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Everything posted by avaris

  1. While i think this is good. It will not be accepted. 1. It feels too thin. The melodies and harmonies are conveying all this emotion, but the intruments don't create the corresponding sound. 2. Same thing kinda. The instruments are too quiet. Where are the dynamics. Don't afraid to let some of those horns tear through the soundscape. Overal varying some of the volumes in different places will really bring out more emotion in this piece. 3. That constant timpani line gets old. It's a nice touch but after a couple minutes the constant pounding, sounds like well constant pounding. You have some great parts in this but they aren't coming through in the soundscape. Def go back through this for touch ups. Think about variation in that timpani line. This needs better dynamics. When it does have better dynamics it's goin to be a whole lot better. This def has the potential to be pretty sweet. I can hear all the parts you've intruduced, they just need to be brought out more.
  2. Sweet. I might hit you up on both aspects for my two mixes. I have a very important violin solo in one of my songs, that with the input and playin of an experienced violinist could really shine. Just curious got any examples of ur work for both genres?
  3. u prob wanna actually go out and find them. Although it's a complete pain in the ass you'll be a better person for it...I'm sure some people around here got some. Go check out samplefusion.com for some stuff. They got tons of sfx stuff. I'll look through my collection and see what I find.
  4. We have ironed out some of the project details that were not very clear before. Changes/Clarifications: 1. No tempo requirements for any song. 2. After the remixes are finished we will release the project. 3. The super mixes will be released as a follow up sometime after the initial project is released. They will take some time. No need to hold back all this kick ass music when it's already done. 4. Complete remixer freedom. Do whatever you want. We are very close to our minimum track requirement(20), anyone interested go ahead and sign up. We got a lot of emerging remixers. Some posted, some soon will be.
  5. takes way too long to kick in. The snare pattern gets a lil repetative. Also maybe find another snare sample that hits on some high frequency levels and layer it in with the current snare. A more militaristic sounding snare might be more appropiate. the section starting around 3 was really good. I'd almost say scratch or completely rework the whole first part and focus on what you got after the first section. It def provides more emotion and also sounds more like goodness that we've come to know as The Mute. Besides the first part. Some more movement in the arrangement could add some nice flavoring to the mix.
  6. Bump for great justice! UPDATE 11/14 http://swallace21.googlepages.com/StirofEchoes3.mp3 The first part now contains piano played played by yours truly. I ain't the greatest but I think it works. Added more depth to leads in the 2nd part. Worked on transition into the ending and to the 2nd part. The song is below 4 mins now Who woulda thought. Anyways I'm getting close to submitting this again. Any thoughts on it good/bad don't matter to me. Thanks dudes
  7. Doomsday wrote this. As far as doin it in reason I don't know. It is suppose to be really easy. I think there is something is this thread about it. Have fun digging through it. I know sephfire and sgx know how to do it in reason. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=78465&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
  8. haha sweet can't wait to hear the rest. It feels like a james bond ending song for some strange reason.
  9. Side chaining is your friend don't know what program you use, I know it's easy to do it in reason. Do this to get your beats and pads flowing together real nice. Right now nothing seems to flow together. I'm sure u've hear blind's stuff. Pay attention to his build ups and all the little sounds he throws in. Also you might want to completely redo all the synths. The soundscape just ain't working for me right now. That opening synth that's playin low notes, I would prob use more triangle and sine wavs on that and less saw and square wavs. It can take a long time to find the right synths, a long time. If you have vanguard use it for starters. It's easy to work with and has some high quality presets that you can easily tweak to your liking. Also you need more of a beat when the melody kicks in. The whole intro has that underlying beat, I don't think that goes with it at all. The source can def work as trance, but then again trance ain't as easy to make as it sounds. Instrumentation and rythm are key. Hope that helps a bit. Oh yeah, ur good trance is way better. You hear how everything feeds off each other. It induces that emotion you get from trance. The intro was really good. That lil gated sound in the begging that starts off low then peaks as another synth comes is awesome use shite like that.
  10. Ah yes one of the greater philosophical questions of life. I think it's the tales project that does it the same way. They have sections of their boards only remixers/mods/admins can access. I think it's a good idea.
  11. Make it so the remixers for the project are remixers. You'll have ur mods and u'll be the admin. Other people can still join and hear early wips. But then have sections of the forums that only admins/mods/remixers can join.
  12. I think the whole game itself looks faster...sweet . Eventually after about 1,000,000 hours playin melee your hands started to move faster than the controller and game could handle. I bet that's prob why alot of people mainly played with only the fastest players later in the game. The slower players just felt too slow. They just did way too many contrasting colours on fox. If they took away his green eyes and made them brown I bet his new getup would be more bearable. Or replaced all the red with white like he use to be.
  13. Sweetness anything irish is good by me. We'll be updating a few guidlines for the project pertaining to the 'super mix' idea in the next day or two. We are getting real close to our minimum track list, just a few more remixes. If your interested post away.
