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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. There's a matter about summer vs. winter MAGFest I think you're all forgetting. MAGFest is unique because of its timing. My first MAG was four years ago, while I was in the throes of college. I had no car, classes every day (a residential liberal arts college) and tons of work, so traveling during the semester or summer (when I also took classes) was pretty much impossible. But because MAGFest is on or near a date when many people are on vacation, it's a premiere time for them to go. There are also plenty of other cons during the summer, so MAGFest would have to compete with them for attendees (even if there's not a direct conflict people can afford to attend only so many cons over a given stretch). We all know no date is going to work for everyone. But this community does not begin and end with MAGFest. If you can only come during the summer, come to Otakon. Or if that's not your bag, help plan an OCR meetup. I've seen a dearth of those lately (except for you guys, Andy and Jill. You rock). Or perhaps best yet, if you want to see MAG Part 2: Summertime Edition, help plan it! I certainly don't agree with everything Brendan and his band of misfits decide on, but there's no question that his commitment to providing the best experience possible is absolute. In short... should I say it? Ah hell, I'll say it. Ask not what the MAGFest community can do for you. Ask what you can do for the MAGFest community. (Pezman out)
  2. Guess what came up while watching the BS videos?
  3. It seems that OCR just up and does some things without letting the rest of their homies know. I was there and was present for much of the madness, but I got pissed when I found out about all the business and outings that happened which I wasn't aware of. Definitely gonna try and make that happen.
  4. I'm surprised no one remembered this one.
  5. I'll be wearing it at MAG.
  6. Who is buying your things? I'd like to see if they want some of my stuff.
  7. There are some nonprofits listed. My elementary school, for example.
  8. I also realized I have no idea why OCRemix isn't listed as a charity. Oh well. Next year.
  9. I liked the "composition demo" from Otakon '08. Since, as you said, most people there already know about OCR, you'll have more time to go more in-depth on that subject. Maybe even if each of the panelists talked about their personal setup and how they go about composing and remixing. I've always believed that details behind the actual creation of the music should comprise more of OCR's PR, as that is the crux of what the site is about.
  10. Some of these answers may be buried deep within the thread, but it should be on the front page for us to see. 1. Is there an NYC caravan going? 2. Where is Brush's house? 3. Does anyone else still need to prereg? I have been trying to get a group so we can all get in on a group rate. 4. Which rooms still have room? Maximum capacities don't seem to be displayed.
  11. QFT. Also, transportation/rooming scenarios still not clear for me...
  12. http://www.facebook.com/ChaseCommunityGiving So I saw some friends voting on this and I figured I'd get in as well. The problem is I'm not really aware of great charities. I voted for a section of the red cross, but if any of you know some good organizations, I've got 19 votes left. And anyone with a facebook should go and vote as well.
  13. This is fantastic. I hope you make it to MAG for your honeymoon a la BLiND and Jade. I haven't seen anyone from OCR since the last MAG.
  14. I'm definitely going to MAGFest and have not preregged, and I have two other people who have yet to prereg as well. Anyone want to jump in with us so we can get money off?
  15. Haven't seen it, and shall download it presently. But parallel universes always leave a bad taste in my mouth... Chrono Cross is the only story I've seen which has done that well.
  16. Drossin confirmed this back at his panel last MAG.
  17. I'm part of the NY-based crew! How/when are we meeting up?
  18. I played a lot of The Learning Company's old stuff. Operation Neptune remains one of my favorite games to this day. Played Treasure Mountain, Mathstorm, etc. However, I do believe there's a problem with the way those game presented information. Namely, it became more about the game than the learning. I can't remember anything those games taught me which actually stuck. The information wasn't vital in of itself - you needed to solve a math problem to open a door or advance to the next level. Whatever information the game teaches you should be itself crucial for the game. That way, the act of using it to advance yourself in the game will drill it into your memory. Imagine for every character move combo you know in Street Fighter, it was instead a historical fact. And you needed to use every one of those facts to make it through a time-traveling scenario. The analogy may not be perfect, but I think the concept holds. I agree. That's basically why I'm writing this chapter. Educational games today place the information ahead of all else - production, gameplay, everything. But I think educational games need to step it up. They should have all the storyline appeal of Metal Gear Solid, the multiplayer capacity of World of Warcraft, and chock full of enough directly applicable information to get you a GED. That is the kind of educational game I think kids would eat up.
  19. Yours truly will be writing a chapter for publication in this upcoming book. The editor had seen my previously published work and personally invited me to submit an outline for consideration. This was a few months ago, but I'm very pleased to announce that I've finally gotten word it's accepted! My chapter is a comparison of educational/serious and commercial games, with regards to features, attractiveness to players, and the methods by which they incite motivation. I will also suggest a number of ways that developers of educational games can add features from commercial games in order to make them more appealing and fun. I think such developers need to appreciate the culture that has built up around commercial games, and approach games as more of an art form than simply a utilitarian tool. I will be gathering a number of sources, speaking to several professionals, and using my own judgment to write this chapter. But what can never hurt is perspectives from intelligent gamers. Feel free to share your thoughts on the subject. Let me know about the good commercial and serious games you've played, and what was good (or not so good) about them. Sephfire, I haven't forgotten about your video on the subject. In fact, I may want to speak to James Portnow and the folks at EDGE. Also, in before "Educational games can never have the same appeal commercial games do." Please don't use this thread for that argument. I'm not saying that to be contrary or stifle opinion, but because those comments certainly don't help me write my chapter. Furthermore, I don't think it's unreasonable for a game to be entertaining and truly educational at the same time. If you still feel the need to tell me otherwise, please PM me.
  20. Lemme jump in on this, if it's not too late. Also, I can't believe I'd forgotten about Blipfest. It's happening right around this time, and I know Dom and Brendan will be there. In fact, I may need to help organize an official meetup...
  21. Huh... I've been out of touch with the forums lately, but I knew I had to make it back to check on this stuff. Firstly, I'd like to put myself down as attending. Most def. And I'd like to get in on any group of 5+ people who want to register, fo shizzle. As I'm local to the area, I can also make any NYC-based meetups, sleepovers and other fun things. It will make transportation to MAGFest easier as well.
  22. I'm in for room overcrowding/multi-day orgies anytime.
  23. Any comments/thoughts on retaining ability to browse? Again, I liked the "library" aspect of being able to scroll around until I found something that caught my eye.
  24. http://www.offworld.com/2008/12/korg-ds-10-bendy-straw-handhel.html Wow. For the win.
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