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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. damn I'd like to get on this... Im going to try to get my shit together soon and maybe I can. (If you'd accept me that is)
  2. Definitely. I know it hasnt been stated, but I really hope there isnt a "genre" restriction. Like.. you can easily throw a lead or 2 on to the guitar/bass tracks. I wonder if you need vocals? Im waiting for more info. heh what would kinda suck is if they do let in electronica, but all the bass players get is off beat hits
  3. Just heard about this.Def gonna be taking advantage of it Nobody said the music had to be "rock" or have guitars in it UNTZ UNTZ COMING TO ROCKBAND!!
  4. So, me and my friend finished a new song! Featuring the vocals of Queenie (Queeniemusic) we have created an epic trance track coming in at around 9 minutes long! We really think you will enjoy this one 192 kbps Version - http://mirror.imontheroof.com/sbx/Mnemosyne/DreamOfFlightMix192.mp3 320 kbps Version - http://mirror.imontheroof.com/sbx/Mnemosyne/DreamOfFlightMix320.mp3
  5. Well, I have decided to break out some good old Trance and do this one by myself as DJ SymBiotiX. The song is Clione by Kors K. First introduced in Beatmania IIDX 4th Style as his winning entry in the Beatmania Song contest. I took the original, made it longer, added my own flavour in there, and expanded on the ideas. I think it turned out REALLY great. You can listen to it here: or Download a 320 kbps version: Kors K - Clione (Shades of Blue Mix) remixed by DJ SymBiotiX Enjoy, and let me know what you think p.s. you can hear the original here:
  6. Mashroob!!! p.s. I'll keep my challenge... hahahah so good
  7. Thanks man. Definitely my favourite track so far . Anybody else?
  8. Hey man, you're pretty cool!

  9. The movie Christmas Rush was filmed in a mall in my home town. (That movie starred Dean Cain ) me and my father were actually Extras in that movie, though I dont think either of us actually made it to screen in any scene.
  10. Alright, so me and my friend finished our first original track together (i.e. not a remix). The style is pretty much UK Hardcore, and I think you shal really enjoy it. Mnemosyne - Azure (192 kbps) Mnemosyne - Azure (320 kbps)
  11. but.. 5 in a row isnt even how 5 key popn works. 5 key popn is 3 on bottom 2 on top. .. this is gonna be weird '_'
  12. yeah.... wtf is wrong with you people. Just because they are pumping out a new game sooner than you expected? youd rather pay for small game updates than a new game entirely? wow.... some people are really fucked up :S
  13. Mask thing is most likely Castlevania: Lord of Shadows but its not known for sure. Also Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker I hear is the new psp game. I guess we'll find out for sure tomorow.
  14. Hmm.. maybe thats why he has a barcode etc. anyways, somebody go to that mask site and let me know if there is anything different. That thing creeps me out, so I dont wanna go . http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/mask/ p.s. the teaser site is back up http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/e3_2009/en/
  15. Raiden Confirmed so everybody STFU. The next game is called Metal Gear Solid: Rising (Lightning Bolt Action) Confirmed by kojima talking about it being multi platform at the 360 e3 thinger.
  16. thats what he just said? wtf.. Ive noticed that nobody reads what anybody else has to say..
  17. So I said this in the irc channel, but I'll post it here cause I kinda think its funny. 09:18 < DJSBX> hahahahaha 09:18 < DJSBX> oh man 09:18 < DJSBX> ok 09:18 < DJSBX> so you know that MASK thing that you get to from the Kojima page? 09:18 < DJSBX> it asks for birthday right 09:19 < DJSBX> so I said I was born in 2003 and its all "YOU DO NOT MEET QUALIFICATIONS" 09:19 < DJSBX> so it takes me to some other page, with the scary looking mask RIGHT THERE 09:19 < DJSBX> yeah... good job konami. Scare kids lol
  18. I have some rp5g2s and they are VERY awesome. Also Im curious about connecting a sub to them. like... would I need something to lowpass all the low to the sub, but highpass the rest to the monitors or what?
  19. Im in, though I think the info on the first page is wrong. Says something about March?
  20. in most emulators these days I think you can turn off certain sound channels. Do that then find a place where the sound you want is the only thing playing on said channel and you should be golden.
  21. I thought portable ops actually continued on from MGS3. I'm pretty sure there is story there. Lack of psp is why I havent played them. p.s. Ghost Bable is non Cannon. Metal Gear for the NES is also non Cannon. Metal Gear for the MXS2 is Cannon and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the MXS2 is Cannon.
  22. yes. Anyways Id say, MGS1 (playstation, MGS2(ps2),MGS3(ps2),MGS4(ps3) and if you want. Play the original metal gear games ( I never did), or the portable ops games (I never did)
  23. ahhh.. im scared... why does it need my birthday .. whats there?
  24. I think sonar can do this. I remember a while back I briefly looked in to it, and read something about sonar being able to do it. I would assume instead of just Left/Right they also have Front/Back.
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