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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. We do give them out for free at various stuff like at OCR panels at various conventions, or when available offer to give them as a gift when people purchase OCR merchandise in person at said conventions. They are never sold individually for profit, as OCR is a non-profit organization and is about promoting the music.
  2. Sounds like you're arguing against the whole entertainment industry in general - why charge for entertainment? Because there is a demand for it and where there's demand, there's a price that most companies charge to satiate that demand.
  3. If you'd like to donate more, that's fine, but I'll still send you a copy.
  4. Well, it's not a for sale thing - CD printings for OCR are always promotional, and never for sale. This will be a 2-3 CD album (hopefully 2, but we are cutting it very close on minutes per CD), so I'm guessing costs will be similar to FF4's printing, although we should be able to print more CDs as we're going the digipak route. If I remember right, FF4 only printed 200 copies or so? OA probably can correct me on this though, but the number sounded quite low. I have to check the numbers when we have all of the material ready for printing the CDs. Remember, getting a physical copy is a gift of thanks - I could just as easily foot this bill myself, as I have the cash, but it's a lot of money for one person to pay for. I will naturally foot the necessary difference, but I'm hoping I don't have to. All interested people, paypal the $ to wesley.cho@gmail.com . The amount is up to all of you of course as to what you want to donate. Some have donated quite a bit! jmr: I did get your PM pu_freak: Thanks for your donation! Another Soundscape: Sure if you want
  5. Yet another interesting take - JM is just full of gold! I find this one tough to really delve into the details of though, as the song shifts quite a bit, from the latin jazz intro to the more upbeat main progression. The main melody is used in smaller portions throughout the song, but each of those small portions are used according to the style very well.
  6. So just a status update - we are in need of $1200 total, and we currently have about $400 for the physical printing. We are in need of $800 more. If you donate $40, you will get a copy as thanks! Donate now and help us make this a reality!
  7. One thing I think could be done is perhaps go PM shopping for people Katie wants to see on the project - that's what I do usually for getting people on board. My stickied post in commie disc was meant to help give attention to underfocused projects like this, but there's only so much I can do .
  8. One thing is for sure - JM doesn't disappoint much with his music. Great & unique take on the original - it's upbeat and rolling, and quite jazzy, which is something you don't see really when it comes to Castlevania, much less something that preserves some measure of uptempo.
  9. Interesting interpretation of a classic Castlevania tune. Something about the organ-like sample that kicks off the song bothers me, but after that it's mostly smooth sailing, just like JM's music. Nice work!
  10. Ooo I'd be curious too, as a music box with Fragments of Dreams from Chrono Cross or Faraway Promise from Xenogears would be excellent.
  11. Sure - I want it to be a finished song of course, so you'll have to work on it further after the PRC of course. Not that I'm doubting you of course .
  12. I'll take suggestions only if someone claims that as what they want to do .
  13. Bumping this up - you know you want to join up this wonderful project!
  14. Yeah, it's amazing how he got it to work as trance - just astonishing! So I'm sure you all saw it already, but happy Halloween from OCR! http://sotd.ocremix.org/
  15. I really couldn't get into this one - it did give a feel of sneaking up, but nothing really special happened, which ruined the effect for me.
  16. This seems way too repetitive - nothing really different is done throughout the song, and it got boring quick.
  17. This is one of those where the outdated samples really hold this mix back from its potential. This also suffers from a bit of medleyitis - it basically follows the original songs, and doesn't really develop them into anything stronger.
  18. So this reminds me of the DKC 2 rollercoaster levels for some odd reason - the song is too short though. It just ends.
  19. This is a pretty laid back mix - I got nothing else to say heh.
  20. The volume is too low in general in this song. Nice idea, but it could use more variation - it's too repetitive as is.
  21. This is pretty repetitive to start out. Samples and the volume levels really don't do this song favors, and make this hard to really want to listen to with any regularity.
  22. The arrangement is surprisingly not as bad as I remember - I do remember this being a pretty straightforward take though. The more quieter section at around the 2 minute mark could use some more development though. This mix rides the original melody pretty hard, where I feel it could be expanded on.
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