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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Hey thanks for all the comments dudes. Glad to see there are some fellow FFA lovers out there. I def agree with all of your points. The song actually keeps on expanding as the mix goes along. Almost in terms of how an orchestral arrangement might have a continual build-up. Some more thickness in texture and layering and expansion on the melody in the beggining are def in order. Thanks for your comments we are both trying to make this mix as good as possible.
  2. Thanks for the interest dude. I use Reason 3.04 on a PC. Here's the link again http://swallace21.googlepages.com/SpektralZRePassSynthesizer.cmb Instead drawing in the lines manually on the arrangemenet page you could use a Matrix running at full speed alternating between 0 and 127 CV. Then invert one of the CV signals. That way you can get the volume levels alternating back n forth without having to draw in the lines.
  3. Has a very metallic feel to it. I think there are too many sharp sounds, wears out the ears really quick. You could keep the amount of sharp sounds but I'd prob add some automated filters and volume controls to create a more dynamic sound. Some smoother more natural elements could help balance this out IMO.
  4. Hey dudes this a collab between Skrypnyk and I. The source tune is the title song (Rising Sun) to Final Fantasy Adventure. Our first version got rejected. This version has been completely redone. Skrypnyk is doin the rhythms and bass. I'm doing the instrumentation and arrangement. June 16 http://skrypnyk.escariot.net/music/wipcollab2.mp3 Still got another 1:30 worth of material where the entire song expands to a climactic end. We wanna we get the first 2:41 down good before we move on to the last 1:30. Any thoughts are welcome.
  5. Haha this is sweet so far. Two of the transitions kinda jumped out at me: :49 could've used a big crash 1:19 felt like too long of break. Maybe have the previus section crescendo up alil more You are gonna put guitar on this aren't you? It'd be friggin sweet. Can't wait to hear where you take this.
  6. Hey dude welcome back. For some reason my comp is blocking your putfile link. The other putfile links are working fine for me though.
  7. The beggining was really soft it took awhile before anything at an audible level came in. I def agree with plumber about the drums in the middle. Some spoken word like composer might go very well with this. An idea is maybe have samll children speaking IMO. A Celtic artist named Loreena McKennitt has a song where a child is speaking an old Gaelic poem and it totally kick ass. Bc it was recorded at low quality it has a slight distortion effect on it. This is def some crazy that has an extreme mood factor, good stuff so far.
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00374/
  9. Why not supplement the current removal clause and include a list of valid reasons for removal of a remix? Hence a remixer can have their remix removed if their request meets one the following reasons: A B C If there are generic reasons OCR would always accept for a removal of a remix why not include them into to the license?
  10. I def agree with Kanthos. This is a kick ass concept with lots of attitude and feel. Can't wait to hear more. Right now I'd try to vary up the guitar a lil as the mix goes on. Just subtle variations to break up the repetition.
  11. Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - YES This game is FAST. Great music, actually has a story to follow for a fighting game. The gameplay is rather addicting. It is a game easy to dive into and have a lot of fun button mashing and pulling off crazy combos. Although it is a very difficult game to master. You can take several paths to beat the game each requiring for you to beat the enemy in shorter time and pull certain instant kill moves. Characters come in all shapes and sizes with many different fighting styles. Overall a very enjoyable game that has a lot of unique aspects that most gamers should find appealling. ICO - YES Not for everyone to start off. It's a game you have to play for a bit then it sucks you in. Great puzzles, music, and ambience. For the record I am not the biggest fan of platformers or puzzle games but this game is one of my all time favorites. The immersive atmosphere and subtle feelings created from playin this game truly make it an experience to play. Tales of Symphonia - NO One of my favorite games of all time. A game could not put down once I got into it. Has a few really good songs. The story is cheesy, but it's some damn good cheese. Fighting style is awesome. It didn't take many chances but was damn fun to play. I'd love to YES this, but I don't think the game is for everyone. If you even semi-like rpg's you should make it a priority to play this. I highly recommend the game to rpg fans or action adventure fans you don't mind dialogue. If this had better music and more developed and likable characters I would have given it a yes.
