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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Remix - Spectacular Vernacular - UPDATE for source usage 10/19 (not mastered) http://sonic-elements.com/music/Contract_Redo.mp3 Remix - Spectacular Vernacular http://sonic-elements.com/music/Avaris_Contract_Tales_of_Phantasia.mp3 Source - Contract Okay so this mix is a lil nuts and some of the most fun I have ever had making a track. Lots of manual pitch shifting and glitching using Chorus fx on the Percussion. Then lots of glitching on everything else. Don't know if this will pass. The source is only 10 seconds. The song walks a thin line between cleverly arranged and being too liberal. Let me know what ya think! Thanks.
  2. Cool, I'll take a look into the snare. It's 3 samples right now; but it looses some of girth and bottom end due to processing I am using on Percussion Bus. I was thinking the same thing, but there are so many sounds in the frequency range that snare sample would take up. I'll give it a go and see if something sticks. BTW to brighten up the percussion I literally followed this: (I used IK Multimedia's British Channel) The bass at 1:08 is the sub-bass made with DIVA. The main wah-wah bass and kick, side-chain the crap out of it. During the section at 1:08 it comes out a lot more bc the wah-wah bass isn't present.
  3. Aaaand advice taken Link Updated http://sonic-elements.com/Mega_Man_X_-_Death_from_Above.mp3
  4. Thanks for the comments guys. This is actually a ridiculous song to try and arrange. It's basically 1 short riff when you look at it. Only 2 chords. I feel if I change it anymore it won't be recognizable. Don't really want a Synth solo with legato. It's a departure for what I wanted to do with the song. So many OCR songs have em, kind of overdone at this point.
  5. Final version resubbed: http://sonic-elements.com/Mega_Man_X_-_Death_from_Above.mp3
  6. Love the ideas in this dude. Very well crafted sound choices. They really blend well to create an engaging mix.
  7. The piano is okay. It's really all of the samples and synth to be honest. The overall production quality just isn't there yet. Maybe if the mixing and mastering was better the song would sound better. Take a listen to some OA's tracks. if you feel your productions is close to his then submit.
  8. Much better dude! This might have a chance to pass. Feels a bit more cohesive. It could use some small ear candy. Check out this track: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01583/ If you go minimalistic you gotta really have some special ear catching sounds. Some of your fills and breakdowns could use a bit of lift and variation.
  9. Not bad man. The individual sounds are better balanced. Awesome job! The mix won't get by the panel due to sample quality. The mix is also quiet. It could use a bit more stereo width. These are a little things that take time and practice to get better at. Maybe try to work on some new songs and concentrate on those areas.
  10. Rapid Kick Drum would be a Kick Drum playing multiple 32nd notes in a row. Or 64th notes.
  11. The panning is much more balanced now. The track sounds very "narrow" now. Sounds need to be panned to give the track space. Everything in general sounds very quiet. The kick is too loud in comparison to the other sounds. BTW rapid fire kick drums getting boring quick, and are not a good way to amp up energy levels. There are so many other techniques that are more effective. There is a reason that rapid fire kick drums are only prevalent in 1 genre. If you don't feel comfortable with the EQ process go on youtube and start watching videos and practice. A lot of the composition ideas are good, but this won't stand a chance of passing from a production stand point. Here some good channels: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz1lYY5jH-D82MQs3llqnXA http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjRzsiP_aDWWLHV4-2LKBtg http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY9gOpnb8_h0VSI6vjSLucg http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkoNHjrpzrXgriEDMxeLMdg http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAAvYB_eDXpbVYOLOZCdTLw More advanced: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCno8mYpnGhTA9COSW9sP8gQ
  12. Love the variations on this Dave. Keeps the track fresh and moving forward while still maintaing the tracks feel and recognizable attributes.
  13. CONGRATS LARRY! You deserve this big time! Will be backing this. What a stellar idea.
  14. Update: http://www.sonic-elements.com/music/Zero_Resub2.mp3
  15. Here is the original submission: https://soundcloud.com/shaun-wallace-2/megaman-x-death-from-above I am still not happy with it, but don't have the time to re-gut larger sections of sounds.
  16. Finished - 10/6 http://sonic-elements.com/Mega_Man_X_-_Death_from_Above.mp3 _________________________________________________________________________ Remix: Updated 8-19 + Resubbed http://sonic-elements.com/Mega_Man_X_-_Death_from_Above_OLD_8-19.mp3 Source: Original Submission: https://soundcloud.com/shaun-wallace-2/megaman-x-death-from-above
  17. Great mix, love the creativity, energy, and feeling of the track. It's still a lil too loud + harsh in the upper frequencies for my personal tastes.
  18. Intro is really good. Just boost the volume on it. It is way too quiet compared to the rest of the song. Also panning in the main section is completely off balance again. An easy way to get panning down better is to listen to commercial songs and literally plot out where different instruments sit in the stereo field. http://www.propellerheads.se/substance/record-u/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=part4&short=F3347C96
  19. He is talking about having individual tracks in mono. Which IMO can really work wonders in complex mixes. Having percussion bits be only in mono instead can really clean up a mix. Can help add punch too. With most listening mediums being in stereo now, making sure a mix 100% mono compatible isn't as necessary as it used to be. It can still help you identify problem areas though.
  20. This music is incredible dude! I love this soundtrack. Title screen is wicked.
  21. This is entirely false. Take some time to research the academic side of music technology and the research/experimentation done in performance. For example I could have a performer sitting in front of a crowd sitting on chairs. You could then have a musical system designed where the musical choices are made based upon the weight of individual audience members sitting on chairs. That's pretty damn easy to accomplish with Max/MSP and some basic installations on chairs. In that example the performer is actually the audience. Also dude you sound very doom and gloom, why? Music has always been about experimentation and 1 uping someone else. Every new style of Jazz was a reaction to the previous style. Every style/movement of what we now call classical music was derived from composers trying to build upon the foundations of others. Implementing new and creative ideas. Hell the "The Rite of Spring" by Igor Stravisky which is major influence on modern film score music literally caused a riot when it first premiered in 1913.
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