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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. Haha I found it really funny the first time I installed it. "Fallout 3 will now detect your video to set the settings accordingly" ..... "Video settings set to Ultra High Quality" .... Me:".... What?!" I guess my computer is good enough lol, I mean I knew it was decent but didnt think it was that good. I took at look at the setting myself and every single setting was set to max, and it looks awesome . Specs btw: 3.4 GHz Dual Core (Intel), 4 GB OCZ Platinum Ram, Radeon 4850 GFX Card.
  2. This is why I love the co-op program at my university. By the time I graduate I get at least 1 years worth of paid experience. Granted this isnt that much when they want 5 years of whatever, but this gives you connections. Especially when the companies you work for offer you a job once you graduate.
  3. wha???... The level is long yea, but that boss was one of the easyest bosses I have ever had to fight. His pattern is super easy to figure out.
  4. So I finally finished a new song . My friend had remixed a song named Black and Silver by an artist named Umbrella I believe. I really liked his remix, so I took a shot at remixing it myself. The final result is an 8 min 10 second uplifting trance type song. Also this is the first song Ive actually completed on my Reason+Ableton setup. So enjoy, and let me know what you think DJ SymBiotiX - Black and Silver (Sweet Ass Fernando Mix)
  5. haha he looks really cool
  6. haha good ideas . Just wondering if its fine with everybody if I have the biggest word in what gets chosen. As for story.. I dont have anything set in mind so that is still out there, but personally I was hoping that this game be as Original as it can be. That being said, I would love it if we used all original (megaman x'esque) music for this. Thats really the only thing I really want to be original anyways. Though, brand new SFX would be nice too.
  7. haha thats not bad. But I dont know who green is
  8. sounds good. I wont be getting to background and levels for a little while but it doesnt hurt to have it in advance.
  9. while this is true that guy said "Javascript"... which isnt even CLOSE to java or C++. Even though it has java in the name, it is not associated with java. Java is an iterative programming language and technically Javascript if a functional programming language (Thought 70% of people use it like an iterative one).. I need to stop being all technical Haha oh yea, I also had this idea that the nice work guy should be this games vile... oh man.. I dont know why but I thought that was a great idea.
  10. make some suggestions? From the beginning that was the plan no? After a get some more stuff done (like physics engine and collision detection) I'm gonna start a "project" post where people can apply to help with the game ala music/FX etc. I think Im only going to want one person to do the story or help with the story. Ive found that when like 50 people are trying to make one story.. it gets really shitty. anyways I'll make that post a little later. A few weeks or a month or so. I'll just keep updating this with my updates until then. Also, The problem I have with this post is that if you took javascript you would know it is a web based language... you dont make executable files/games with it...
  11. What?? Javascript?
  12. So.. Ive been messing around with stuff, just trying to get a hang of C# and SDL and whatnot. Here is just a little video of what Ive got messing around so far. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=A0m2DTfQLt8
  13. Heh, yea definitely. The first "release" I want to make is a little play area thing, with the running and jumping and stuff. Pretty much where the last version of the flash game was.
  14. Awesome! Thats what I wanted to hear . Ok, so what I need right now is any of the OCR-Tan sprites youve got. Im gonna start building my engines and whatnot, and update when I can. Start up might be a bit slow, but It should pick up quickly . Also yea, strips would be prefered. Thanks alot guys I really hope to see this project through to the end. Oh yea, you guys can e-mail me the sprite sheets at djsbx@hotmail.com or whatnot.
  15. Yea I understand that people get busy and sometimes things have to stop. I have lots of ambition for this, especially for the fact that if I finish this, i'll have something really cool under my belt. Making a game, working with others, etc. Im really glad you would be willing to help, and I hope the other spriters are as well.
  16. That was wingless. As I understand, he was making the game in flash. Since I dont really know flash, and im more of a C,C++,C#,Java, etc kind of guy, I figured I would try to do this in C#. So, basically I want to see if the people who originally started this project want to help me out eventually and if they are ok with me trying to take this project on.
  17. Ive seen the sprites. Hmm well if they are gifs, I guess I could create the sprite sheets from that. I'll check it out.
  18. So if Im not mistaken there is no production going on with that game is there? If I am right I have a proposition, but first a little background. I am currently in university majoring in Computer Science (Im in my second work term right now, around 4th year of uni). For a while now Ive really been wanting to do some sort of out of school project like make a game or some kind of useful software etc so that I can say that Ive made something. For the past few days Ive been looking at some ideas and Ive settled on a few things. I want to make something in C# using the SDL graphics library. Ive already gotten the library working with C# by use of a wrapper and such, now I just need a project . Thus here is my proposition. If the spriters want to give me a chance, I ask that you give me a few of the basic sprite sheets (like running, jumping, shooting, since they are already made). I would like to then start work and get to a point where running, jumping and shooting seem to work (just as a proof of concept). After that, if yall think this game has a chance of being awesome I would love to make it in to a full fledged 8 boss type megaman game (based on megaman X I guess). So, let me know what you think, I would love to work on something like this. Updates probably wont come all too often (maybe once a week) since Im pretty busy, but this is something I can really get passionate about and actually finish. So, let me know what you guys think. Also, the reason I want to use C# and SDL is so that I can also make everything cross-platform (windows, mac osx, and linux). I look forward to hearing your guys responses.
  19. Alright, so Ive decided that its finally in my best interest to invest in some Studio Monitors. I recently saw some Yorkville YSM2P Active Studio Monitors ($299 for the pair). Ive been trying to do some research and I figure my best bet is to ask some of you. So my limit is probably around the $500 mark, and I would prefer a relatively small footprint as my room isnt very big. Lend me your recomendations
  20. So me and my friends thought of something interesting. Basically you can just not miss on splash womans stage, then just use the trident for most of the rest of the game. (ANd any other weapons you choose to use) because it says nothing about not missing with other weapons.
  21. I dont understand whats so bad about x6 :S. X7 and on was ass though.
  22. Also you may want to try out the Reason 4.0 Demo.
  23. Well.. I believe microsoft owned part of apple at one point. And I'm sure microsoft doesnt care about people BUYING windows and putting it on a mac. catch the drift Anyways... im way off topic. Being a mac guy myself.. I havent found many.
  24. 3rd party app?... isn't bootcamp made by apple?
  25. nooooooooooooooo ... alright.
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