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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. Make sure the midi cable is set like this Cable (IN) plugs in to Keyboard (OUT) Cable (OUT) plugs in to Keyboard (IN) then Cable (USB) plugs in to Computer
  2. Yeah.. I was gonna say. The sounds will come out of the computer speakers, not the keyboard itself.
  3. Congrats guys I wish you the best
  4. Not really.. its usually "WHAT THE HELL YOU ALMOST STEPPED ON MY X BAX!" "whoops my ba.." "WHOOPS NOTHING GET OUT!! GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" "whoah man calm down I didnt actually ste..." "AND YOU'RE BUYING ME A NEW X BAX TOO!!" *kicks guy out of house* I dont see were the first guy would have moved his xbox
  5. Alright, well sorry for not posting that before?
  6. who said anything about an upside down i? I said the first ! = MGS as in, an exclamation mark, not an upside down i. the upside down exclamation mark could be perceived as a i. [edit: oops sorry, the first symbol WAS the i, and the 2nd was the exclamaiton point, same thing) not really, I dont remember if I said it in the other thread, but that was my assumption from the start.
  7. yeah. My assumption was ! = MGS i = the i used in the name of like every apple thing these days and then the power button reminded me the most of apple therefore MGS + iPhone = MGS on iPhone
  8. I knew it was gonna be iPhone!! Pwned (all those people wanting mgs4 on 360... I still personally dont think its gonna happen)
  9. well mine are 21.6" LCD monitors. The boxes arent all that much bigger than the monitor itself which makes them nice carrying cases
  10. so.. any love? <3
  11. Personally I just use the boxes they came in. Still have all the styrofoam and whatnot, plus the boxes themselves have a carrying handle
  12. Oh Man!! Just What Ive Always Wanted In The Refill Thread!! Thank You!
  13. wow, really nice game. I beat it pretty quickly (I LOVE puzzle games ) but it was GREAT! I cant wait untill the full game.
  14. Snake had an iPod in MGS4 that you could listen to music with.
  15. This seems like a VERY nice idea. Im very intrigued by a few things you have up there, I cant wait until its done.
  16. So.. anybody able to download their stuff yet? or are the items actually physical? or.. do we have to wait untill the extention period is over? I was able to download the ReTank Loops 1,2, and 3 folders, but that doesnt really help me untill I have the plugin. Could anybody enlighten me?
  17. Signed up, referred zircon... oh yeah. This is gonna be sweet
  18. Haha yeah.. especially since Im probably gonna be selling those school books soon Gonna have to look in to a pair of stands. also, YES! Nice one.. or should I say NICE WORK!
  19. Haha you know it They sound beautiful. Heh, I was originally looking at some Yorkville YSM1P MKII Monitors I saw in a flyer for a local music equipment store... then I saw them, and they are HUEG!!!.. so I settled for some of these. I figured I didnt need those huge ones (nevermind the fact that they would never fit in my room .). So now I have.. Two 21.6 Inch Displays Two KRK Rokit 5 Studio Monitors A pair of AKG K240 MKII Studio Headphones A Sweet Ass Custom Built Computer A nice keyboard for midi A nice set of electronic drums I dont think I need to buy anything else for a little while (hardware wise anyways)
  20. Yay! I finally bought some Studio Monitors Check it out
  21. So true.... hahaha
  22. heh, I installed it once... I dont think I ever tried to compile anything. Meh, just go with regular C# and SDLDOTNET or openGL or directX if you wanna make games in C#
  23. hahaha I love it when you respond to new people
  24. ahh ok, so a non HD 4850 would be like super old then? I was wondering why the numbering was so low.
  25. I think so yea. Is that like way better? P.S. I really dont know much about vid cards, I said "Hey what card should I buy" and my friend said "Radeon 4850" so I did. Yea on the box it says HD.
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