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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. If a game motivates you to learn more about a given subject, that's great. But unless the game itself teaches you factual information, it can't really be called educational. About the only true biology fact I gleaned out of that game is that the expenditure of mitochondrial energy causes aging (discussed in the "End of Aging" thread in offtop). I love the game (and am not knocking it), but can't consider it educational.
  2. Thank you. I will look into this. Thanks. That's also good to know. I'm a first time developer, so no promises on how engaging it will be, but I can say there are no space/body ships in this game.
  3. Yeah, I definitely agree. If you want to point to definitive reasons as to why you believe Twin Snakes is worse (such as the voice acting or the music) that's fine. But I'm really tired of this "you ruined a classic" mentality. Games and movies are remade quite frequently, and NOT ALL OF THEM SUCK.
  4. I'm thinking of (finally) getting a new mid-to-high end camera to replace the one I lost/got stolen in Spring '07. I can't remember the specific model, but I was thinking the cheapest one with a full 35 mm sensor, so that the picture I see through the lens is what actually gets taken. Can't remember which model it is, though.
  5. Sounds great. Thanks very much. Back on topic, are we considering the hardest bosses to beat without any kind of outside strategy help? If so, the WEAPONs from Final Fantasies VII, VIII and X are damn difficult. But if you consult the tons of literature out there on how to beat them, their difficulty goes down significantly.
  6. First off, I'm a little unclear as to the remixed aspect of it. Seems to stick very close to the source. Also, even with the most amount of counterpoint there isn't a lot going on. You need more voices and more things happening.
  7. I went to see Play! back in '06 in Philly. It was pretty good, though I enjoyed VGL more. As Jack Wall's wife said, Play! is a concert, while VGL is more of a show.
  8. It could have been the author's initiative.
  9. Explaining what a PVR is might be nice. Besides, all the gaming videos on Youtube indicate that it is indeed possible to game on your PC. So the right hardware must be out there.
  10. If I were to get the MyBook (or, for that matter, any external hard drive already built) I wouldn't want to take it apart. I'd just want it to work. Kind of like my current hard drive. Do you mean to say that they tend to not function in external enclosures, or that external enclosures aren't built to house those kind of drives? I checked some out on Newegg and they don't indicate what kinds of drives they can or can't handle. Yeah, I had a Lacie drive before and wasn't happy with it. I hope to not have to get another. The rugged external sounds like the best option, since a large amount of space is important to me, nor do I think Flash memory will reach that capacity for a while yet. I actually had the drive for a couple of years before I had any problems. I just need to have something which has a bit of clumsiness forgiveness.
  11. Wow... jeez. I wonder if that game will work on DOSBox...
  12. Bingo. It's rarely a lack of interest as opposed to a lack of time + skillz.
  13. I'm almost damn certain there was a Bionic Commando one they missed... Yeah, nevermind the possibility that someone may have truly wanted to novelize the Metal Gear game for the sheer joy of doing so. If you think such a concept is ridiculous check out my sig. Besides, I can't imagine a lot of people buying this.
  14. Do NOT play them in chronological order. There are many elements about this series which make playing them in release order the best. Besides, I'm not sure whether Portable Ops fits in there (seems kind of like the Acid series and the Game Boy Color game... in a completely different world). I don't think so, but Metal Gear 1 and 2 come with the Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence special edition. They're retranslated, and are SO worth it. In fact, I may be able to sell it to you...
  15. Yes. Parasite Eve counts. The game about the powerhouses in our cells which rebel and set people on fire counts as an educational biology game. Yeesh.
  16. So for my research, I'm designing and implementing an educational biology game in order to teach players about the immune system. Part of that is discovering what's already out there so that we can be sure to be different. The biggest one I've found is Immune Attack, which was released just last month (and ONLY runs on XP x32, which has made it surprisingly difficult to find a decent machine to run it on). Are there any other games of this kind out there that you know of?
  17. Who remembers "E.V.O.: Search for Eden?" Though the story gets very silly in the last third, I couldn't help but enjoy the game anyway. This reminds me a lot of that, right down to the "Evo points."
  18. Lame. This is a lost opportunity. After all, in the animated series the episode with Megaman X was probably the best one. Why not bridge the gap?
  19. Oh my god the memories. The godawful memories. Yes, I remember it being difficult as all hell. I don't know how easy it would be now, though. I should go find out...
  20. Possibly Pearl Jam in Columbia, SC, but probably not. Don't have teh moneyz or teh transporatationz to go to these things. Also, I'm in the middle of a Comp Sci REU, so...
  21. Why? It's the ultimate all-in-one machine.
  22. Yeah, I can take the train in for this. I noticed this before and had to think. But this sounds like the perfect thing to do for the OCR meetup this time around.
  23. Yayz! South Caro... oh.
  24. Just as long as they actually STOP remaking them afterwards.
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