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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Whoa. So one of the things that grabs me here is the individual sections - lots of nice individual ones. On the other hand, I'm mixed with how the song shifts between these sections. The flow from the transition is fine, but my problem is more with the jarring shifts in its pacing from the slower sections to the more faster ones. The song goes all over the place, and for fighting a mighty enemy as the title suggests, it does fit. So while I'm not a huge fan of how it panned out in some ways, it definitely does what it sets out to do and does it extremely well. It is an enjoyable listen that will assuredly go on my ipod.
  2. Yeah scout's disarm is ridiculous. Also, last night we did a fun 2v2 no stats game - with ~1500 starting gold, Chronos vs Scout is a fun matchup in a lane. It was a pretty close battle for a while.
  3. So for those who didn't get the game yet - L4D2 PC is going to be $30 at Gamestop this Black Friday.
  4. So we got a bunch of people so far - 5 days left to get on this list of fun!
  5. The dialogue in the game is a lot more fresh in this game...for example, when we were doing the swamp campaign last night, we heard Coach say "Shh, I hear a bitch" when a witch was near - I did a double take because I did not expect that, but surely enough I wasn't the only one to hear it. Just something for people to note while they're playing.
  6. So some people have noticed these social groups - come join in here L4D/L4D2 people: http://ocremix.org/forums/group.php?groupid=2
  7. So here's a link for those who're new at the game like Rambo & Bonzai (someone direct them here!): Guides: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/forumdisplay.php?f=53 Your login info is the same one you use to log into the game.
  8. Try the demo - that should give you enough info.
  9. First post updated - send me a PM with the info mentioned if you're interested!
  10. If we make it an yearly thing, I can keep track of deadbeats if people want.
  11. So I saw this at The Shizz, and thought it would be a cool idea - would anyone join in for one? So I think I'm going to keep some fairly loose rules here - I'll be the central point of contact. Anyone who's interested should send me a PM on the forums with their name and address. To allow for enough time for people to think of a present and to ship and such, I will set a deadline of next week for people jumping in, 11:59 pm EST of Nov. 24. Shortly after I will send PMs to everyone with who they've drawn up with the gift to buy them. Even if you dislike the person you've drawn, I want none of that to affect a willingness to buy a present for this - this is for the joy of doing something nice for someone else, which makes it even better if it's someone you happen to dislike for whatever reason. There should be no hatred in this process, and if you feel you cannot abide by that, please don't volunteer for this in the first place. The expense of the present is at the gift-giver's discretion, and I'd like to request that there be none given in bad spirit (like an actual lump of coal). If you feel like you can't spend more than like $5-10 that is fine - this is for the spirit of gift-giving and good will. Maybe enclose a letter with your gift or something like that - you don't have to spend much money (i.e. $50+) to give a good gift! But with this, please don't necessarily expect effusive praise over giving an expensive gift for example - they're nice of course, but remember, this is more about the act itself than about the money spending and any recognition for it. And lastly, for those who don't know what Secret Santas are like - they are generally run somewhat like this, and the gifts are usually given anonymously, although you can choose to reveal to the recipient of your gift through the reception of the present if you so wish. In for the fun Bahamut jmr Meteo Xavier Bardic Knowledge MaxFrost DrumUltimA nonsensicalexis JaDe ARaN HaRuNo Hemophiliac Brushfire Level 99 Nekofrog & Ashamee TheShaggyFreak Mahaboo FireSlash SirChadlyOC Oinkness Audio Fidelity Halt Abadoss Graycascade D-Lux The Biznut Sixto P.S. Please don't deadbeat and skip out on sending a present if you're in on this - I'll take a note of it so that next time something like this happens, people know. This is a commitment of sorts, even though it's a fun one.
  12. Smoker seems like he got neutered some - the range seems pathetic, either that or I kept getting screwed. Charger's charge seems somewhat tough to aim properly - I've had a bunch of near misses. Spitter is sexy - very nice in terms of infected advantage in setting stuff up, or getting free hits from long corridors (like in Dead Center level 5. Dead Carnival seems tough . And...that's all I got so far - very fun to play, but frustratingly tough in some ways.
  13. You could just click the right bracket image next to your name in those quotes to go to the original posts.
  14. Hotel rooms: Depends (the room itself runs about $100/110 per night) Food: I'd keep $75 just to be safe, since people like to eat out at least once - you probably would spend less though Registration: $40? Details on magfest.org CDs & stuff: ?? Alcohol: Depends on how much you drink Transportation: ?? I'll leave you to fill in the details.
  15. Happy birthday Vinnie! Hope things are going well there, and obviously for today too !
  16. That was pretty fun - I'm going to have to toss in a vote for UT2k4 for some time, it runs more smoothly
  17. The default controls are atrocious though - man it really makes you appreciate the progression PC FPS have gone with figuring out good keyboard configurations.
  18. *sigh*...nobody taking me up on my offer for the room. Guess it's going to be just 3 of us for over $100 per person...
  19. I just typed it up one day out of a wish to help pre-existing projects out, with some additional information upon suggestion by others or from self-realization.
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