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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Great site IMO! Check out the tutorials by Timothey Allan. Some of his arrangement tips and walkthroughs are golden.
  2. Some of the drums are just basic rock drums. Look for a rock kit in Logic's samples. For some of the softer drum samples in the breakdowns, look for hip hop samples. Maybe try EQ'ing some samples to get the desired Electric guitar...is well electric guitar? Better look at samples or running synths through guitar amps and distortion for a similar effect. http://impactsoundworks.com/products/guitar-and-bass/shreddage-2-absolute-electric-guitar/ All of the synths should easily be created using ES2.
  3. If you are looking for synth or hybrid sounds stay with Logic for now. You should really start with ES2 and Sculpture. Spend some time with those and go on youtube and find some tutorial videos on them. If they really just don't gel with you then go and look to spend money elsewhere.
  4. To be honest dude if you can't find the sound in Trillian you are up shit creek without a paddle. Sounds like you want some type of hybrid sound. You are not going to find what you are looking for unless you can synthesize from scratch. Trillian is top knotch, keep at it.
  5. I guess you got it then. Valhalla is an excellent reverb company btw. For clarification, I was referring to using anything to EQ out the low freqs on the reverb signal. It's always difficult to ascertain someone's technical knowledge over the intrawebs! Will give a listen to this tomorrow. I really like your style dude! Keep it up.
  6. Drum sound in the left channel is sticking out like crazy. There isn't another sound in the right channel to bring balance. BTW love a lot of the ideas in this. Pads could use a lil boost in volume in the intro. :59 the little distorted drum sound panned dead center. Needs another sample layered on top. It's feels too dry and wonky. It sits on top of everything right now and takes away from all of the other sounds, which are much stronger than it is. The hard panned percussion elements are a little too dry in comparison to the reverbed sounds that appear dead center. Makes the mix feel a little unbalanced in terms of depth and width. Really like this mix. The pacing is a little too slow for my liking. There are new sounds coming in and out, but the mix doesn't feel like it ebbs and flows as well as it could. BTW 3:31 is gorgeous. You submitting this track?
  7. Not a big fan of the water sample. Sounds like I am in my bathroom. I'd focus on some FX and automation on the water sound to give it some unique life. Birds sounds are good. Boost lead synth playing the melody by 1-3db. 1:37 Arpeggio needs to go away. Or another instrument needs to take over playing those notes. It's getting really old by this point. 2:23 Needs another instrument supporting the melody. It's good to have variation in the notes played but adding another layer to the melody would really help add to the climax of the song. Drum samples and decisions are nice. The reverbs have the low frequencies EQ'd out right? Some hard panning left/right could really boost the stereo image and depth of the track. Make sure both Left/Right are balanced so the mix doesn't feel lopsided. Choir sounds are nice. Layering some winds or strings an octave up over the choir would be nice. Bring them slowly as you approach the climax of the track. Should help with the pacing.
  8. Just want to echo what k-wix said. Another big thing. The synth playing the arpeggio needs variation. It gets old VERY quick. Try out some modulation. Or make two slightly different versions and pan them hard left and right. Having that synth panned middle is completely masking the lead sounds. Which have too much reverb IMO. It de-emphasizing the beautiful melody. Snare has to much reverb. There needs to be a thick sub bass panned dead center mono in the mix. There are some nice bass frequencies in the mix but they are washed out and have too much stereo image.
  9. Just gonna add that working on your volume levels will make a huge difference. The balance and depth of the mix just feels off. It's rare that this happens, but everything is so quiet it takes away from the dynamics. Also from an arrangement aspect, this feels waaay too close to the original. Try adding some unique ambient noises and/or pads to enhance the emotional tone of your mix.
  10. Finished - 10/6 http://sonic-elements.com/Mega_Man_X_-_Death_from_Above.mp3
  11. Update. Took away all of the mixing/mastering plugs. And started all faders at zero. With new panning. http://sonic-elements.com/music/Zero_Resub_MixChange.mp3 Haven't done really anything else besides add LP filters and a few obvious EQ cuts. Thoughts? Does this sound clearer? BTW this has like a 5 minute master. Just really brought the levels up, and added a touch of loudness with Ozone's maximizer.
  12. Replied to the thread on KVR to give you a little boost. Best of luck!
  13. Damn what a deal! BTW watch for some eventual upgrade to the grand package. IK's stuff is EXCELLENT and keeps getting better. All of my non-stock plugs are IK, Waves, and Izotope. They are all equally awesome. IK is easily the best value. But their plugs use more CPU than Waves do.
  14. Oh they are more than okay with it. The Marketplace part of their forum is meant exactly for this type of thing. I have bought and sold so many things there it's insane. Be prepared to know the license transfer fee's and possible restrictions for every product. Also might be a good idea to set an initial price on your offers. If you let the buyer negotiate from the outset they will intentionally low ball you.
  15. Sorry nobdoy has bit on these. Did you try posting on the KVR marketplace? Stuff sells easily there.
  16. Great ideas Rozo. Exactly what I was thinking. Took a break to come back to the mix with a fresh approach to address the source tune issues. Because the source isn't a complete melody, just a short motif it makes this incredibly difficult to assess source tune usage. So I am hoping to make a version where it won't be an issue. I need to get Melodyne working in Studio One again. With that I can the modify the percussion glitching and tones to match the melody. Will be a HUGE pain in the ass but should be cool. Also with a source this short I run the risk of fatiguing the listener repeating the 10 second bit over and over again. Thanks again Rozo, huge kudos for knocking out all of these mod reviews today.
  17. No worries dude. Yeah this mix is complex with plenty of mixing challenges. The biggest problem is prob that there are too many sounds. There is no delay on the percussion. There are several similar parts EQ'd and parts panned differently. Which could cause that effect. Thanks for the review.
  18. Sweet! Best of luck, would love to see more tracks like this one on OCR. BTW if you have Omnisphere there are some good bird or bird-like samples to use. I used them here: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02085/
  19. Dude as an ambient/down tempo enthusiast this is excellent. To make it more approachable you only need to shorten sections and add some light interesting drums. BTW what vocals are these they are friggin beautiful! This should be subbed in either this format or another format. It's way too good.
  20. IK Multimedia CS Deluxe under $99: http://audiodeluxe.com/products/ik-multimedia-t-racks-cs-deluxe Use their plugs all of the time. Highly recommended! Wicked good value for the price.
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