure it would smash on a dancefloor, OCR is, better or worse, aimed at Joe average over there who, best case scenario, will be listening to it on his little Bose speakers. I'll leave with positives by saying its nice to see someone else who's into electronic music. Also, the sub and the drums were rocking the entire way through. Plus your synth programming was also great, in short it works excellent in an electronic music/dubstep context, but not an OCR context.
  8. Ok, new version up as promised: http://media.putfile.com/Midna-Remix-Final-WIP1 Not a bad idea at all, I like it a lot actually. My processor's gonna love this... Big ups for you comments this time around, its shone light not only on places that need improvement but also ideas that I'll implement. I do agree with everyone about the beginning though, while I don't think it needs to be cut out I do think it needs something more, same with the last drop because while the strings are nice, they're not exactly cutting it for me.
  9. Even I've forgotten about this mix. Needs moar Nosia bassline, and Pendulum Snare, and Spor technique.
  10. Yeah, this thing is still alive. I've been thinking a lot about what people have said about filling the track up more and for the moment I'm going to disagree just to see what the entirety of the tracks turns out like, because I personally really like the empty vibe. But anyway, expect another WIP version within the week with strings, and an ending.
  11. z3ta+ is a great synth to learn, mainly because most other synths build off of the same ideas, not to mention z3ta+ can beast pretty much any sound you're looking for (unless that sound happens to be "warm 80s synths").
  12. Ok, WIP 2 coming at you. Changes: - Piano sound now engulfed in a vat of reverb. Also, the "melody" piano has been changed, its a lot more lo-fi sounding now. I kinda like it but I'll see what you guys think. - Minor drum mix alterations - Added on an entirely new "break" section. I now need to find someone who would be willing to rap on the track because there's about a 16 bar stretch that it would work well on that I intentionally left open for that purpose. - The end is leading up to another "I'm insane" breakdown. I still need to finish the arrangement, do something to the first 16 bars (I'm looking for all of the Midna samples I can find right now), and change up a couple of places in the drums...but aside from that, I'm pretty sure of where I'm going now. http://media.putfile.com/Midnas-Desperate-Hour-WIP-2 Also big ups to you Radiowar, your Super Mario RPG remix is one of the few here I listen to.
  13. Gee, thanks. Anyway, I'll take some of your suggestions, like adding something else to the first 12 or 16 bars (I forgot how long it was). As for changing up the melody, that was for sure going to happen after the horribly distorted breakdown. There's no way one could come back from that without going insane with it.
  14. I'm back from lurking around and not posting. My previous remix attempts have been kinda half-assed and I haven't finished one in the longest so I'm trying to get back on the wagon and make some. I've mainly been working on oodles of original stuff (going to put out an EP soon) but while I was playing through Twilight Princess (something I've been meaning to do since it came out) I heard this song and instantly fell in love with it. Immediately after hearing it, I searched for the MIDI file, then turned around and began plunking away, attempting to get this finished. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm at least halfway there, but I'm a bit stumped on where to go next. I hope you enjoy what there is so far. http://media.putfile.com/Midnas-Desperate-Hour-Remix EDIT: I GOT ACCEPTED! Thank you everyone who helped, specifically Rozovian who constantly busted my balls with each version (an attribute I like) and DrumUltimA who gave me that one final push for more sheen.
  15. This may be my favorite mix on the entire VotL series, bLiNd nails this one and Leifo's guitar is perfect.
  16. Its pretty good, I like a few things about it (like the vocoding, bloody brilliant), I don't like other things, but its kinda different. I guess my major issue with it is its less DnB, more metal, I'm talking 20% DnB, 80% metal, but that kinda breaks down into personal opinion.
  17. Thanks, although thats kinda funny because those two are a couple of my least favorites, although I do still really like the Alive remix. Anyway, if you ever need a beat to rap over, I'd be willing to help out.
  18. Who I'd like to be covered/remixed: AC-DC The Beatles Bloc Party Depeche Mode Elvis Erik B & Rakim Kraftwerk Radiohead (been done multiple times but still...) Squarepusher (if someone somehow did a cover of Tetra-Sync then I'd be incredibly happy) Who I'd like to cover/remix stuff: Bomb the Music Industry! (Arrogant Sons of Bitches are aight but BtMI! is so much better) Death from Above 1979 (if they were still together) Justice Madlib Ratatat Sasha
  19. Pendulum eh? Try me... 0:00 - chiptune intro...definately not Pendulum....nor SNES, but whatever, I'll roll with it 0:22 - I love the synth but turn off the LFO and just switch to plain automation on it, its a fat sounding synth and the LFO is just detracting from it 0:34 - Drums are coming in, the fading in and out of elements is a bit annoying, I wish something a bit more consistant would be added to the mix 0:45 - Not bad, definitely got that Pendulum style. The drums need to slam more though, especialy the kick. I haven't been studying them nearly as much as other people but a lot of times it seems like they have their drums limited at the 0dB mark. You also need some kind of bass stab or something, maybe a distorted 808 kick layered with something else, not quite sure but something along those lines. Aside from that though, I'd say you got a good thing going, very Pendulum-sounding.
  20. Thanks, I try to incorporate more of an electronic feel to all the rap stuff I do.
  21. Thanks for your honesty. I'm still probably going to try to at least get close to finishing so people will have a better idea as to what the total thing sounds like before deciding to submit but still, thanks.
  22. Thats the problem, its not exactly going to be a song with a synth solo or anything you usually see in a VGRemix, its going to be more inspired by the genre it is aiming to be in than in the style of remixing that this site has grown to. There probably won't be a synth solo or anything like that just because thats my style, which is why I'm asking if I should even try to get this past the judges, because its interpretation won't so-much be in what I have done to the melody (which is a lot if you listen closely), but how I've updated it and how the mood as either been changed or enhanced. As for the intro, I'll try cutting back a bit.
  23. 0:00 - Typical dark strings, not much to go off of. 0:14 - Little half tempo section. I don't really like the pluck-ey synth, it gives off a completely different mood and the two synths don't go together very well. 1:09 - Kick comes in along with the typical house stuff. I like the percussive elements, they all fit together rather nicely. I can't say I like the bassline that comes in, a bit too clown-ey for me. honestly, first thing I thought of when I heard it. 2:06 - Bass and melody are both in, and while the pluck-ey synth is playing something which sounds minor, the bassline sounds like it came straight out of a carnival, making things a bit weird. The other trance stab fits in but its a bit cheesey sounding. 2:58 - Quick breakdown, cheap trick but it works, no real complaints. 3:11 - It all comes in again for another round. Overall, I'd say the entire thing sounds OK, however it all does seem cheesey all put together. At the very least you can try different synths for the parts as most of them are rather simple sounding. It wouldn't hurt to have one of those tech basslines either, something digital sounding with a hint of grime. Your percussion is spot on, I quite like it. You could add a sidechained pad or something for atmosphere if you wanted to as well. I dunno, I'm just kinda brainstorming but at the very least I would consider new synth sounds and something that adds more atmosphere.
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