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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I remember this! I remember liking this back in 2002 around when I found OCR. Unfortunately, the samples sound quite fake to me now, and the arrangement is fairly straightforward, which is ok. The background beat & backing compliment well with the straightforward progression of the melody, although some of the background instrumentation could've been brought out more like the guitar. I also feel there was more room to expand on the arrangement and add more of a personal touch in it than just the beats.
  2. The beginning starts off quite repetitive with gradual adding of instruments. The song took waaaaay too long to get into the expanded instrumentation! Most of the samples could use an upgrade as well, although the drums are satisfactory. The arrangement had quite some room to expand and then it ends like others mentioned . Wish it was expanded, as it just comes off as unfinished.
  3. Ah, one of the mixes from the Far Promise wave way back before I even found the site. This mix has some interesting things going on, although it could use some more midrange. Perhaps a better choice for the lead synth? This is certainly a lot better than a lot of the much older stuff though.
  4. I remember this mix, as I listened to all of the Wizards & Warrior mixes back in 2002 because I loved the game as a kid. But this mix is pretty repetitive with the same plodding pace for most of the song and basic instrumentation played in the same loops even when more are added, excepting that break around the middle where it's just the percussion playing. Just one of many archaic mixes still around .
  5. The drums in the introduction made me think I was listening to a Magitek Factory mix at first. The mix doesn't really catch my ears though, as there's not that much going on sound-wise. Mainly just a drum and a synth?
  6. But on the flip side tax is almost $5. Also, Valve may do a deal like what they did with the 4 pack last year...so I personally will wait.
  7. I've mentioned this to others, but I'm the one who was the worried one about Ayres - I don't think it was anyone else, but given the situation on the forums at the time, and some of the comments mentioned...it wasn't hard to understand why IMO. I'm the sole one responsible in that instance.
  8. Is it just me, or do most of these old mixes have sample & production issues that dog them? But here, we have a rather straightforward arrangement that sounds pretty much like the original tune. Only 1:37 in length too...it has quite some room for rearrangement. Then again, this is one of the old archaic mixes that populate the site still. CotMM has made some awesome stuff since then.
  9. Ah, Memblers of midirip action...this sounds like the one part of the Gradius mix 'Perfect Selection', except with different instruments tossed in.
  10. The transitions are pretty atrocious - it sounds like I'm listening to a preview to some album, not an actual song. Can't say I'm familiar with the original source, but I get the impression that there wasn't much rearrangement here though.
  11. I'm also surprised that the trademark Pacman song got stretched for almost 2 minutes. Sample-wise, everything could use an upgrade, and perhaps this could've been streteched even longer, but eh, it's from the site's old days.
  12. So I guess I have similar comments as to what I mentioned for the Rolling Thunder mix, but samples could use some upgrading, and here I *think* it's the midrange that's kinda lacking? Arrangement is interesting though. I probably would've found a bunch of enjoyment if I heard it back then.
  13. So others have said probably most of it - samples are not quite up to snuff, and I hear very little on the low end here. However, I do think the arrangement is pretty interesting, and could be quite nice if it were updated with the requisite production & samples.
  14. Man, this mix did not hold very well at all. Poor samples, and generic overall. Little variation, or even much of a buildup. Very little going on overall...just poor for trance, but I'm sure even Haroon knows this now .
  15. TAing as a sophomore in undergrad for general physics labs...without ever having taken the course. That was pretty fail on my part trying to do the lab demonstrations.
  16. Sniper limit is probably not a bad idea...but a spy limit is probably not necessary. If there's too many spies, invariably they'll start getting caught a lot and someone or some people will probably rage to a different class.
  17. Man, such an old song from the annals of OCR history. This sounds pretty coverish though. Not much going on, and doesn't really vary that much. Can't really say I dig it terribly much due to its simplicity and not really adding much as opposed to the original or the gazillion variants by Kondo and others.
  18. Glad to see a Lost Odyssey mix - that game sports some of Uematsu's best work in quite a while. The direction taken on this piece is kinda quirky though. I sort of think of a cyberpunkish setting with this song with the drums, synth, and fake guitars (?).
  19. One thing that surprises me is how much his arrangement has matured over the past 6 or so years I've heard his work. There's a clear cut quality difference between his work and most others when it comes to orchestral music. The buildup to main whale theme is just a joy to hear, and you really get some positive vibes from it.
  20. So Mazedude makes some pretty rad mixes, and this is no exception. This song has the feel that you're in a high tech industrial-like place, and then around the 2 minute mark you have some creepy sound come up that is like you're encircled. Interesting and an uncommon approach.
  21. Happy birthday! Don't make DrunkUltimA on IRC too ridiculous tonight
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