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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Interesting ideas - it shifts around quite a bit. I'm not a fan of the ending though - I feel like there's no real working closure for some reason. Perhaps I'm alone in this, but otherwise I do like the ideas I see here.
  2. Not familiar with the source, but this sounds pretty cool - the style has a nice flair to it, with the electronic craziness with smooth melodic synths driving it. In fact, this reminds me of the song in the new TMNT: Reshelled for the train level with the instrumentation, although this takes a more frentic approach. Definitely a nice change of pace, as we don't see many mixes like this these days.
  3. Nah, can't make it. Perhaps things will change and maybe we could stay early, who knows. We'll figure that out sometime soon.
  4. Good luck...that's 118 hours of music right there, not counting the projects.
  5. Actually, things changed again, we won't be able to make such a gathering at zirc's place...but we will see you at the LAN party!
  6. This is a nice meld of chiptune with everything else, although the strings sound kinda fake to me - is it just me? Otherwise, I like it - it doesn't set out to be ambitious, but a mellow upbeat track driven by the drums/beats.
  7. Ahh, a Danimal Cannon song with Stemage. A solid song for all, although for some reason I kinda wish it was longer.
  8. We'll take you on it - we may not be there the whole time, as we may spend some of the time doing other stuff too like maybe checking up NYC.
  9. The achievements are back anyhow - it must be steam being wonky.
  10. I'm going to guess it has to do with protectionism.
  11. zirc might be holding something between the 20th & the 25th, so I may be going to that. If I do, I need to figure out what to do between then and Brushfire's LAN party on the 30th. I know there's that Christmas dinner mentioned, but is there anywhere where 3 of us can stay for all those days?
  12. Some people just like a sense of completion of doing everything in a game. I have a friend who has almost all his games to 100% achievements/trophies, but doesn't make that big of a deal over it.
  13. You don't "need" an achievement - they're nice as a more tangible form of accomplishment, but the only negative thing about achievements is if you have a negative attitude with them. I'll go for them up to a point, but I don't necessarily have to complete them (I still have 2 TF2 achievements left for example, but I don't really think about them).
  14. Jeez, the achievements keep resetting...great work there Valve. I'm just going to ignore the achievements and enjoy the game for what it is until they fix them. No biggie, but it is annoying.
  15. I don't understand that - wouldn't it make a bigger incentive to make it cheaper?
  16. q-pa, or cerrax might be your man then.
  17. I've heard a lot of the recommendations in the thread before - I want more though!
  18. Not just that - there's a Reuben Kee track in there! Otherwise it might not see the light of day .
  19. I think Bardic was using a TF2 analogy
  20. Bump - only 4 more days left to get in on this!
  21. People have mentioned this in #ocremix for the past two days - the only thing I'm a bit worried about is how will the action-RPG changeup work out for the game. Definitely stoked though, but that shouldn't be a surprise considering I'm running a Lufia project .
  22. So nice thing there's this thread here, as for some reason tonight I have a celtic love in me. So one artist I found is Lisa Kelly - this song catches my ears: Any other artists perhaps I should know?
  23. Thing is, certain games require focus - if you're not willing to have focus on a game like this which hinges on micromanagement, then it might not be for you. It requires a certain degree of discipline and intelligence to pick up a game like this, akin to its coming from the likes of Warcraft 3. But flat out not listening is just inexcusable. You were guilty of it there, and so was bloodpuddles, and bloodpuddles had an extremely shitty attitude because of his inability to listen & learn - zircon and I refuse to play with him ever again, and I highly recommend everyone to do the same because he absolutely would not use his ultimate as kraken and dash in to initiate, and then when he failed to do what he was asked, he started bitching at me as if I caused him to not do what is kraken's only major role. His attitude is second on the tier to the worst teammate you can have in a team game, the worst being a griefer. One can argue that claiming that by his complete and acknowledged unwillingness to work as a team is griefing as well, as it's a team game that highly depends on teamwork. One thing I think some people just don't realize is that by not doing what you can, you're intentionally screwing your team, and your teammates. It's assholish to say the least. If you come to the agreement beforehand that that's fine, ok, but if you're not in that setting, then it's pretty bad, and if you're in that state, you should generally avoid playing if you wish to be considerate.
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