  14. Sweetness, did anyone notice that Snake got an eyeful of Samus? Kirby was so much better in the original smash bros than in melee. Hopefully he's decent in this one. Yeah Fox and Falco were a lil too powerful in melee. As soon as you learned all the moves and became comfortable you could own people, especially in one on one situations.
  15. You got it. I wish there was more celtic style music on OCR. It is not an easy style to do by any means. Def lookin forward to this one, parts of the source tune remind me of a Lorenna Meckennit song.
  16. Thanks larry, we weren't goin to move to gen until we hit about 18-20 tracks. But the move could help us, thanks dude. If anyone is interested but can't find a track or come up with a concept for a mix let me know. I'll help you pick out a track and come up with a killer concept to help fit your style. If anyone has some time constraints and is seroiusly interested let us know, we can work around it.
  17. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=92175 There u go homie. Hammersound.com is a good place to go.
  18. haha sweet dude. All the voice and udda sampling is sweet. Well used and placed. Edit: oh good lord I forgot this was a mixset...for shame for those who haven't checked this out. It's surpisingly good programming music.
  19. Sweetness, sadly I've haven't been applying side-chaining to any of my mixes as I'm still rather new to the mastering and production aspects of music. This def goes on my list of insanely valuable things I have learned in the last month. Is side-chaining possible with Ni spektral delay or vokoder?
  20. Damn Doomsday already beat me to it. Well the only thing I add that's different at this point is about the piano. You don't have to get rid of it all together, but it will need to change. Layered with some synths. Add more depth to it. Add some lfo or delay to it. Spice it up. Use different effects in different places in the mix for some much needed variation on it.
  21. I agree with everything V said on it. With this style, you'll def need to add tons lil harmonies and lil sounds all over the place. Also so OCR doesn't knock you for arrangement, you might wanna find another source tune to use for lil breakdowns and all that fun stuff. Def continue to pursue this. Before you submit this go read the production thread sephire put up in the remixing forum. The whole thread is sweet, especially when Compy and blind have a really good argument on their about mastering and production techniques. Basically pick it apart and your mastering and production skills are gonna have a huge improvement. Good luck dude.
  22. I'll tell my buddy Tyler to sign up.
  23. Tensei I wouldn't mind taking you up on the offer for the guitar. But can you really play that fast? The tempo is 140 and u would ripping 16th notes all over the place. The reason I haven't asked anyone is bc I don't know if anyone here could hit that range of notes that fast. If you were interested, I wouldn't need the guitar until I have finalized the arrangement. In the meantime I'll keep messing around trying to get it too sound more realistic. I think I've overprocessed the guitar samples, along with everything else in this song. The rythm's are varied, I'll try to give the song some more defined slow down periods.
  24. Hmmm, def sweet. High production values. Did u use absynth for the pads? That's the only thing I've used that can create such rich sounding pads. Here are some things I think that it could get knocked down for: Takes too long for anything resembling the main melody to come in. Of course if the main melody came in earlier it could start to get repetative by the end. Maybe the sound on the piano in the intro. It's a little dull. Fits with the mood though. They might want more melodic content in there. Even though this isn't trance by any means, they might look at it that way. I can't really vote yes/no bc I don't know how the judges would interpret this one. If they take it for a kick ass DnB song with lots of varied rythms and rythmic sounds then hell yeah give it a shot. If they look at as a trance song with a more melodic beat, then you might run into some trouble. Unless any body else can come up with anything more I'd say submit this sucker. You've def improved all around since this summer. Congrats bro.
  25. Wats up dudes this is a WIP for the CtC project. Pi is wanting us to post our early WIPS here. Although mine is pretty far along. It mainly covers the Sinistral Castle Theme along with parts from the Boss Battle theme from Lufia1. I did the song in the style of music from Guilty Gear. http://swallace21.googlepages.com/sinistral4.mp3 Thanks to Arek the Absolute (bastard...) for mentioning the sinistral battle song from Lufia2 I might add parts from that source to this mix or do an entirely new mix using that source tune. All kidding aside I can't believe no one has remixed this song yet. Arek def has a good point. The sinistral battle song from Lufia2 you can find here: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/LufiaII-SinistralBattle.mid Got any bright ideas, comments good/bad parts let me know: I am gonna sit on this for a few weeks to gain some fresh ears, these are the things I know I need to work on. Any comments or help on these would be appreciated: 1. Drums in the later part of the mix are gonna be crazier and faster. 2. The damn rythm guitar keeps on getting drowned out. 3. Need to fine tune the EQ'ing and panning of all the instruments. Any specific advice on this would be much appreciated. 4. Any specific advice on production or all those little things/variations in rock songs that I could implement in places. Oops forgot to mention BEWARE OF INTRO GUITAR, it will hurt ur ears so if ur on headphones turn the volume down. Thanks chickenwarlord.
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