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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. This has not been mentioned. Why?
  2. I'm going to be a college senior next year, so I'd best think of something.
  3. Qutting the piano. This is a usual. Not joining up with the OCR boards sooner. I dunno. I've never had many opportunities to do a ton of music in my schools. Of course, I could have gone to different schools, but I like to think I made the right choice on the school front.
  4. I asked this question a while back, and when I saw this thread I found my old thread and bumped it up. Look there.
  5. Indeed. I hope to hear the rest of the Tyrano Lair arrangement.
  6. That's true. I said as much in my starting post. But I was wondering whether anyone had tried it and, if so, whether it lived up to the hype.
  7. I guess some people feel that way, and it's their perogative. Personally I don't like a lot of physical objects cluttering up my life. I never have. That's why I didn't get into music until iTunes became available. And it's why I'm considering hopping on this DJ bandwagon only now that a controller exists which regulates most functionality to my computer, which I use for just about everything. Anyone tried the monome or lemur?
  8. I recall you mentioning at VGL how irritating being a mod was. Looks like you just can't stay away.
  9. Was it called LOLCunts? I guess we were all played. Here's hoping it didn't contain any important laughing cunts.
  10. Storing the image as our profile's vCard wouldn't prevent it from being printed. It would just be another way to showcase your card... in case you happen to run into people you know through a forum more often than in person.
  11. Yeah, I'm no good at holding a real-time conversation while working (which is pretty much what I'm doing all the time now).
  12. Any ability at all to convert to .vcf (v-card format)?
  13. Since we've got the main man paying attention now, I'd like to reiterate my suggestion that we take advantage of the vCard feature.
  14. Snake Tales is not in regular Sons of Liberty.
  15. I have it and will sell it to you.
  16. Yup, you have to have at least 1000 posts and no bans before anyone takes you seriously. Doesn't matter what you've done or how funny, smart and charming you may be. I'm not familiar with the source tune. As you mentioned in your submission, it is repetitive. Even at its most complex there's really not a whole lot going on. So you've got a good sketch. You also transition very abruptly between a lot of things (the apeggiation, the bass humming, the different drumbeats). It's probably better to stick with one of those and really draw it out. Most of the mixes here really take one or two ideas and squeeze them til everything has been sapped. So focus this and tighten it up. You'll be an OCRemixer yet.
  17. About ten thousand times, man. I was waiting for you to show up. Fill me in, and we can be on topic this time.
  18. No wai! Any opinions about these newer controllers (Monome, Lemur)? The more I research I do into them the more curious I become...
  19. I'll respond to this, just so I can clear my good name and everyone will know what I meant. I'd rather not clog up the thread with any more arguing, so you all can PM me if you still want to rip me apart. I never meant to sound like what Darkesword described. I've been here for a bit more than a year now, and have met Dave and many of the other major players on this site more than once. I'm not claiming to be anyone's best friend, but nothing I've done on the forums or in person indicates I have the characteristics so readily ascribed to me. But even disregarding that, is what I said so terrible? For one, I didn't even realize it was offensive, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't - and don't - intend to demean Dave's work (or, for that matter, anyone else's) work on the site. He does a lot and deserves gratitude. I just thought it was strange that DarkeSword would encourage us to thank Dave for working... without having some idea of what he was working on. Not because I think Darke was lying and Dave didn't do anything. But giving us even a general overview helps to explain exactly the kind of effort it may have taken. In this case, I think I was right, since many people (myself included) did understand some of what Dave actually did and were better able to appreciate (and therefore thank more sincerely) the effort.
  20. Yet another project I can't participate in owing to schoolage. Red Wings Theme = awesomeness though. It's the definition of epic.
  21. Then with all due respect, good sir, why are you posting in this thread?
  22. It's called the fangame community.
  23. I know you're joking and all, but my thanks might be a little more meaningful if I had some idea of he actually did. "He did some stuff and now the site is better, trust me" falls a little flat in my book. Let me know and he'll have my gratitude.
  24. Plus, it definitely has some 3D still. It's true that it seems largely 2.5D, but at some point the camera does shift to behind Sonic. I'd really love to see it work. I do. But I'm a pessimist, and after SA2 (some people think before, but I liked the first two) things pretty much hit the bottom. Let's see if they can bring it back.
  25. There was that Jay-Z/Chrono Trigger question, but since these responses have been about bands ripping off other bands (or themselves, or Image-Line), I'm going to say that no, it hasn't come up very often.
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