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Everything posted by avaris

  1. I already own the sytrus plugin and let me say wow on 2 accounts. OK that's a great deal if you can get it for $79! And you can basically make "anything" with this plugin. Go download the fl studio demo and play around with sytrus. You can literally make an entire song using just that plugin, it's one of the most diverse plugins I have ever used.
  2. dude this totally screams late 80's in a good way. Refreshing to hear. Sometimes the vocals seem a little off beat. Also it could prob use another harmony line in places. In non-vocal areas it could def use a melody break down. What was the original? Is this an old song redone? Or completely original.
  3. Thought I'd chime in. I had a peanut butter sandwich, and apple and a yogurt for lunch...the same thing every damn day. Of course it's all I can afford... Yo Kanjika wat about ur WIP i wanna hear it!
  4. Hey lets make him do it! Just kidding, the more I think about this the more sense it makes to do PS4. This project is gonna be huge for alotta people. It's goin to introduce OCR to a game and it's music that not everyone is overly familiar with...hack cough squaresoft and nintendo. I'm def down for doin a track on this, I really like the OST.
  5. I played it at extremely low velocity levels on purpose. But the volume will be turned up on it when it is put into the song. I actually have the piano fleshed out more, and will hit you guys up with an update prob sometime next weekend as my classes are kicking my ass this week.
  6. Although CC has some absolutely kick ass music, it def wouldn't mold well with a script at all. Besides PS4 has some wicked nice music. In the end if you weigh out all the goods and the bads of both, with the setup of this project PS4 def is the right choice. It's gonna be sweet to hear all these new remixes from source tunes that haven't been covered before. Hopefully I'll be able to do one.
  7. hmmmm...aight I'll try to see what I can pick out. That new note played at :53 is a lil too loud, made me jump back outta my seat. Overall I think you might need to turn up the number of "voices" on some of the leads. The mix, excluding all the percussion and crazy shiznite, can feel a lil thin in places. That might be more a personal preference on my part though. Also in terms of "structure" towards the end of the song, the song tends to meander. But since this is a crazy industrial/electronic mix maybe that doesn't matter. In general this is kick ass, but it feels like it is missing something. I think it could use some reverb...just kidding. Maybe bring more of the harmonies and backdrops into the foreground. I can tell they're there, I just can't hear em. All the effects in this are crazy, and def makes me feel like I'm back in that god forsaken lab. I hated that place. I guess just try to find one more thing to add or do to really put this mix over the top.
  8. Wow thanks for all the comments guys. And E-Bison I think you just solved my "muddy" problem that I experience in all my mixes. I've been implementing some your advice and it's really breathing new life into all of my songs. OK, so I've been working on the piano part. This is a lil something I threw together to maybe use in the intro. So go ahead and tear my piano playing apart. Tell me what sections of this I should work into the piano and parts suck. http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/EchoesPiano.mp3 Soon as I get the piano squared away, I am going give you guys an update with all of the mastering that's been added. Also I'm gonna try taking out the heartbeat in the beggining, but I'm going to add it t the 2nd intro. Except in the 2nd intro its goin to be played by that crazy LFO bass. So there will be a nice update once I get the piano done, I just need some comments on it. What ideas out of this do u like and which do u not. Also if anyone is really good pianist I'd really appreciate some tips on it. Thanks guys n gals.
  9. Well it got rejected. I am actually glad bc there were a lot things I noticed about a month or 2 after I submitted that I wanted to change. And guess what I friggin did. New Version (UPDATED 1/7) Version 999,999 http://swallace21.googlepages.com/StirofEchoes6melody.mp3
  10. This is pure sweetness. One of my favorite styles of music. I love the percussion. Production values are insanely high. I'll be hard pressed to find some bad points about this. Don't tell me ur coming out with an album too?
  11. Wow the answer to my prayers haha. I'll hit you up with PM soon with the my orchestral mix. I actually know exactly how I want it to sound, i got an example, but the problem is I don't know what instruments to group together to get that sound.
  12. Aight guys just wanted to make an announcement. I asked Tyler Humphrey an old buddy of mine from high school if he wanted to do a mix for the project. The past few years I've played piano with him on occassion and omg... He would take my simple 20 sec melodies and turn them into full blown piano solo pieces right on the spot. Granted if you know music theory well enough and have the chops to play the piano that well it's easy. Of course how many us can say that... Well anyways he chose to do graaf emperor of darkness as a piano solo. He is not an OCR member, but I gave him the link here so if he stops by that's great. Whatever he does, all u guys need to know is there is a kick ass piano mix of Graaf's song on the way.
  13. I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know that the different colours of the notes on the piano roll relate to different midi channels. Maybe that'll help you out a lil. Ok, I got a problem with tempo. I have been messing around with automation clips etc... and have not solved this problem. I have some piano playing that is changing tempos all the time so it matches up with the vocals. There is no way around that. What I am trying to do is keep the drums playing at the same tempo while the piano is changing tempos all over the place. So can I have two different set tempos at the same time. Is the only way to do this, is to rip the piano and the vocals as an mp3 and dump it back into fruity loops and then do the drums over it?
