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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Alright you mad-lads, next round is up. Cya next round.
  2. Well, it's not Zelda CDI. Or is it??? MY BOI. This round is what TRUE warrior's strive for!! Also, I wonder what's for DINNER?
  3. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) MIDI: https://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP117_Southern_Face_Shrine.mid "Human, Monster, Sea, Sky!! This month's source is Southern Faced Shrine!!" -Nick C Deadline: Sept 30th Wed @ 1PM Vote Ends: October 4th Sun @ 1 PM MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism submit: https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP117 MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. Going to relax this rule with certain Indie Titles like Shovel Knight, Undertale and possibly Crypt of the Necrodancer. Update me upon further titles that have that 'Retro Fidelity'. Thanks! Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent. Small tempo changes are OK. But not 140 to 80 etc. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make people's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  4. Darth Vader wants his NOOOO back. Well. You tried. Why not share it in this thread anyways? Anything beats my shit entry. Literally it is shit.
  5. Man. I picked a bad time to quit caffiene. My mind cannot slog through an idea right now. Maybe a MIDI rip clusterfuck. But beyond that, can't promise anything good. Or at all. I submitted something. Something horrifying. I'm so sorry Tim Follin T_T
  6. Results NickC got 1st with 16 points HoboKa got 2nd with 14 points TheVideoGamer got 3rd with 10 points Silverpool64 got 4th with 9 points NickC please PM me the source pick for round 117. Comments Real awesome turnout, which convinced me to slacken the new rule in place, ever so slightly. Gonna be interesting to see how MnP evolves. Or de-evolves. Thanks for the awesome turnout guys and for everyone voting too!
  7. Damn, this is quality work man (very authentic to the GameCube!)! One teensy feedback, that I think Soup-Bauss already covered: The vocals on 2:15 seem less quality as the stuff before. It took me out of that magical mood that you had set up before that point. Maybe slap on more effects to sort of mask it, or do another take? Sorry if this is harsh feedback. BTW man, can you provide a MIDI for Rundas' Theme? This is way beyond my level to go by ear. Chose to edit out the rest of the rant. Caffiene high + Aspergers = regret. Lmao.
  8. MnP Instructions/Guidelines [Updated]...Watcha guys think?? Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. Going to relax this rule with certain Indie Titles like Shovel Knight, Undertale and possibly Crypt of the Necrodancer. Update me upon further titles that have that 'Retro Fidelity'. Thanks! Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent. Small tempo changes are OK. But not 140 to 80 etc. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry.
  9. So I decided to pick up a tune (and submitted to The Coop) that I neglected in MnP round 105:
  10. Hm, that's very true. They do make a good contrast. It's harder to remix a texture than a melody. But...I'm comfortable where it is with MnP for now. I relaxed the "age restriction" on retro-sounding Indie Sources. So
  11. Oh god I did not know that I needed this in my life. Nice work man! Nice puppet video lmao.
  12. Maybe so. Personally, I don't mind ambient shit because I have the setup for it. But not everyone does. Also, another person here pointed out that it's hard to do a "tribute" to something that has super high fidelity production. Maybe the leitmotiv deficiency played a part, but that was not quite the reason for my decision/vote/poll/pingas. It's a pretty solid theory though. Sort of a Draft for Rule #1 Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. Exception with certain Indie Titles like Shovel Knight, Undertale and certain tunes from Crypt of the Necrodancer. If there any other 'retro' modern games, let me know.
  13. NVM previous response, it wasn't really relevant to your comment. I always trust that you are constructive in your votes. Plus, I know a bad comment when I see it...*cough Old OCR cough*
  14. Yeah. Maybe a stipulation is in order. Like modern Indie's with a Retro Vibe rule. To quote NickC (from ThaSauce Discord), "lol nah, it ([sic]Undertale) is an exception where it uses old school sounds, there's a lot of stuff now where trying to give a track a facelift isn't going to work at all."
  15. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 4 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS a voter bonus this round! AxLR has a vote worth 2x. When Voting, please don't be inflexible when considering the conservative approach. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends September 2nd Wed @ 1 PM (1 day ext.) Vote here https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP116
  16. Much appreciated! And I made a significant update to the last post. Hope it didn't come off too weird. Ah, what am I saying. I am the embodiment of weird. =p In any case, there is a plethora of entries this round and it feels like 2014 MnP again. Groovy.
  17. Wow, good call there, surprised I missed that. OK. Fixed, there isn't a need for extending now. Also...Shout-out to NickC for participating. OK. So the comment that was here, hindsight 20/20 is probably better rescinded. Sorry about that folks. It's not even in my place to break rules regarding qualitative remarks before the Voting Stage. So I apologize for that. Just try and be fair in the voting process and don't feel you have to be inflexible on the 1:1 Conservative approach to Voting (is that the best way to word it?? IDFK /cries). Perhaps I will draft/bounce off ideas on the Voting Values for MnP. @TheVideoGamer usually has good ideas on that...hint hint...nudge? Maybe another Poll is in order? Sorry folks. Insomnia and weird times have caused me to unravel a tad. I'm OK. Just...more impulsive than usual. Hope y'all can forgive me for that lol. Also, looks like I won't need need to relax the BONUS rule. This is awesome.
  18. EDIT...nvm...stupid musings. Hyper-Caffeinated ones. Lmao. Roughly 2.5 days to go till voting time. Hope to get one more entrant this round. If no one else sub's, I might relax the BONUS rule for AxLR so he can compete with us again, just for fun.
  19. Hey guys, I think I'm in the shop for another VST mega-library. My (Play) Composer Cloud is not rendering properly, often with tempo glitches, artifacts and not proper reverb space and delay, sounding VERY dry etc. I can sometimes get it to work if I throw it on a BUS, and use MIDI Outputs channels, but it's pretty on and off. Not exactly the best workflow for my needs. So...Should I grab Komplete instead or look elsewhere?
  20. Now you know. Lmao. Submitted my entry.
  21. As the wise poet M@nslay3r (once) said, "You Must do the sexy splits. For mass confusion." A Raycon Earbud for you if you know the reference.
  22. Oh. Well, it's good to see you're practicing the MnP Wai.
  23. Maybe so, but viewers (and me) love to see as many entries, eligible or BONUS. So it's real appreciated. Thanks!
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