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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Anyone listened to these? I'm anxious for a second opinion on their similarity...
  2. Weighted Companion Tweenbot? Also, how heartbreaking was it to euthanize the Companion Cube, MIrite?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_LXeDg3_TM
  4. I'm going to name my first son "Bear."
  5. Mah email: thepezman@gmail.com

    I know. Original, right?

  6. Not necessarily. I could always stream it for him.
  7. I need to see one of our metalheads do something with this. Though I haven't played it, I've heard Crash Twinsanity was the last good Crash game, and the soundtrack was done entirely a capella by a group called Spiralmouth. But yeah, this track kicks it and I would love to see it brought to the next level.
  8. www.moon-movie.com Coming to theaters in New York and Los Angeles June 12. I guess I'll let you all know how it is. If I'm not in Africa, that is.
  9. Flattered about the whole friendship thing... not sure I know who you are, though.

  10. I think it's a combination of everything that's been said before. To a lay person, a game like FF6 is nigh impossible to get into. There are so many things to keep track of - different characters, different equipment which can only be worn by some, dozens of items to do different things, enemies and bosses which sometimes require special ingenuity to beat, nooks and crannies and secrets of all sorts that the power gamer can discover, etc. It's a lot to balance. Chrono Trigger, I'd argue, thrives on its comparative simplicity. The storyline pulls few punches and is modeled in the style of a traditional epic, so it's easy to get behind. Characters don't have customization and they almost all can wear the same outfits. They're also each very strong and well-defined, and given a lot of screen time (which is not guaranteed in FF6). This is even true for villains (who doesn't love Ozzie, Slash, Flea, or Dalton?). Even small design choices like not entering a separate battle screen make it very easy for first time gamers to get what's going on. And, of course, it's time travel, a really simple idea. No concepts like summon monsters or nega worlds to understand. And, of course, the graphics and music are gorgeous. So when taken all together, Chrono Trigger is just a great game that's easy, quick, simple, and loads of fun all at the same time. Incidentally, I'm sure this is why Chrono Cross didn't do nearly as well. While hailed as a great game by many, I think most people would have been content with a "Chrono Trigger 2," without too many elements changed. Instead, they got almost the exact opposite, with a storyline and battle system more complex than almost any other I've seen. It was great for hardcore fans to really delve into things, but it no longer had the approachable, anyone-can-play mentality that made the first such a runaway hit.
  11. Works for me! I'll try my hand at this one. To be clear, this is the track, right? Perhaps I can also submit it to the boss project...
  12. If you don't mind waiting for a WIP til late May (a couple weeks after I graduate) I'll take something. Otherwise, can't.
  13. Ditto. I won Mustin's auction. W00t. I also know and love that track. Good choice.
  14. DO you think it would be possible to speak with the folks at Newgrounds? They have an established audio portal, plus their own robust flash player.
  15. Meh, laptop keyboard is portable enough for me.
  16. My bad, you're right. The "Chrono Symphonic Special Edition" thread threw me off. I like this. Would make it easier to browse.
  17. Do you think you might go to grad school for that? I myself am taking at least two years off before I even consider the possibility, but at present that sounds like something I might want to do. However, I admit I know little about it other than "make UIs simpler."
  18. Is is possible to merge threads regarding projects which have been released into the corresponding "album" thread in the albums subforum? It would make browsing that forum (with regards to seeing which projects are in progress and whether they have openings) much easier.
  19. two sound similar to begin with. Perhaps...?
  20. Well, I want a projector primarily to have a "movie theater" whenever I want to watch a movie. It will make things like gaming awesome too, apparently.
  21. I really want to remix on this project, but I have to graduate college first (May 17).
  22. Not sure I understand... projectors show a moving image on a flat surface, like a monitor. What's different?
  23. Which projectors? My dream setup involves using them rather than monitors.
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