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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Agreed. Some people learn by watching, then doing.
  2. For one thing, some popular artists do agree somewhat with the model being purported here. They're already successful, so one could argue they can afford to say/do these sorts of things. But what benefit would it be to them to say/do it if they didn't believe in it? I do think musicians should be paid for their work, but that the focus should switch to live shows and performances. In this age it's all too easy to become separated and disconnected from people and to overuse technology to compensate for bad musicianship. Live touring ameliorates both these issues, and you can't pirate a concert experience. I haven't listened to much of Pearl Jam, but when they came to Columbia three blocks away from my dorm I jumped at the chance to see them. I was alone, sitting in a far away seat, hungry (but not about to buy the overpriced crap) and still had a great time. I'd say most popular bands spend about 40% of their working time touring and 60% in the studio. Before anyone rips into me, I don't have a basis for these numbers and I'm just eyeballing them (and of course they're different from artist to artist). If anyone wants to show me up go ahead, but my point is that I think it should be more of an 85/15 split, with CDs used not as a major source of income but as a promotional tool for live concerts. I know Prince did this to great effect. I honestly think that appealing to the more visceral, personal levels of fans instead of trying in vain to clamp down on piracy is where things should head. After all, until vinyl that's what music was all about.
  3. This is weird. Tried to click on your link and NewEgg told me it was having server problems. But I looked on the rest of NewEgg and server problems apparently just mean they can't find the damn page. Can you relink or just tell me what you found? Thanks.
  4. Looks good. I would disagree somewhat on some of the window orderings but it's nothing major. Is it possible to extend the width of the last FM module? It's difficult to see the song titles and irritating to have to let each one scroll.
  5. It is music and art purposes. I'm not buying this JUST for gaming, no no. All I said is that I want to play games on it. I want to get down with Final Cut Pro, Ableton, Photoshop, Flash, Maya, Reason, Logic, and audio drivers which have nearly no latency.
  6. Teh horrorz!! Not Bootcamp! No no no no no no. I stuck with Windows for 21 years and I have seen it go down the shitter. And, though I don't like to admit it, I have seen Mac rise to increasing prominence. Of course, I didn't pay them any attention until the Intel surge, when a major roadblock to a switch was lifted. And now I've waited two years after that while things just kept getting better and better. As far as I understand games work just fine under Boot Camp (or Parallels, or VMWare). So I fail to see the problem. Or how that answers my question to Pyrion.
  7. Since my external HD is over 2 GB, that's not going to work. Did you check out the stuff Phill linked to? Pretty legitimate, from what I can see. Your logic being what? Because I do intend to play games on this thing. I was watching a video off a DVD image from my 750 GB NTFS drive last night, and it started skipping on me. Sure enough, I checked the drive and it needed a defrag. I use PerfectDisk for the task (BTW, when mentioning specific hardware/software it's nice to provide a link like I did). This wouldn't be so weird except for the fact that I had just defragged it maybe two days ago. I can't imagine what problems my drive would have.
  8. Since I'm still in my noob cocoon (Pezman will evolve to OCRemixer some day), I need to get clarification. I remember you talking about Drumkit From Hell Samples (DFHS, I assume), Snapp, and how much you liked and used it. But since I discovered it's an expansion pack to EZ Drummer perhaps you don't use it anymore. So do you use these other ones you mentioned instead? I'd like to know.
  9. Haven't been to Coney Island in quite some time. If what you say is true, Wes, then I must make it there at some point soon. If I'm not in the Berkshires you can count me in.
  10. People are appearing to have difficulty with this concept. We are NOT talking about techno/trance remixes of classical music. We are talking about CLASSICAL remixes of techno/trance tunes. This means that we have a full-blown orchestra covering Sandstorm. Don't know if it would sound very good though. I don't know how you know about this, but these guys were the artists-in-residence at my college for the past three years. I went to some of their concerts. They kick ass.
  11. I wonder if they aren't planning a full blown remake for the consoles and are just using this to remind everyone what Chrono Trigger is. Wouldn't be the craziest thing I've seen this industry do.
