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The Vagrance

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Everything posted by The Vagrance

  1. Lol, iono, maybe, I'm currently working on 2 different computers to get all of this stuff and I'm lazy enough that I don't feel like transferring it all over from my "production computer" to my "internet computer". Also, the tail end of it is sketchy as hell right now and needs a bit of refining. Hopefully by the end of today it'll be up.
  2. I'll consider it, but I'm already up to about 4 minutes and I've barely even touched on the Sigma boss battle (although truth be told my ideas of it are slim to none, its a pretty crappy boss battle theme).
  3. I'm not sure but here are some free (mostly funk) breaks to tide you over: http://www.bourbonbreaks.com/breaks.html http://www.skoobz.soundclash-records.co.uk/ (bottom of page, 101's breakbeat collection, absolutely killer, you'll be scrounging through it for months)
  4. Drum Loops as is = lazy and incredibly stupid Drum slicing = creative and essential for many genres.
  5. Had a couple of tunes on the demo that sounded pretty wicked, not sure if I'll buy it or no though. The artwork looks absolutely wicked though.
  6. Another bump, c'mon guys, we need more feedback on the final, whether good or bad.
  7. I've never made an acoustic track in my life and I don't plan on starting any time soon.
  8. Sigma- Sounding very good so far. Like the feel, nothing about this one so far. Hell yes I'm safe.
  9. Lots of people are working all software. That said, it depends on the user. My advice is to nab a basic synth (Synth1 is great) to learn synthesis on, then learn it inside and out, then move onto other synths and apply the same knowledge and you'll learn how to do stuff fairly quicker. After you think you have synthesis down, put down ~$200 and get yourself a nice software synth, I reccomend Z3ta+ highly (as do many other people) and its almost ot the point of industry standard. It can ceate a huge variety of sounds and its a great synth to start learning modulation matrices on. Then later you can move on to others (like Sytrus, the NI synths, Fabfilter, Zebra, Rpture, etc.) and you'll be apply to transfer your knowledge from synth to synth. As a starter synth though, the subtractor is perfect as its small, simple and suprisingly powerful (if used correctly), but thats only in Reason :/.
  10. Dongles are just pointless, especially considering they're probably ending more sales than they're starting. I know of multiple people who refuse to use Cubase because of the dongle, and because of it sequencers like Sonar and Logic get more users. Besides, EVERYTHING software has some kind of back door or way to be manipulated in some shape or fashion and delaying the process doesn't help any.
  11. I was considering him earlier but its an incredibly hard song to remix as its a great song already and there's no real reason to remix it.
  12. WinRAR, or if you're hardcore (and open source) like me, then you'd use IZArc
  13. Heh. Yeah, that would be me thinking "I'm not too sure I'm completely happy with it yet, but meh." I actually started this one a while ago and had it 70 percent done, so I just decided to finish it up last week. I had started another one that was more in the vein of Siamey's track, but who knows when I'll have time to finish that one up. So, this is what you get. Lol, I'm the exact same way. I always gets a track up to a point to where I enjoy listening to it as it is even in its incomplete form so when it comes to completing it its really just kind of thrown together.
  14. Only one thing to say about this: "Cheese Gromit, cheese" Well done but cheesy as I'll get out, it'll be a big hit at middle school dances but don't expect it to go much further.
  15. If you mean taking normal samples then mangling them then there are a lot of different techniques. A common one is timestretching, dropping/raising in pitch, reversing, granualizing, layering with pads, basically take everything you can and throw it at the sample.
  16. Main synth seems to be turned up a little too much, aside from that sounds pretty good, but its still pretty standard trance affair, nothing groundbreaking going on but sounds solid enough to get in. That synth halfway through's intro is a bit off and comes in solid but overall it sounds pretty good. There are also a few places sound sound a bit off-key. Obviously I'm not going into too much depth though with this analysis.
  17. Hey Pi, I sent you a PM, I haven't gotten a reply so I assume you haven't gotten it. Basically, take me off of Gary Oak, I may take one of the other open tracks but I may not, but I'm coming up with NOTHING for Gary Oak and I'm sure others have more ideas than me for it.
  18. Well, I'll take that as both a compliment and a complaint. At least I know my production's getting better (I'm assuming) if it's "same ol' same ol'" with the rest of the genre, but then again I guess I need to distinguish myself more as an artist. Thanks for the reply.
  19. Oh yeah, I found out what was wrong, one of my settings in Kontakt has a setting where it'll cutoff as soon as CPU hits its max, and there'd be a couple of CPU spikes in playing the instrument but overall it'd float around the 10% mark. Thanks for the link though Overcoat, that was the sort of thing I was looking for.
  20. Hey, don't count off the 3xOsc completely, I've gotten some massive bass sounds out of it.
  21. The actually effect known as side-chaining: No Something similar; Yeah, why not.
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