  14. Parts of this remind me of Megaman and other parts remind me of Sublime. And it's final fantasy go figure. I am huge fan of all three of those, so mix automatically gets 2 thumbs up from me. Besides that jazz, this is a pretty enjoyable listen. I think the highlight of this mix is def all of the different guitar sounds being blended together. Variation is well done, it keeps the mix moving at a good pace while giving the listener something different to groove to every so often.
  15. this was friggin great...I've learned so much about fruity loops now and how to make rap beats haha...jk Anyone who has ever tried to make a song should listen to this, just to hear how this dude goes about it. OMFG
  16. Don't get your panties all in a bunch, it's gonna be bad ass. It's a pretty intense mix. Been goin through all my shiznite from Komplete 3 gathering instruments. Alot of the arrangement is already in place. This game holds a special place in my heart right next to FF4. (or FFII like it says on the original title screen on the snes) I remember screwin up with the three differen coloured towers in the middle of the game and having to start over mother...
  17. Yo zirc, hmm yeah i can def see where ur coming from on those pads. There is a lot movement. I agree with ya on the direction ur goin for with em. I can't believe how many different kinds of synths/sounds u got layered, that's pretty insane. I usually only do about 3 layers. After hearing how u created the pads. I guess my gripe prob is a result of what part of the layer was dominant. In making music most decisions about how to make the song are preference based. It's why some people like some kinds of music, and some like others. What sounds like a deep bellowing voice in the pads, is a sound I might try to put more in the forefront of the pad. It sounds similar to a really low bellowing tibetan chant, that I'm a huge fan of. Just thought that giving those pads a more ethnic feel would go well with the rest of the ethnic instruments u got. So yeah my comment is def preference based. Shit I need to start writing shorter posts... Anywho good luck on the album.
  18. are they sf2 or wav files? In any case both will work, take your "sample" and simply follow this directory: (the harddrive I have my fl studio on is my G drive) G:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 6\Data\Patches Then you'll see all the folders for your instruments, and then stick your samples in whatever folder you want them in. And after that open up fl studio and go to the folder and...whamo they're there. Don't know if that answered your question. As long as you can take and your export your samples from cool edit pro as wav files it'll work.
  19. I got another website for orchestrations that's really good, but it's a very long read. I'll have to add it to the list.
  20. This is awesome. You def try to keep a lot of variation never letting one sound percussion or instrument stay in there very long. There ain't a whole lot to the song of storms so arrangement is key. Besides the many many good points of this mix it has one or two things that got me. Towards the end when the voice says "Bass" a few times in a row it gets kinda old their. Maybe pan it, or run the voice through a granulizer. When the voice says "Bass" in the beggining with that crazy shtie it's sweet. Break out at 1:36 was pretty weak. The percussion needed a lil more build up, and the breakout sounded just like one of the previous section coming back in. I can't comment of mastering or sound quality bc I'm listening to it on speakers at work that are from the stone age. Besides that shiznite its sweeeet.
  21. Chrono Cross I think the main reason Chrono Cross would be better is because of the melodies. You are wanting to use more "motifs." Well if that's the case you obviously want the game with the catchier melodies. On that basis it just seems like a logical choice.
  22. OMG you mean we don't have to remix every single song, that'd be around 50 in total. Haha, well I was curious as to what the final number would be. It's a more realistic goal to do this number of tracks.
  23. Don't get me wrong this is sweet, but after listening to it off and on the past couple o' days 2 things are kinda getting me. The opening pad...heard that same pad a million times. It just seems bland. The samples or mastering used for the drums seems like it could be better. There are some japaneese bass string intruments, if layered maybe could give the pads more life and def a unique sound to blend in with the rest of the instrumentation. Also that piano that is in the background when the song breaks out, it seems like it could be a lil more in the foreground. What I love about this mix is the combination of the real ethnic instruments, with dance beats and techno/trance influences. Although that is one my fav genres of music so I'm a lil biased. Delerium is a group that has a lot of songs similar to this, might wanna check them out for some ideas. For original stuff, this melody is catchy. I did all original composing before doin any remixing, and having a catchy melody is what makes or breaks just about every song. And we'll you got that component down, and we all know u can easily handle all the other production/instrumentation aspects perfectly. So this one is gonna kick some serious ass when it's finished.
  24. Thanks Yoozer for the info, and Prophet for posting this. There are a couple of vocals I'd love to sample from songs. One in particular i kinda need.
  25. High frequencies...don't bother my ears, but maybe I'm goin def This mix kicks you in the balls :roll:and never lets go. Despite all the crazy shite, this mix does have a melody that is rather catchy. That's something songs of this genre fail to capture sometimes. The thing I liked the most, was how the tempo seemed like it was turned up just a bit. Really made the mix come at you more. This is sweetness, awesome work beatdrop...how did you ever finish this while trying to finish ur album, that you got previews for over in the WIP other section?
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