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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Ironically, I only know of a "good" free one that beats all the paid bundles I've acquired over the years. But I something tells me you already know of it... DVS Saxaphone. I'm gonna do some homework on that one...
  2. HoboKa

    MnP Poll 1

    I decided to move the Poll to something outside of the Rounds Pages. Anonymous votes. I will send PM notifications to everyone relevant to the Compo Scene. And try and get some votes in. Sorry for the hassle OCR community. But as Bundeslang pointed out: participation is down, so I figured that I'd try out something.
  3. HoboKa has DIED. AKA, he started up a new Poll. Then he Died again. MAH BOI. So many Edits. So many Ideas.
  4. 2 day extension Deadline: July 31st Wed @ 1PM Vote Ends: August 4th Mon @ 1 PM
  5. 1 more day to deadline...which I will extend right now. I will do a 2-day extension, since this might be the last time we hear a modern-ish tune at MnP. Depending on how the Poll goes...Sorry on the inconsistencies here, folks. I think this is the better approach though, letting you guys vote on changes, if any. Guess I'll leave the Poll open for 2 weeks or so.
  6. BAH. I'm doing what I should have done yesterday and saved us all a headache! A Poll!! Check top-wise on the Post!
  7. Wow...good timing. I just set up a Poll. Care to vote on it? It's confidential**
  8. Thanks, I really needed to bounce my ideas back and forth with at least one person. I must admit to being rather sleep deprived yesterday and not entirely sober. I probably should've taken a step back, but at least something constructive came out of it. Good to see that both my suggestions weren't so off-base after all. I guess, the initial concern going through my befuddled brain yesterday, was that if I made this about popular games only, PRC might lose whatever gains it made the last few rounds lol. But, MnP does need a unique draw and it needs to be it's own thing. Simply being "conservative" has probably hurt more than helped it. I'll consider hopping back onto the OCR Discord, if only to post updates on MnP rounds etc. My "engaging" skills are something more to be desired. I edited out the musings I had here earlier. Seemed a bit too self defeating.
  9. (Edit 4~) Erm. Good to clarify... I meant nothing above the generation right before the xbox360, PS3 and Wii...because I've had rotten luck getting anything off the ground since 2015 from that era and the next one after it. Yeah, it's a shitty call to make, but no entry since what...2015 has been successful when a more modern piece is chosen. And a good bud of mine pointed out that this competition in particular, is unforgiving when it comes to doing justice to a source tune, when you have to be conservative AND match up to the sound quality it boasts. So roughly between 1984 to 2006. Also, for #2 (which you didn't ask for clarification, but I'm gonna elaborate upon anyways =p), I'm actually not gonna implement it. Seems a little too hard of a correction, especially since #1 is already kind of disheartening. Also, we've seen some pretty decent participation in lesser remixed games at OCR like Ducktales, Bubble Bobble, Toejam & Earl, Parasite Eve...so this is a risk I'm willing to keep bearing. But, I'm open to cancelling Point #1 if you guy's prefer that I roll with Point #2, though it does mean a bit more sacrifice in source tunes pool. Though I'd probably keep the 4 Games I linked above inside that pool, since they did well before. On a semi un-tangential point of complaining...ever since 2018...things have changed. (It might be due to a little melt down I had in the forums at OCR, but maybe I'm giving myself too much credit??) The thing that doesn't track, however, is why people stopped going to PRC. Bah... (sorry so many edits). It just sucks that participation has dipped so low... Not saying I don't appreciate the people who've come back or continue to participate - I really appreciate it! It just sucks. I totally get why Bundeslang is feeling burnt out, and I guess I've been feeling the burnout too. I was in a honeymoon stage of denial. Lmao.
  10. Too many Dodongos...So many Edits...So many Big Mack's for Boi's Dinner. Please vote. Or else I will make MnP a YouTube Poop Only Competition....which isn't a bad idea, but it might cause the world to self destruct.
