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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. hmm.. looks like ups standard is ~$75. So if thats the case... how about $170 + shipping? (Here is what ups said. I just picked a random date) UPS Standard 5:30 P.M. Wednesday September 17, 2008 By End of Day Thursday September 25, 2008 - Guaranteed 78.54 USD* Contact UPS By: 4:30 P.M. Wednesday September 17, 2008
  2. Yea.. there isnt much making sense here. Cause... ID really like to get that .
  3. wow... thats.. rediculous.. lol I'll check some stuff out. Well I checked fedex. 250-350... yea.. I think I might not be able to buy this off you. Sorry
  4. *drools*... hmm I am very interested. Let me know how much shipping would be to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Hope to hear back.
  5. HOLY F**KING S**T!!!!!... wow.. you win my friend. (On a similar note, I should take a pic of my new setup.
  6. k wow.. So by all this logic, if anybody ever has a movie with a phycotic clown that licks his lips, they are trying to rip off the joker?
  7. aw man . I was actually interested in seeing this. I personally dont understand why everybody is giving you a hard time about it :S
  8. Note: The quiet background melody I think you guys are talking about, is actually the bass track for the original boss music. Since I have my own bass in there, that melody is just there to serve as background pretty much. Bringing it out any more overpowers the actual melody that I want to stand out. Also, old one for comparison: http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoofOldFinal.mp3
  9. Ok.. so I changed the file. (same URL) http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoofFinal.mp3 Let me know if there is enough bass there. Ugh.. it kinda sounds muddy to me, but let me know what you guys think.
  10. hmm.. something weird also happened. I tried heightening the lower-mid eq's in post processing, but winamp showed the same thing :S, and if I try heightening the lower-mid eq's in reason, it starts yelling at me that its clipping, but if I heighten the lower-mid eq's in winamp, it fills it out and sounds fuller.. grah.. confusing. (Hopefully they dont get around to reviewing the mix untill at least tomorow, so I can fix a few things tonight
  11. yea see.. I notice that with winamp as well.. but which prog do I trust when the spectrum that it shows me in reason is the opposite? (This is a picture of the spectrum at a few random spots in the song.. it usually looks like the bottom three)
  12. Whaaaaat?! really? According to my sound system and headphones, and the frequency reader thing, there are tons of low to mid freqs.. from what I saw, there was maybe too much low to mid.
  13. Alright, so I finally did one last remaster/check/etc. and this is the final version that I am going to submit. Let me know what you think . http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoofFinal.mp3 - DJ SymBiotiX - Rave On The Roof! (Megaman 2 Intro)
  14. hahaha.. best...remix...ever...
  15. uhh.. render it with a lower bit rate? No need to cut anything off the song itself.
  16. Definitely, the one in the link is the 320 kbps version. I'm going to have to go 160 or so to get it under the limit.
  17. Haha will do. The reason the ending was so long and such, was because this was the "mixable" version. This was supposed to be played at a dance at an anime convention so I threw a long ending to make it easyer to mix. I'll make a real ending soon . I'll also try to fix up some stuff as well. Im hoping to get this done by the end of the week and submit it. Yay
  18. SUPER UPDATE!!!! Alright, I redid it from scratch. I went as far as to finish it before posting the new version. I think I am calling this, FINISHED unless there are quite a bit of problems that other people see. Let me know guys I think this one is a keeper . http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoof320.mp3 - Rave On The Roof! (320 kbps) EDIT: Fixed 2 small things http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoof2320.mp3 - Rave On The Roof 2 (320 kbps)
  19. Congrats dude!
  20. Try ubuntu studio, its pretty nice. I havent used it MUCH but Ive done some stuff in it. Try it out.
  21. I like the cut of your jib. Its not out of reason that this is a possible case. If so, that would be freaking awesome. I for one, cant wait untill this comes out. Its going to be epic.
  22. haha thanks guys .. I was kind giving up on this one. Ive been really busy, but hopefully I'll be able to get back to finishing it soon .
  23. I agree with this, aside from that, looks pretty interesting.
  24. I would want the K.K. live version. Ive been wondering what the aircheck version is. What is that? Any way of putting that more clearly? I havent really studied enough to know what Dmaj7, etc are. as in, what notes are in them etc. (Im a noob when it comes to certain musical terms)
  25. ohhh.. <_< thats what it was. See I got the D and A, and F#, and I knew the F# was being played with something else, but for some reason I couldnt figure it out (probably cause I was playing the D in the same range as the F# instead of playing it lower [bass]). ok yea.. like the biggest problem I have with doing this by ear is chords and thats what I was stuck on... If I had just moved the D and A's to the bass I would have figured it out .. Thanks alot though lol.
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