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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Kramer PIE is sold. Shocked no one has jumped on Xenoblade. Dropped the price.
  2. sale pending on Ableton Live 9. If you are interested in something please let me know and feel free to make an offer on anything Cheers
  3. Selling Xenoblade Chronicles for $69.00 USD. Shipping not included. PM me if interested.
  4. I actually really liked so much about your song. The problem was it felt like 3-4 tracks just playing one after another. Which kinda goes against the idea of the compo. I'd say take your best section from that and make a full song out of it.
  5. Too bad I was an idiot and literally wrote and arranged all of the percussion in 4/4 first. Was in a mood and inspired. Thanks for the support guys! Shaggy really interested to hear your take on the themes.
  6. There is so much to love about both tracks. Yeah I absolutely loathe alternating/complex time sigs like this. 5/4 by itself or 6/4 great, but not this. Don't know how this is going to turn out this round. BC frankly this just isn't fun integrating a 4/4 song with a song that alternates like that. We'll see what kind of tom foolery becomes of this.
  7. Shaggy I am going to get you next time I see you! This f'n song alternates between 5/4 and 6/4 every other measure. May the best man win! I will be spending tonight rewriting the damn time sig on this track, holy christ. BTW Chimpazilla and Timaeus...I have to sleep on the decision for your tracks. So close.
  8. Bump and slight price drop. And added another product.
  9. Back to the world of the internet! Sorry I couldn't vote, my travel plans back were all f'd up. BTW trying to vote on the current round, and I don't have any options to vote. Can someone add me to the social group please?
  10. Hey guys I found out I have zero access to the internet while on vacation. Had to wait 15 minutes to get on the general computer at the hotel. I won't be back in the states until late Saturday! Sorry I can't listen to anyone's tracks yet. Thanks and good luck!
  11. Cool. BTW I am selling the bundle AND the individual plugs. For example if you just wanted the tape plugin you could get that. Also dropped the price on the IK Grand bundle to $279. Great plugs! Willing to make a deal on those if anyone is interested.
  12. Basically done. Gonna wake up tomorrow with fresh ears and do any quick mix adjustments. Then gonna do the mastering.
  13. Cool beans. I'd rather sell it to someone on OCR. I'll keep it at that price and see what happens.
  14. When do you think you would? I don't need the money asap, so I could hold onto for awhile.
  15. Got a minute and a half done...just wish my DAW didn't crash every 2 fuckin seconds when I try and load a plugin. Hope everyone is having fun!
  16. Haha well I am actually using Beatrix's chords for this track. Too late to turn back now. Basically I will have to have this finished by 12-2pm on Saturday. Thank god my girlfriend is pulling a couple night shifts at the hospital this week so I got some time during the evenings. Really excited to hear everyone's tracks!
  17. Nice, thanks for the breakdown Shariq! I've remixed this track numerous times and always run into problems with progressions and building other elements.
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