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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. This sounds exactly like what I'd expect to hear out of a Paper Mario soundtrack. Nice work, very quirky arrangement.
  2. That was originally the plan, but then I talked it over with Cody and we both decided that if we did too many previews, then it would totally spoil the surprise of the final album for all you guys, and that's not what we want to do. So yeah, I wouldn't expect anymore major previews before the album release.
  3. I'll be honest, I'm not a HUGE fan of pure chiptune work. I generally prefer it when it's mixed with other elements to hold my interest, but you really won me over with a few of these tunes Tears for Fears, Route 225, the sonic/mario collab, and especially Sonic Rage were all awesome. Thanks for totally surprising me with this, I had no idea you were prepared to drop an album on us Great work!
  4. I'm bored, let's make something happen here! I don't care what, I'd just like to see some tangible progress from anyone. Pleeeasse
  5. Basically, any of the vocal themes from Metal Gear Solid will get me a bit misty eyed. Those games are emotional like nothing else I've ever played.
  6. Double birthday? OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD what can this meaaaannn?
  7. These two awesome dudes have both made some pretty incredible contributions to OCR and they deserve to be recognized Hope you guys both had (have) a great day!
  8. Man this album sucks, can you redo it all in brutal technical death metal genres with rap overlays on every track?
  9. Yep! I'm expecting some extremely awesome WAVs from mv, Zylance, and ANOTHER SOUNDSCAPE very shortly... right guys?
  10. OH WUTS THIS? DO I SMELL A WAV? It's been a long time, but The Vagrance has finally broken the dry spell and gotten in a finished song And the good news is, it looks like several others are to follow! His remix is extremely unique and should provide a great counterpoint to what Sole Signal did with the same source. Awesomeness!
  11. That claim was actually made a day after the deadline passed
  12. Stop making waves and make more WAVs! that was terrible... ☠
  13. As soon as you either get a WAV in for Mill Fever or show a bit of progress on Waterfall, I'll totally check you out And yes, Mirb! Run like the wind!
  14. Just updated the first post, all artists that are safe for the 75% deadline on December 1st have a ✔ by their name. All others, I will have to start getting on your back a bit more often until you get there, especially if you're still behind the 50% mark that you were supposed to meet two days ago. I hate to be a jerk but I don't see any reason for this to drag out longer than it has to!
  15. Not worried You've got a solid foundation, you're making consistent progress, and you're keeping me updated. That's enough for me.
  16. Sounds like you're using Firefox or some other browser with a Quicktime plugin, all you need to do is right click on the link that normally opens up the song in a new tab and select "Save Link As."
  17. <Emunator> This mix has a s-s-speech imp-p-pediment! Stutter-stutter Untz untz untz woooooOOOoOOooopitchbend! CHIPTUNA! A+++++ would listen again.
  18. Just so I'm sure, this is a song from another dubstep artist and you're just sharing it on the forums, right? In other words, you aren't Rusko, are you? I just want to make that clear for everyone reading this thread, in case there's a misunderstanding.
  19. Whatever happened to the AZ/Mexico part of this meetup? Did that fall by the wayside or is it just a private party now?
  20. I've got a bit of a working sample for the inside inlay that everyone seems to have liked, so in the coming days I'm going to try and spruce it up and see what I can come up with
  21. Wouldn't it have made more sense to have posted that on my wall? :-P

  22. Alright, here we go... If you're going to go with sequenced piano (which is extremely hard to pull off well) you really need to make it sound like it's a live performance. There's very little humanization to your velocity and timing - fiddle around with individual notes to give it a less rigidly-quantized feel. When a piano piece is performed live (at least, one in this style of arrangement) there's going to be a lot of emphasis on using the sustain pedal to create natural transitions between notes and generally helping the piece flow better. This sounds like it was performed on a piano with no sustain pedal and very little sustain on the notes themselves, so it comes across as very mechanical :\ I'm sorry if this is harsh, but I see promise in your arrangement but the humanization just isn't cutting it here. You need to take what you've got here and put some serious work into velocity, timing, and especially sustain lengths on your individual notes if you want this one to get to a point where it's passable by the OCR panel. Past that, No Escape gave some very good advice on reverb and panning that would help augment the decent-but-unimpressive samples that you're working with that I'd highly suggest you take to heart You've got a decent arrangement here and if you're interested in working on it a lot, there's no reason you can't get this one to where it needs to be. Best of luck if you choose to pursue this one further!
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