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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Since I do post a music question every time I respond, I don't feel guilty about "derailing" the thread. Your argument still appears to have contradictions in it. Wikipedia describes Ladder Theory as such: As I mentioned, just about everyone I know was friends with their SO before they dated, sometimes for years. And since you've already admitted that pursuing a friendship under nonromantic terms is a perfectly valid way to lead to dating, that necessarily means that the male's position on the female's supposed ladders must shift: from a good friend to a boyfriend. Not to mention: I wasn't around when Sam was on the panel, but what benefits and deficits do you think can be derived when judges talk in terms of music theory? I did take courses in the stuff once upon a time, and if I manage to get into remixing I wouldn't mind some refreshers, particularly to make sure my compositions are harmonically... well, not correct, but harmonically sensible.
  2. You're funny. I'll let the others tear you apart.
  3. Wouldn't she be a grandchild of the monkey machine? Congratulations regardless.
  4. No, but seriously though, a girl who can get you beer. I think you're pretty much set, man. Oh, and I did the birthday thing through facebook already.
  5. I don't understand how someone could do that. I can't look at a girl and decide I want to date her. At the very least I need to talk to her a few times so I can discover more about her. At that point I think we're considered friends. Then, once I know enough about her to decide that yes, I do like her, I continue to talk to her and see whether it will evolve into something more as it did for you, Andy, and every other non-single friend I know. Does R:TS or VGMix accept chiptunes?
  6. Well, yeah. But I'm sure you took O&A as well. I don't think it would be very difficult for you to learn to build a machine. That's my point, and it's the philosophy of liberal arts in general. You don't learn material for a specific profession. You learn enough so that you can adapt to whatever profession you end up in. I think it works out pretty well.
  7. Errrrmmm... As a CS major, I beg to differ... somewhat. Yes, it's true you can't learn every detail about building a computer in the classroom or anywhere else short of doing it. You can't learn about this card or that motherboard because yes, a new one premieres in two months. However, you learn the concepts behind a computer. You take Computer Architecture and Organization and learn a fuckton about these buggers work on the micro level. That is something that has not changed significantly since the advent of the personal computer. And when you learn that stuff building one is pretty inconsequential no matter what particular hardware you're working with. Sure, you'll have to learn minutia about how to plug it in correctly and such, but you've learned the bigger picture in the classroom. And that's invaluable.
  8. Oh look, another awesome remixing project-thing that I'd love to try and be a part of... premiering right in the middle of the semester! laim.
  9. They gave out free copies of... what the hell was it?... I think Computer Power User at MAGFest. I enjoyed it. Much prefer to read the stuff online though.
  10. Well, if what you're saying isn't incompatible with a "friends first" philosophy (and, rather, you get to know the person as a friend, decide you like them, and then continue to get to know them by going out) then I think there was just a big misunderstanding. What I've known dating to mean is when people meet and talk FOR THE FIRST TIME in a one-on-one scenario with overtones of further intimacy. I think that, as a concept, is dying. At the very least, I don't know anyone my age who finds an SO that way. To get us back on track, answers to my music questions?
  11. The only problem is I've seen and heard of example after example otherwise, and almost none to validate your opinion. Andy and Jill, to cite one we both know. My parents did meet through a personals ad, so perhaps traditional dating exists outside of a college/high school mentality. But apart from my parents no one I know has said to someone they met for the first time, "Hey, let's go have dinner, talk to one another, and then, if we're both willing, exist in a nebulous state where we can make out with each other but still not be 'in a relationship.'" Hookups, on the other hand, are becoming more common. As a new generation of gamers who are not as familiar with 0ld sk00l grows up, do you think that the nature of music submitted here will change? Or will this site cater to old fogies who sit in rocking chairs and reminisce about the glory days? Similarly, with game music becoming more orchestrally sweeping and less melody-oriented (and therefore, in most peoples' opinions, less remixable), how do you think OCR can (or should) address this trend?
  12. WRONG! Time Crisis! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
  13. Ohmahgad you guyzzz!
  14. Couldn't you do that in boxing?
  15. I could be biased since I never owned one, but I think the Gamecube controller was a complete mess. I'm going to get a Wii soon enough, and I enjoy both its controllers far more. In fact, it's quite reminiscent of a PSX one.
  16. Yeah, if it can do it can probably do what I'm thinking of.
  17. That's pretty cool. But then the same thing could be said of just about rhythm game at all.
  18. That's pretty cool. What have you done with it?
  19. Hmmm... noted. But I still have the problem of where to find the stuff. Sure, link me that stuff.
  20. P.S. This is the worst streaming rate ever.
  21. See if you can get Uematsu to submit something here of his own. Liek, for reals. No, I'm not kidding. How freakin' awesome would that be...?
  22. Totally wish I could have entered. I had an awesome idea for Trigun with Collision. I may do it anyway for the hell of it. But please aim for contests like these to happen during the summer, since school age fans are a large percentage of the community. But my question is this: where do you get the original high-quality vids to work with? Particularly the Crisis Core cutscenes (since I don't want to be spoiled, I actually held off on watching the winning entry), but also the anime. I know of no reliable program to convert from DVD to mpeg, so if anyone can point me to one that'd be grand.
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