  12. Holy crap I can't get a date. Glad you did, though. Seems like it worked out for you.
  13. Fireworks + Lightning + Sitting next to girl = Damn awesome
  14. SnowStorm, one thing I will say is that we're looking for firsts within the entire context of video games, not just a series. Once you open it up to that, every game in a series did the first of something. So let's keep that out of it.
  15. There's more to it than that, though. I know my way around a computer. But some parts will just burn out sooner if they're inferior. So I guess it's a question of the quality with which it's all put togethe.
  16. http://games.ign.com/articles/809/809655p1.html This is definitely something to consider. If you packed together all the story elements of Final Fantasy VII together, it'd be overwhelming. Part of the fun of playing the game is traveling to your next destination, maybe not entirely sure what you're doing, and fighting enemies along the way.
  17. I'm preparing to cross over to your camp (as soon as the Macbook Pro is redesigned), and I have a few questions (may add more as they come up): For Intel Mac users: If you use an external HD formatted for Mac, how can a Windows partition access it apart from formatting the drive into several partitions? I don't want several partitions because I don't want to set aside a fixed amount of space for Windows activities when I may need more or less. Instead, I want one pool of resources that both OSes can take from as they need it (though OSX will constitute a higher priority). I've asked other Mac users about drive defragmentation, and apparently there is no option to. Since defragmentation largely works at a hardware level (and should therefore be necessary regardless of the OS), how can OSX continue to access files in a timely manner? Supposedly Macs outlast PCs by a good margin. How long have you had your machine for? My PC is basically a hunk of junk. Every part was replaced last summer while it was under warranty and it still doesn't work very well. I got it in 2005. That's all I got so far.
  18. I never really thought of it in terms of that. I don't want to mandate that people do research before they post here. So if they want to post what they're pretty sure is the first instance of something, that's fine with me. And if someone disagrees and wants to research and prove them wrong, that's okay too. It's not like anyone's going to use this thread as an official resource. I just wanted a general thread about video games centered around an objective theme so that anyone would be interested in participating. And based on the number of people who commented, I'd say it delivered quite nicely.
  19. Laim. New version deserves loving too, but it won't be able to get the project loving it deserves unless it's put here...
  20. I think for me it was 2000, but the story is essentially the same. Though I didn't come up with the little sister comparison, and it is fantastic. HATE!!!!!!! Nah, it just seems like you're not as patient as some of us. Personally, I don't mind sinking 20, 30, 40 hours into a single game in order to get everything out of it. Others just want a shorter experience. Of course, I also play platform, rhythm and puzzle games (which require less time) to balance it out.
  21. Technically, all the FF Advance games were graphical improvements over the originals. They certainly weren't as substantial as 2D to 3D, but they were smoothed out. Perhaps the most obvious was the redone profile pictures. Looked prettier to me, anyway. Yet the FF remakes for the PSP have been lambasted as being the same thing over again, even though it's a serious step up from the original (and even Dawn of Souls) both graphics and sound wise. They have new magic and a new dungeon with plenty of new bosses. That sounds like most of the checks on the list and it doesn't require recoding the entire game.
  22. How would you suggest someone go and research something like this? Despite what Internet upbringing may tell you, google doesn't always have the answer.
  23. Here's a question for everyone: To what extent must a game be changed before you call it remade? I don't think FFIV DS actually puts in much new content. You can learn other chars' abilities, that's true. But otherwise I think it just 3D-izes and retranslates what's already there. Now is that worth replaying through? To hear voices and possibly understand a little bit better what they're trying to say? How about Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories: A Japan-only PS2 version of Chain of Memories that was packaged with KHII FM+. The only new content in that game was a new boss fight. It was redone with the KHI/II engine, the music was updated, and the characters were given voices. Is that considered a remake? While I've heard lots about why these potential new CT features are lame, I haven't heard as much about what would be sufficient to grab your attention. I also hope you don't say that a remake depends on updated graphics and sound alone.
  24. The problem is that many of us (at least me) are often on the move and won't always have consistent access to enough outlets or space to store equipment. Since USB microphones are self-powered and go right to the machine, that saves an enormous amount of hassle.
  25. Question/Request: I don't know whether FFIV DS has redone music or entirely new music altogether, but if so would you consider remixing those as well? I'd love to hear them.
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