  11. Pardon over 9000 edits... Yes...I'm aware, that a lot of the core participants being gone, it probably doesn't matter which move I take, but I feel compelled to do something. So when I did the homework, I realized that MnP has been suffering a similar drought as PRC since 2018. And participation seemed to peak at an average of 2-3 a round, if lucky, minus a few rounds. Bundeslang and I lost about 5-6 stalwart regulars and a bevy of part-time participants that don't show any more. Life is, right? Anyways...I wasn't rattled before (overmuch), but when Bundeslang was bandying the idea of putting his sword up and calling it quits by 2021, it sort of got the wheels turning in my head. MnP has been dying too; it's getting harder to be so gung-ho about it. So I decided to work on some 'solutions'...that will probably backfire, but DAMNIT, I'm gonna do them anyways!! So here goes!! Cut off Console Era Source Picks beyond the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube eras. There hasn't been any real interest in IP's beyond that cutoff: with the exception of a Mass Effect 2, Dark Souls and a Nier round (to which Brandon Strader was a major factor for...god I miss that madman lol) Furthermore, someone pointed out to me in a PM, that very modern soundtracks can be intimidating for those with mediocre libraries and the MnP model of "conservative approach" kind of...kneecaps whatever flexibility might have remained. Something I should have considered on the onset. Ban 'Obscure' Franchises. This could wind up hurting PRC, so I'd have to be play this one by ear and see how PRC participation is affected.
  12. So I probably butchered it. But I sure as hell had fun experimenting, and I think it's better than my 2008 attempt. Probably could use beefing up on sample qualities, minor E/Q tweaks...and the entire first minute is sort of up in the air. Depends. Any feedbacks?
  13. OK. So I'm not a pro at critique, but I want to say this project is a great idea and I like the articulations you guys used. Sounds real to me. Also, I'm getting some SMRPG vibes...you know the part with the Mine cart.
  14. Pretty cool. Like the gating. The saxophone sample is not too shabby surprisingly. Though might want to mask it's tailing out a bit more, as it sounds a bit "loopy". Beyond that I got no real useful feedback.
  15. Oh god...Judge Doom. Roger Rabbit was totally a movie for kids (not). I found Child's Play to be less terrifying - though the second one definitely dialed up the gross-out factor. Sorry for late ass response. It's sort of a shame that there is a lack of responses to original works and remixes in the WIPs. I hope the other communities appreciate your work better lol.
  16. Has a PS2/Gamecube era feel to it and I mean that in a flattering way. Got the hairs on my neck rising. Nice!
  17. Submitted. I'm going to be setting a new ground rule (next round) going forward. (EDIT) It's in the interest of trying to attract more participation and it may be a temporary call. Might wind up shooting myself in the foot. But, I'll leave you guys in suspense for a few days. =p
  18. That wooden spine (spine?? Spoon) is now MINE. Muahahahah. So who wants to go spooning? Also, where's my 2nd place plunger from last round?
  19. Nice work with slicing up the loops and I agree with Dex, it is a darker take. Kinda boss theme material. =p
  20. Hey, thanks for the praise. PRC is an older Bro to look up to! Good idea! We could make things easier with a standard Schedule. On some observations of my own habits for MnP scheduling... I usually end the round on the 28th each month. And I vary the voting length from 3-5 days (can make that a fixed thing, easy), so usually spanning to the 2nd or 4th of the following month for Results stage. If you'd like me to alter that, let me know. I'm also open to suggestions. Sure. Keeping it public works. OK. I'll try not to panic until I see an official announcement from you. Here's to hoping we continue to get participation. And thanks a million DJ Mokram.
  21. ((...pardon the edits..)) Nice perfect round!! Gonna go vote now. We may keep PRC alive. By the by, maybe I should set up a poll about how to change up MnP and/or perhaps put it on haitus so the compo scene can stay alive a while longer. Reason I'm suggesting this is if MnP is hurting the scene by dividing and perhaps overwhelming potential contestants, then I don't mind bowing out. Just don't want to jump the gun on this, like my usual impulsive self. BTW Bundeslang, if this sort of participation keeps up, do you intend to keep the show going? I don't want to shutter my doors and see PRC do the same. If you don't want to talk about it publicly, you we can do PM or Discord. Voted.
  22. Well, if the Cancel Culture mob comes after me for continuing on with the project, so be it; I'll brace it with a "come at me bruh" pose. Besides I don't really have Social Media anymore... So I'm gonna continue on. Also, I'm gonna save the speculation for the private chats and withhold my thoughts publicly. I spew enough bullshit here as it is.
  23. Pingas submitted. In all the wrong places. Just the way I like it. Jammin!! (E) Working on an edit. Less ADHD. More pumping. And airing it out. Ahhh... WOW...I assumed this was a Sonic thing for some weird ass reason. Probably because Sega. This is refreshing hahahaha. Stay in school kids. Don't do drugs. Actually...do plenty for POTUS 2020-2024.
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