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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Yeah, I got back into it within the past two weeks. Agreed that not every comic is pure gold, but then again, what is? I laugh more times than I groan, though.
  2. Interestingly enough, is now a featured video. The premise is essentially the same.
  3. So I was randomly on Newgrounds and discovered a Flash series of maybe the first thirty 8 bit theater comics. I watched one of them and discovered it was done by (ZOMG!) OCRemix Studios, with people whose names I recognize from these boards. Now, these things are work, sure, but why did they stop? 8 Bit Theater is still going strong (though I think it will end this year ), and I liked those Flashes (even if they were just the comics verbatim). Plus, I would love to provide a voice or something.
  4. Just bought an M-audio wireless MIDI adapter for my keytar. The third piece of music tech I've ever bought (and I will sell the second - a wired MIDI to USB - as a result).
  5. Not O (organic) LEDs specifically, but rather the idea of LED lighting. It's much better than LCD screens for a variety of reasons. In addition, LED monitors don't require a backlight, which means that they can display true black, save power, and give richer and more accurate colors which will look the same regardless of the angle (remember the early LCDs which changed to photonegative when you looked at it from the side?). Macbooks are starting to make these available, and with the next refresh I think they'll become standard. I don't know how any of this pertains to touchscreen technology, but since Apple is working on that as well I'm sure it can happen.
  6. LCDs are being phased out anyway. I don't know how resistant LED monitors are to scratching,
  7. Can you be a little more specific? Are we talking sound quality? Fullness of the tone? What would a recording sound like through the USB mic vs through a mic jack mic?
  8. QFT. You've lucked the fuck out.
  9. Well I'd request that you consider doing so. Also, any word on the potential of including that FMV? I know details would have to be worked out, but is the IDEA of doing so one that the creators would be interested in?
  10. Figure I may as well take them up on their offer. It's like I was there... and not missing my right arm.
  11. I always thought it was sillier to have a level song without a level to play it in. Don't suppose you'll be emulating the dying bugs too, will you?
  12. I'm quite sick of it. The last thing I want to do when going on a message board about music is read about the musical accomplishments of musicians. God.
  13. Yeah, I looked it up after I was reminded of it here. New movie, right? First time I'd heard of the guy. It was awesome. I love that Studio Ghibli gets famous actors who don't even usually do voicework.
  14. Tell me about the difference between this and a mic jack.
  15. The phrase "it's like riding a bike" will forever have an altered meaning for you. Seriously though, that's a shitty outcome for your very first time riding. I hope you feel better soon.
  16. I never said there was. I just don't think it's such a travesty to ask what someone remixes with vs what they make music with. Makke, I may not be "in the know" in the sense that I have gotten anything posted here, but I have been looking into this for a long time. I know there is no "remix" genre or "remix" button or anything of the sort and that, in fact, these are the same programs used to make fully original music.
  17. You're misunderstanding my point, which is not that remixing doesn't involve some composing. Note that people here "remix" songs, not "compose a remix of" a song. If you grant that, the only thing we can say for sure about any given person who submits here is that they remix. I don't think you should assume people think there is a "remix" program when they ask what you use to remix. Just that a program exists which you do, in fact, use to remix.
  18. Snapple, I can't see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Beats Producer Edition.
  19. Oh god, Reboot. That was one show I always wished I'd gotten more into.
  20. Cool. Oh... sure. Maybe. We'll see. Tell me about the computer music concert.
  21. Sorry. Google Maps tells me it's much closer to Carlisle than to Columbia (about an 8 hour difference).
  22. I think what happens is that AdBlock Plus loads the ads, but doesn't display them. This effectively allows the ad to report that it was seen even though it technically wasn't.
  23. Kind of hard to appreciate the man when all he does are animal sounds. Seriously, he's in everything but he's making the animal noises. I'm not saying that he's not talented and doesn't deserve praise, but it's hard to get attached to the guy who voiced some animal that didn't speak, versus a memorable character with a unique voice. Edit: I forgot. He actually voiced Nibbler when he spoke. But I think that the only speaking role of his I know. Personally, I think part of it has to do with the idea that someone can very easily portray someone or something that is totally unlike them. Far more than in-person acting would allow. This is especially true when they voice multiple characters. Just looking at the Billy West video surprised me. I knew what he looked like, but to hear him actually speak as characters who are much older and younger still started me. You really have to act on the fly, since sometimes two of your characters may converse with one another. I'd also like to point to two videogames which really serve to bring legitimacy to voice acting in games. One is Toonstruck, a little-known adventure game gem, which also happened to be my first adventure game. This was released in the mid-90s, so all the cartoon shows I loved were in full swing. It was great to realize all the voice actors I knew and loved (plus Christopher Lloyd) were right here in this game. I am befuddled as to why it did so poorly. It was also amusing, later on, to hear Futurama's Mom, as Tress MacNeille used that exact same voice several years earlier in Toonstruck. Another is Kingdom Hearts. It's great that they got so much of the original living Disney cast to return. Part of it is the sad and strange fact that voicing characters in hugely successful movies don't seem to elevate the careers of the actors, but the other part just shows how committed they are to their roles.
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