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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Awesome:-D Oh yeah new WIP date June 28th Hopefully that gives everyone time to update their mixes. Happy mixing dudes.
  2. Hey it's cool it's a busy time of the year for most people. I have a new wip almost done with the actual instrumentation but there are still a few things I wanna work on before I send it out.
  3. Damn was this refreshing to my ears. Nice blending of different styles. Solid album I'll be listening to this one for awhile. Gotta agree the title track is the best and the rest of the songs really hold their own. Songs 2-4 are def my favs besides the title track. For some reason the intro to 'Beneath the cool exterior' felt like a zelda song, especially the piano.
  4. I tend to use anything and everything for CV signals but I'll go with the most unusual one that I think most people might not know about. The 'Auto CV Output' on the back of the Scream4... It creates a unipolar CV from the loudness of the incoming audio signal. So take a kick or whatever you want with automated delay feedback and run it into a Scream4. Or you could have the CV Out from the Scream4 automate the feedback. Also you can choose wether or not to invert the CV signal in the spider. I then patch the signal into the 'amp' on any of the plugins.
  5. Xenogears http://www.amazon.com/Square-Enix-9741-Xenogears/dp/B000038IFX/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-4550762-4032653?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1179252453&sr=8-1 Chrono Cross http://www.amazon.com/Square-Enix-6-62E%2B11-Chrono-Cross/dp/B00004TC6E/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-4550762-4032653?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1179252490&sr=1-1 FF1,2,4,5,6 and Chrono Trigger on PS http://www.amazon.com/Final-Fantasy-Classic-Collection-Trigger/dp/B000F7W916/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/103-4550762-4032653?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1179252490&sr=1-2
  6. It sounds like you want to play FFIX the most. Have you ever played tactics? If you like chess play tactics it's chess on steroids. Also it was made by the same people who made FFXII. The battles in FFVIII can get pretty long bc you have to summon the damn monsters all the time...overkill on the fx. FFVII is really easy if you use the materia right. I beat the game with my guys really low level. It was 7-8 years ago so I don'y remember their levels. HP up materia FTW.
  7. The opening bells are too loud. Mainly turn the velocity down on them. The song in general feels like it needs another element to come in and out to give it some depth. Try panning some of the elements hard left and right and see if the song sounds thin. Rhythms could use some more filler also they need a more solid groove. The mix could really go places if the rhythms played a bigger part in defining the direction and feel of the mix. Try ro expand on the melodies a lil bit they seem to be staying in the same range. If you got an amp simulator use it on the Sonic FX it might help them to blend in a lil better.
  8. OCR Tunes http://www.ocremix.org/quicksearch/remixer/?qs_query=reuben+kee Anime Remix Tunes http://www.animeremix.org/remixer/23/ Good stuff
  9. It took me a couple of listens to really like it. The mix does have a lot to offer which warrants multiple listens regardless. Switching out all of the different textures and the marcato strings are a really nice touch. Good beatz yo. Overally awesome song, the more I listen to it the more I like it. One thing if I could critique is that the intro is awesome and is a nice build up. I expected to keep on building, but after the intro there isn't another section to really up the energy level even higher. Although this is still alot of fun to listen to from both a listener and musician's standpoint.
  10. Ditto on all that. I was waiting to hear a final version as Ross had been working on it since the project started and it was sounding pretty sweet from the beggining versions. I really enjoyed everyone's mixes, lots of good ideas that expand on the glitch and break fest that is sgx.
  11. Haha number 4 is awesome. Here are some descriptions of games that maybe flew under some peoeple's radar that are good. PS2 Tales of the Abyss Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria Zone of Enders 2: The 2nd Runner Pro Evolution Soccer or Winning Eleven(in the US) XBOX Guilty Gear X2 #RELOAD Obvious Choices: PS2 Shadow of the Colossus ICO God of War Metal Gear Solid 2 XBox Halo 1 + 2 Conker's Bad Fur Day Gamecube: Tales of Symphonia Metal Gear Solid (remake of the ps version; does this count?) Smash Bros Melee Super Monkey Ball 2 Metroid Prime
  12. This was a pleasant surprise. I just wish everything didn't drop out at the end as others have mentioned. The ambience sounds are awesome and do a great job complimenting the instrumentation. The flute was a little piercing but it didn't kill the song for me. The ethnic percussion was a nice touch. A good classic OCR song DC13.
  13. Just go to their website and login into your myflstudio page. You can download a regkey from there.
  14. BTW Cubase SE is only $74 on an academic discount if OP is interested in it.
  15. Well I could def buy a DS for this one game. Easily one of my all time top 5 favs, if not #1. First rpg I ever played. Cecil looks really odd though. Big head and shoulders and then everything gets slimmer as you go down. Def looking forward to this.
  16. This is defiantly one of my favorite source tunes. I have been listeniing to this mix for months now. The instrumentation compliments the compisition perfectly in mind. The 16th notes in the melody really add extra character to the feel of the song. Overally a very relaxing piece of music.
  17. There were def lots of good entries hb pencil's was awesome but the recording quality kinda ruined it for me. It was cool to see someone take the source in that direction. Thanks for all the feedback.
  18. If your a student you can buy the full version for $199 at academic discount sites. I'm not entirely sure but the coding for tempo automation is not that simple. Hopefully they'll add tempo automation in version 4.0 though.
  19. The best thing you can do is download the demos for both and try them out or awhile. Use the demos for about 2-3 weeks. Go to youtube and watch videos of people using the programs. Go with whatever program you have more fun with. See how creative you can be in either. Creative response is another big indicator for which program might be best for you. If you are a student then be sure to get the programs on academic discount. On academic discount Reason is $199. FL Studio XXL is $166. FL Producer is $79. If you get producer you def want to buy the fruity soundfont player for $30. Project5 is another good program alot of people do not know about. It is $139 on academic discount. Cakewalk makes it, they have a demo for download on their site. I use FL, Reason, and Ableton Live. Honestly if I was starting out I'd go with Reason. I find it alot of fun to use. I really like to tweak sounds and be creative. In Reason you can play around with the cables in back of the instruments. Once you understand the basic of patching the cables and how they affect the sound you have endless possibilities at your fingertips to create some awesome sounds. Also Reason is insanenly CPU friendly compared to other programs. So if you got an older machine it may be something to keep in mind. FL has hands down the best piano roll.(where you input midi data) I do all of my composition in FL. It's the program I started out with and has lots of good features. I'm really into using effects and creating crazy sounds so Reason and Live are more adept in that department. Those are my experiences. Honestly try out the demos and see what you like best. Watch videos. Def check out Project5 too.
  20. Hey dudes Wintermute has a 99% finished track:nicework: up on the forums. If you got some time give it some final opinions.
  21. Sonar and Live both work great as Rewire hosts. If you had live lite that would solve the trick. You can get it for free with basically anything from M-Audio. As far as doin it in Reason well there is only onw option. You gotta sequence it in. It'd be a pain but hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
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