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Everything posted by avaris

  1. I got a WIP, I'll PM it to da project leaders.
  2. I'll def have to go check this out been lookin for new some new games. Also Broken; Secret of Mana was $80 back in the day, and damnit was it worth it.
  3. It's cool guys, the best part is now I know to stop ripping mp3's at 4800.
  4. Def something different. Did you do any time warping in FL for this? Using a sound for the piano that is similar to a toy piano or something meant for a child coupled with the voices has a profound effect. Some criticism I coul say would be to automate the volume levels of the voices a lil more for a more dynamic effect. Matching the dynamics of the voices to the feelings created from the piano.
  5. Here's the linkage http://swallace21.googlepages.com/avaris_-_ORC103_space_parade.mp3 Thanks dude
  6. Yeah I'm def liking how you can see who voted. Good idea. Also on my entry I swear it's playing at a lower tempo when I stream it off of the webpage...I don't know it's the same time and all but it obviously sounds slower. Could it be that my mp3 is 4800 instead of 4100 and the streaming player only plays files at 4100. Hence it is playing it slower because is playing a different sample rate than normally intended? Besides that crap lots of good entries dudes.
  7. Come on people lets be honest here.... http://djpretzel.web.aplus.net/songs/Xenogears_7YearsBroken_OC_ReMix.mp3
  8. Fatty Acid's Madame Balamb is a must listen. If you go to vgmix to their lost songs thread it's somewhere in the middle. Also Quinn Fox's Edit Automation is in the same thread. If you like some chill stuff like Blue Magic check out songs by EgM and also Destructo. Dirge of the Frosty Plains comes to mind. Check out some of the music from the Doom games alot of the remixes are friggin sweet.
  9. I plan on stealing a large amount of money from my university I will contact you with my new address once I am over the border... Actually a friend of mine owes me some money. Depending on how much it turns out I might take you up on the LunaII.
  10. depends on your definition of romance...for some peope this might be the best...'you're not afraid of the dark are you?' http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00376/# now for a lighter feel these might be better for peoplew who don't like leather whips: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01381/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01545/#
  11. I sure as hell don't have a problem with it. Great idea dude, I'm all for it. Can't wait to hear the next batch of songs.
  12. Ambience Reverb is awsome. Def search on KVR audio they got tons and tons of stuff. If you have $18 feldspar by contralogic is a very good synth and FX plugin. Very good for creating mellow leads. SGX uses it in a lot of his stuff.
  13. The only way to visually do it in Reason is to split the audio signal you want to look at and send it into the vocoder (plug it into the modulater socket). Set it to 32 band. You can then see the freq's it is taking up. If you are listening take two sounds. How clearly can you hear both of them. Are the highs/mids/lows inaudible? Once you figure that out go there by boosting or taking out freqs using EQ. Or you can pan them opposite sides left and right.
  14. I'd def say it too quiet. Overall the mix feels quiet. Muddled might be a more appropiate word. I thought it might be bc of reverb maybe. Def check your levels. Throw a blood overdrive on default at about 15-25% on the strings see if that helps maybe? I tend to find it works pretty well to give sounds more colour.
  15. Wow dude it's been awhile since you've posted a wip...I remember this one. OK so I'm just gonna talk about the main sections since you said you are gonna totally redo the beggining and ending sections. OK so you got FL go to the sample fusion and get there FX metalworks samples. I think it's called metullurgy. Get all the samples together you can and work on just the rythms. Also you might try take some regular samples and overcompressing them and then distorting. Use these in climactic parts. Overall there isn't really any dry element. There needs to be more give and take. Some marcato strings would really well to amp up the energy level. Get the bass line moving more it is pretty static. Overall the melody or lack there of stays in the same range the entire time. Have it dynamically expand more up and down the scales. A nice gritty analog synth for the lead would go really nice with this. It sounds a lil muddy right now watch the decay times on the reverb and panning. Expand the stereo field as much as you can to make room for all of the rythms. Try out some 128th rapidly firing in shorts spurts. Have the velocities moving up and down. You can get some cool sounding rythms that way. This def has potential but the rythms are really gonna need to inject some life into this. Just go crazy and start experimenting, keep what sounds good and trash the rest.
  16. It all depends there are so many sounds out there. Although there are charts online that cover the basic ones. Just search for it online and I'm sure you will find plenty of them really quick. Even then it's best to try and learn how you personally should EQ each instrument to create your sound. Honestly it's best to use your ears. The more you train your ears the better you will be able to master songs.
  17. Overdrive on sounds you want to stick out. A small amount can go a long way to make things stand out and add more color to the sounds. Compression can give sounds more presence. It is prob the hardest and trickiest effect/mastering tool to learn and become good at. Panning left and right of sounds that take up the same freq range. Reverb can make sounds seem more distant or in the background. Watch out for decay time as long decay times create lots of mud. Do not put reverb on the bass, if you do only a minimal amount. Stereo imaging for creating a wider sound. Really good to use on pads and harmonies. EQ'ing. Make sure each sound has it's own freq rage that is takes up. Also personally the only two sounds I have that are present 100hz and below are the kick and the bass. Make sure the kick and the bass occupy opposite freqs 100hz and below. Also watch out for how many sounds are in the 250hz freq range. Lots of sounds in that range can easily cause mud. If you search online you find tons of websites with lots of info on different effects. Here is one for instance: http://www.tweakheadz.com/EQ_and_the_Limits_of_Audio.html
  18. Pure Sweetness right here, with all of the lil nuances this mix is easily worth multiple listens just to get a feel for everything that is present. Chrono Cross is prob the best chillout/DT OST out ther IMO and this mix def fits the bill. Sinewav FTW.
  19. Final Fantasy IV ICO Valkyrie Profile Lufia 2 Star Ocean 2 Radical Dreamers:tomatoface:
  20. Submitted my entry awesome source tune. EDIT: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/avaris_-_Space_Parade(ORC103).mp3
  21. I have an old remix of Schala's theme I am going to fix up and resub. I might add in Prophet or Tragedy into the song. It should be done by the end of the summer hopefully. Def a good idea.
  22. This is caused when you are using a demo plugin of some sorts. The demo plugin makes no hissing noise for 10-20 mins but after it will hiss and continue even if you rip a song as a .wav or mp3.
  23. This is def cool, I really like what you did with the vocals. The only thing that kinda got me was some of the sounds from FL defualt song. Although they do sound good except the vocals form the FL song, they sound a lil out of place with the female sounding vox. All in all good stuff, lots of good writing.
  24. Our bad for not getting an exact date for the next WIP deadline yet end of the school year is killer. Although, Blue Magic and I have about a 4:15 version of "The One Who is Torn Apart." We redid the song from scratch, oh yeah POCKETMAN you wanted more snare..... (bump-o-rama)
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