  12. Pertaining to the last paragraph: Remixer A creates some kick ass rhythms for an OC Remix they submitted when they were 18+. Then the remixer uses the rhythms verbatim in an original commercial song with no reference to OverClocked Remix. My impression of this policy is that said actions would not violate the policy. Also a general note: If this is retroactive to include all OC Remixes the license/policy would not hold up to a remix someone submitted when they were under 18. An example in law classes relating to contracts. A 16 year old buys a car from you. He/she goes and crashes it. Then he/she returns the car to you and receives all of the $ back. Why the contract was never valid in the first place. Also since we are all from different countries how will the policy hold up internationally? In the US you have to be over 18 to enter into an abiding contract. What about other countries? I think the concerns of international validity and the 18+ rule are the biggest things OCR might want to consider before putting the policy into affect. As is besides the 18+ dilemma it’s fine for merican remixers. Also for remixers who submitted songs before the policy comes into affect, they never agreed to any contract. There is no legal standing to hold them to a contract either. My impression is that the policy would not be enforceable for those remixes. My experience with law only relates to business and it's very basic. So correct me if I'm wrong or if there are loopholes in anything I'm saying. IMO it's pretty damn hard to make an iron clad contract/policy. To make sure someone agrees with the policy won't the submission standards need to change. Hence the remixer(s) will need to include a generic statement stating they agree to the policy/contract located at "X". Or they could just paste the contract into the submission. Since the web address for the page the contract is listed on will prob change in a few years. I haven’t voted yet. Although, I will still submit remixes if the said policy is put into effect. As a 21 year old american I think it’s fine. If I voted yes it would show my support for the policy. Frankly I wouldn’t want to support a policy that could cause a lot of friction down the road for OCR and it’s artists due to international law and the 18+ law.
  13. If you have an XP disc you can. Simply put the XP disc, and wipe the the hard drive clean. Delete all partitions. Then you can install XP fresh from ground zero.
  14. Hey dudes just wanted to chime in and say that this is def shaping up to be a kick ass mix. One thing that has been killing me though is that damn open hat/crash that is goin throughout almost the entire piece. It sounds great in places but is over used. About half through the song I wanna stop listening because of it. Which kinda sucks cause the song has lots of really strong points that make you wanna listen and enjoy. The sections like the one that starts at :42 IMO would sound a helluva lot better with a closed hat playing a different rhythm. Also maybe instead of using the same open hat/crash rhythm throughout try to give it more variations so it flows more in sync with the guitar. As is bc of it's repetative nature it starts to take away attention from the guitar and redirect it to itself. It's cool if you dudes wanna keep it that way, I just wanted to voice my opinion bc this song is def kick ass and has room to be even more kick ass IMO. If you were looking to change it but don't feel like doin hell I'll redo all of the hats and crashes for the entire song.
  15. I've used Reason with Vista and it ran fine. It took a lil bit longer browsing through patches. I no longer use Vista anymore bc NI's stuff caused Vista to crash on my comp. As far as Cool Edit Pro I don't know. Check their website and forums to see what people are saying.
  16. bastard... That mix and I spent some quality time together this weekend. Added about 45 secs of material and completely redid a section with new harmonies and synthage. Def alot of progress but not enough to warrant showing a near finished version at the moment.
  17. Thanks Pi. Fishy is gonna lay down some sweets guitar on the mix. He has exams coming up and other shite so it might be awhile till we can get a fully finished version done wth guitars. In the meantime anyone is free to make comments about the song. Some parts will will be replaced or layered in with guitars. I def think it's a good idea to make the proj open to any remixer doin any boss theme.
  18. Conker Live and Reloaded - YES The thing that might get most people is the humour, you either find it hillarious or just plain stupid. While there was plenty of good ole crude humour the parodies of all the major movies were classic. They were extremely well done. The developers included lots of lil things all over the place to keep the game interesting. The environment felt very alive. This is something a lot of games lack in. There was a video on McVaffe's site that rated the top 25 video game soundtracks of all time and Conker was on the list. It was #19 I believe, correct me if I'm wrong. The voice acting was extrememly well done, hats off to Sloprano. All around this game had too many good aspects to warrant a NO. IMO this game was damn fun to play, which is how it should be.
  19. Those are midi out channels. You can send them to another channel that contains an instrument in FL or to an external device. What most people do is just throw and instrument over the midi track.
  20. Try levels vary up the velocity on the intro organ it feels a lil stale. You might wnaa use strings playing the sustained notes and then have the organ do some arpeggios. !;34 the whole kinda dropped off. The whole feel of the song changed. IMO at 1:34 into the rest of the song would make for a kick ass intro. Then use some tremelo strings once the freaky ass melody comes in. Between 1:34 and the big breakout around 3:45 try to in. Maybe instead introduce the section from 1:00 at 3:45, and have the section that was at 3:45 come after it. Then after that section has played introduce the big breakout 3:45. I think this would solidify your arrangement. If you're gonna move sections around IMO it'd be a really great idea to introduce some of the elements from your intro into the wierd ass section at 2:31. As is the section at 2:31 needs more to it. The instrument playing the lead lacks the character to play the lead, therefore the listener might loose . Your rhythms have gotten alot better since last summer. Overall the mastering sounds like it could use your work. In the main sections I can barely hear the snare/hats. With all this ambience try some more drastic panning. It's getting there dude.
  21. I got some new piano composition from Retlaf that is really gonna help the 3rd section. I might sit down this weekend and have a go at it.
  22. I agree with what Chickenwarlord said. Also your melodies and harmonies are very very stagnant. Expand the composition all the way up and down the scales. 2:31 was pretty interesting. Get some more involved rhythms. Give the listener more to entice them basically. Some of the basic ideas are good but this needs alot more structure and attention to dynamics to make it into a song.
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