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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. You'll have to ask him. I wasn't there when this was taken.
  3. Nice to finally "meet" you, sir. I joined up in Jan '07 after meeting OCR at MAGFest. Question: When zircon made his FF3 album AF joke and said you had returned and would lead it, did he know you had this in the works?
  4. In before "sum noob."
  5. Some of us have a birthday coming up in a fairly short amount of time. A particularly significant birthday for college students. If OCR won't celebrate it on its own, then I will damn well bring the celebration to it!
  6. One more reason to get up to speed with this newfangled PS system.
  7. You're misunderstanding. It's not that games don't work... it's that I can't even get the firmware on there in the first place in order to test them!
  8. I tinkered with a customized version of Server 2003 for consumer machines. In the end, for me, the performance tradeoff wasn't worth what was stripped out. Server 2008, on the other hand, I've yet to try.
  9. Well I didn't mean now, and I didn't mean instead of this. All I was saying is that Philly is actually much better for me. Of course, the exception to all this is the eight or so weeks I'm in South Carolina. But I don't know if anyone here lives around there.
  10. http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/883967 Maybe want to combine it with this? P.S. People here may bash NG or whatever, but I think it's at least worth checking out.
  11. Philly is far more convenient for me, and I'd wager for more people than not. The possibility would exist for you all to come to Dickinson College during some cool event.
  12. You crazay, nigga. (I don't have any.)
  13. Okay, so anyone who had worked with the Memor32 memory card and the Memento firmware that should be able to be loaded on it, I'm talking to you. Yes, I went to the support forums. Or at least the forums the official Memento site pointed me to. Not only are people there incapable of stringing together cogent sentences which actually address the problem, I'm not getting any useful information even when a bright, shining star of a forum member manages to actually understand and respond to my question. Anyways, I ordered the Memor32 card. I followed these instructions: I downloaded the driver from the card's official website, installed it, linked the card to my computer, wiped it, took it out and formatted it in the PS2, then plugged it back into my computer and put the 1.1 firmware on it. The game I tried to play wouldn't get past the menu screen, so I figured I would reformat the card and place the 1.2e firmware on it, to see what would happen. I plugged it back into my computer, erased it, formatted it again in the PS2, plugged it back into my computer, and tried to patch it with the 1.2e firmware. It would not work. It told me to check the memory card or the cable. This sounded fishy, so I opened up the Memor32 savegame manager. The card showed up as connected, with a green check mark. In fact, I erased it, formatted it again, and tried it again. Nothing. I tried the 1.1 firmware. Nothing. I tried it on someone else's computer (installing the drivers and everything). Nothing. In short, the savegame manager can see the card just fine but the firmware patcher cannot. Any thoughts?
  14. ...right, these are trackers. But the question I'm asking is: is the data (I don't know what format trackers use) directly congruous to the noise we're hearing? If not, my comment above still applies. If so, awesome.
  15. Those last two are cool, but unfortunately, when you've somehow managed to engineer MIDI so that it makes aesthetically pleasing images and sound simultaneously, anything else in the arena pales in comparison.
  16. I fully agree, except it might not be too long before 128 bit architectures hit the consumer market, and we'd just have the same situation again.
  17. I'm not going to be able to come, so don't worry about me.
  18. Hey! That's mah birthday you're talkin' bout! ...yeah. It's my birthday. My 21st. No Baltimore for Pezman.
  19. Perhaps this person had their corpus collosum severed. I've been told that those who have can draw two shapes with both their hands at the same time. Left brain/right brain disconnect and all that.
  20. Well as soon as I read this I got it, of course. Remember, I thought it was a prank. Wasn't going to read too much into it. Banned me for steak sauce, whatever. Perhaps it was that important. Even if I did make the A1 connection, that doesn't say to me, "We temp banned you because you made some risky comments regarding acknowledgment of April Fool's." Advanced knowledge of this would help considerably. Do you understand how my comment was not what you're indicating? I've never the guy who goes "IT'S A JOKE GUYS LOL" in response to an Internet AF joke I may see. If people aren't smart enough to figure it out on this day of all days, all the better for them when they find out themselves. I never said anything last AF, and I've never done it anywhere else. Rather, I was curious as to what other people were going to do to people in their day-to-day, RL routine. I didn't ask what OCR pranks would or wouldn't be pulled. I was genuinely interested in how people would spend April Fool's.
  21. ??????? What do you mean? Spoiling? In what sense? Did I give away OCR's jokes? Or any other jokes? At any rate, if you're gonna do that please let me know in the ban message so I (or anyone else) don't have to wonder, or track down an answer this way.
  22. Okay, how much did you imagine DJing would net you?
  23. Okay, in all srsness, why was I banned on AF day? It's not a huge deal, of course. I can live without these forums for a day. But I don't know why. For kicks? That seems a bit lame. To teach me a lesson? For what? It seems I was the only guy this happened to, so some clarification would be appreciated.
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