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Everything posted by avaris

  1. If you are into videos; this place kicks ass: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCno8mYpnGhTA9COSW9sP8gQ There are ITL's about 5-10 into every show. They cover a ton of ground.
  2. Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/482445197/unsung-story-tale-of-the-guardians?ref=live FF Tactics spiritual successor! Yasumi Matsuno - Creative Lead + Hitoshi Sakamoto - Stretch Goal / Composer The company behind it is Playdeck.
  3. Agreed again. Diversify your opportunities. Putting all of your eggs in one proverbial basket decreases your chances for success in any walk of life. - Like only chasing women/men from one city. Or one body type. - Being on a job hunt and applying for one job at a time. - Going to buy a car and only visiting one dealership. Also as a side note if everyone is passionate about games and being involved in the creation of games why only stick to music? Learn programming and or art. Market yourself as multiple roles. Hell make your own game! Form a small team of people.
  4. EpicVerb is excellent. Be hard to find a better free reverb. It is certainly comparable to the Valhalla stuff.
  5. Tales of Xillia Last Story Super Meat Boy Mark of the Ninja Replayed a few old games. Played Xenoblade Chronicles but it was just average...and waaaaaay too long for being average. Worst part was the game got worse as it went along. /rant
  6. Picked up this reverb over the holidays: http://www.2caudio.com/products/b2#_overview It is a modular dual reverb where you can mix between the two engines in various ways. Some of the complex patches that involve using both reverbs are insanely lush and beautiful. Seriously just listen to some of the demo's on their page. So the concepts of what we are discussing are there. Most of what it does with the two reverb engines you can simulate in a DAW with bussing and aux sends. You could also separate your reverb chains into Mid and Side components. That way they can be treated differently. Like making the Side (stereo) component even wider using various processing techniques. Also another big thing with reverbs is getting the early reflections right. Have heard of people using a dedicated reverb or IR for just the early reflections.
  7. Bump I have game codes to get the new Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag sold to Abadoss! Code for free Splinter Cell Blacklist (PC) Still available: $20 via PayPal Just PM me if you are interested.
  8. Super Smash Bros 4 and Mario Kart 8. Will be buying a Wii U as soon as one of these come out.
  9. Just FYI I had Brad build me a computer a few years ago. Amazing job and incredible insight on building a system where all of the extraneous parts work in harmony. Nice build Blue!
  10. Sorry to break it to you, but it is asking ALOT of someone to mentor someone. Plus to do it for free based upon the other person's schedule is nuts. I love teaching and helping people but doing it at my own time and my own pace. Just ask away for questions and watch youtube videos. There are tons available to cover pretty much all of the basics. Check out Recording Revolution or Pensado's Place once you get a bit more advanced I'm all for fostering a community where people can help one another and treat each other with respect. But the day it turns into a situation where someone feels entitled that they receive help will be the end of it. (not saying in anyway the OP is entitled) EDIT: Having better classifications and examples in the workshop forum would help. That way it is quicker to browse through threads where people post their concerns/questions. Ironically having a "mixing" compo would be awesome. But where people aren't eliminated. So you mix 4-5 songs. 1-2 weeks to mix each one. Everybody votes for their top 3 each week. And each individual receives points each week. Whoever has the most at the end wins. If people could provide stems from their OC ReMixes or project mixes that would be wicked.
  11. FabFilter is running their annual Christmas Sale on bundles. 25% off. If someone wants an extra 10% discount on a bundle or individual plugin PM me your email. I can get you a discount code since I already own a few of their plugs.
  12. On Steam picked up Elder Scrolls, Guacamelee, Deus Ex, and Terraria for $18.71 total!
  13. Couldn't get any of my stuff rendered last night, spend 3 hours wrapping my gf's presents. I'm wicked slow at wrapping. Gonna be busy the next few days, so it might not be for a bit.
  14. Good sounce choices, panning, and volume are the most important elements IMO. Which can all be done easily in any DAW. When I render one of the tracks out, I am going to render out all of the tracks without processing. That way it'll be fun to compare mixes if anyone is interested.
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