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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Exactly what I was coming in here to say. If you're really motivated and you've done your homework, it's possible to succeed and I'd wish you all the best of luck with the project if you end up moving forward with it As far as I'm concerned you've got more credibility and reputation than Foxhull did when he started the Xenogears project and that project got finished despite some setbacks and opposition, so if you're up for it I think it's something within your reach. Plus, any project spearheaded by you has the potential to be that "EVERY TRACK IN THIS PROJECT IS BY BLINDD" project that BGC referenced in another thread, and we'd all love for that to happen
  2. Bahaha, there was a part of the synth solo that I could have sworn was an homage to Dragonforce This is pretty badass dude, but I have to agree with the evktalo on this, the whole vocals section seemed out of place and didn't really go with what you'd set up in the song thus far. That being said, the lyrics themselves were pretty neat and everything after the vocals was great! Loved the violin for the few parts that it came in for I like this a lot more than the other Remix generation mixes posted so far (which were both very good, granted) but I think this should have won.
  3. Hey, good luck getting your DKC mix past the Judges :) I thought the arrangement was fantastic!

  4. Um... why? If you just want to hit up the concert, you should be perfectly in the clear regardless of what age you are
  5. Apparently the concert is actually for people 21 and under, as well, so you should be in the clear It's the convention that the concert's a part of that requires you to be over 21.
  6. Well, the last time Abadoss sent in a last-minute collab. for a project, it turned out to be one of the best songs on the album, so I fully expect the same to happen here! I'm pretty psyched for this, a lot of my favorite mixers are showing up here so I'm guessing there's gonna be a lot of gems on this one!
  7. Oh, I don't think I'm good enough to get onto any project yet. I just meant that I like keeping up with the "Progress charts" of all the various OCR projects and seeing which artists are involved with each track. Things like that
  8. Seeing as how I'm a huge project whore, do you think it'd be within your reach to post one of those spiffy little lists on the first post like all the other projects have, complete with fancy colors, so I can stalk your progress and needlessly hype myself up for this project? xD ... when you're not sick, of course Feel better soon!
  9. Tru dat! I've put in almost 2000 listens to this album's tracks combined, and I have to say that "The Skies Hold No Angels for Us" is the best, without a contest. Completely moody, atmospheric, and downright-beautiful at times. It didn't quite hit me with the first listen, but by the 50th listen I'm pretty sure it's become one of my all-time favorite rock songs! Brilliant job, audio fidelity and Level 99
  10. So, are these concert-only tickets purchased at the door or can we reserve them somewhere? I didn't see anything on the advertisement about that.
  11. No way! I'm all over this! Thanks a lot for the heads-up! I'm gonna see if I can get some friends on board with this, too.
  12. Beautiful harmonies throughout the song, there are several moments throughout the song that just grab your attention and hold onto it. All of the elements of the song are very cohesive, it always impresses me when collabs like this feel so natural
  13. Seriously though, you guys are awesome. I'm gonna find a way to see you live sooner or later
  14. Of course, you've gotta be 21 or older Dammit, this is right next to my house, too. Maybe I'll sneak over to the lot next to the convention and see if I can hear you guys playing Just play really loudly for me, please
  15. Surprised to see that this incredible track has gotten so few reviews! I can't offer much technical criticism, but I know what I like and I definitely like this! You've got a way of picking instrument samples that compliment each other perfectly. You've created a wonderful atmosphere that's easy to chill out to, but it's got enough motion to also keep the song interesting and engaging throughout.
  16. Just like all your other songs, it's brilliant all the way until the end. The only thing left is to finish it There's not a lot of melodic variation going on with the actual source though, and it feels sandwiched between the solos. The solos are expertly written and they sound pretty good within the context of the song, but if you're going for OCR-quality you probably won't pass the judge's requirements for source usage at the rate you're going, unless there's something else that I'm missing. When you get to writing more of the song, maybe try and vary the main source melody up just a bit so it doesn't grow stale. You seem to be pretty good with this in your other WIPs, so I doubt that will be much of a problem. Parts of this song remind me of your orignal composition, "Falling from Heaven," which I recently discovered and has quickly become one of my top played songs. I just wanted to compliment you on that because that song has really stuck with me lately and I think you did a bang-up job with it! P.S. I want your sound library! The piano, drums, etc. are exactly the kind of sounds I'd like to use when I start making music
  17. I don't think it's a judges issue, I just don't think it was ever finished. And if it has, then nobody's told me about it
  18. I'm guessing you've heard Voices of the Lifestream already, right? If not, I'd highly recommend it; it's just as high of caliber as this project.
  19. Two of my favorite remixers on the site! I've already heard Audix's contribution to the DKC2 project (and it's one of my favorite songs ever!) but I'm psyched for Zyko's 3 arrangements as well! Keep on doing what you two do best Happy birthdays!
  20. Holy shit! WIN!!! Stellar work guys, I'm sure I'll be able to listen to this one on repeat for ages and find something new and cool about the song with each listen
  21. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11589 Here's a good one Someone else posted a WIP called "Trouble in the Treetops" but I can't find it at the moment. I'll let you know if I run across it, but if you really want it I could send you the audio file. It's not a complete song though :\
  22. Um, wow! You've improved a TON since I heard some of your first WIPs, this caught me off guard with how catchy and well-produced it was! You're doing great, man! Your flute sounds are amazing, mind telling me what you're using for your sample/soundfont? The title you picked for the mix feels perfect for the mood you've got going on, too Just thought I'd throw that in there. I like the idea of the fakeout at the end, but I think the pretend-fadeout was too long... I'd cut it down by about 50% of what it is now if I were you, so you still get the effect but it doesn't drag on as long.
  23. Not what I've come to expect from Tepid, but I guess that entering new territory like this is a mark of a talented musician Great production and a fun groove all-around, I think I actually prefer this over the winning song, too (with all due respect to Rayza.)
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