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The Vagrance

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Everything posted by The Vagrance

  1. Welcome back, thanks for serving this country. EDIT: No more unmod drama for the most part
  2. Eh, I'm not crazy about the forum yet either, I'm waiting for them to re-skin it to something a lot better because this one blows. As for remixing, I'd do one in a heartbeat, mainly Coactive, Crowdpleaser, or Haven. I could use a new T-shirt...
  3. I'm actually here because my brother is graduating from Navy Boot Camp. That museum of science & industry sounds interesting though, I'll try to check it out.
  4. I'm in Chicago for the next two days and I was wondering about cool things to do, see, etc.. Also, any nice indie record shops around here? Thanks in advance.
  5. I've been listening to its music all day (road trip for 9 hours) and I can say its remixable, although all I can come up with so far are fairly dowtempo type stuff but I might start on a remix soon...
  6. ...wow, thats pretty cool. I'm away from the house so I can't test it out but your description sounds fantastic. As for other effects...there is one that'd be cool, a z-plane filter. Basically, instead of just the frequency and resonance modulating the filter type modulates as well, although I'm not sure its possible as well as the filter types go from 100% to 0% but if you can pull it off you'll be the man to say the least.
  7. Great find, a very simple yet informative look at it.
  8. Try smacking it and grumbling unintelligently.
  9. I think the real question is: Does he know you're in his house right now?
  10. I've heard the Pod XT do absolutely nasty things to basses, I'd say go for it.
  11. It would seem so, which explains a lot of the EQing ranges as well. Good point, like I said its a great starting place for beginners. Besides, I'm a sucker for concepts so what would I know.
  12. I've seen many guides like this, but what I find weird about this one is that others reccomend boosting around 200Hz on drums to get a "wooden" sound to it. Also, for the kick I've read to cut around 500Hz because it muddies things up, and rolling off at around 80Hz isn't 100% advisable for genres with powerful kicks such as House or Trance, but otherwise its true. These guides are nice but they all differ in areas because everyone hears things differently and the best solution is to just use one's ears. This guide should be a nice intro to everybody who doesn't know much about EQ'ing though, and many of the tips (like cutting instead of boosting) work very well.
  13. I like the drums and the entire feeling of the mix, but the scratching felt like too much like a novelty, but I did like the Malcom X samples. Overall nice mix
  14. I'm busy as hell at the moment and I'll probably end up doing a remix anyway but the music from Okami is too good to pass up.
  15. I'm on the Xenogears remix project and I've never played the game.
  16. Now, I wouldn't say that. Whenever I try playing people something I've produced all I've mainly gotten has been mindless praise ("Wow, this is better than your other stuff, you've really improved! This is great, keep up the good work!") instead of in depth criticism (Which I've only gotten from my dad, but he was a recording engineer so I expect it from him). The most in-depth reviews and criticisms I've gotten were from this very forum.
  17. Damn, so many songs I have to do! BAH!
  18. Me and a mate were gonna go find something to do but his mom sprained her ankle so he couldn't go out because he had to watch her, we ended up playing Gears of War online.
  19. Same here. There is no end all technique that is best for everybody because everybody is different. Try telling you're guitar teacher you're more suited to using your wrist, and remind him who's paying for the lessons. If all else fails, find another guitar teacher, they're crawlin' all over the place.
  20. I used to have all 3 torrents of OCRemixes on it but it cluttered the menu with artists and I didn't like a lot of them, so now I'm slowly but surely digging my way around, finding the ones I like, then retagging them.
  21. 1. Lose weight (standard) 2. Finish album I'm working on (I've probably started half the songs planned for it) 3. Get an Xbox 360 (Gears of War has converted me) 4. Get a remix posted...maybe, maybe not 5. Not have a crappy year
  22. Anybody know where to get cool hoodies? I'm looking for indie type stuff, screen prints and the like. Most of the designs on threadless that I'd want on a hoodie are either sold out or they don't come in hoodie. Also, don't recommend me to jinx or thinkgeek, I'm not a huge fan of the geek massive shirts.
  23. I like this idea but I have another one: How about a tutorial where you show us step by step how you made/are making one of your songs? One of the worst parts about starting out is your hear all of these different techniques and such but you never really know where or when to put them, or how, or what it will sound like if you do. Its like having a treasure map with no indicators on it, you know what to do to get a good sound, you're just not sure how to get to it.
  24. I'm Doomsday, this is my "Artist handle" if you will because you could fill an ocean with everybody else who had the name Doomsday.
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