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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Well, they got laughed at/booed every time. Guess it wasn't that good.
  2. Not worth it. It's on my 21st birthday, so... well, yeah. Not happening.
  3. I do understand the disc reading technology involved. The HVDs have been around forever and they're going to need to do something impressive to maintain my attention. My confusion wound up being over the amount of space HD video (and what kind) takes up. I wonder, then, whether the 360 might be rereleased with Blu-Ray capability. I'm actually not sure whether Sony's PS3 rivalry with them would prevent such a thing from happening.
  4. I understand that... but with Hi Def taking up as much room as it does wouldn't that have made putting it on DVDs more or less infeasible?
  5. But doesn't it display in High Definition? How does that work?
  6. It's probably time for you to give me my video now.
  7. You would be remiss not to include .
  8. I don't have a 360, so fill me in: Doesn't it use HD-DVDs, and if so, will there be new versions and games adopting the blu-ray standard?
  9. I don't understand how you could use those words in that order and possibly mean what you said you mean.
  10. I don't have a 360, so fill me in: Doesn't it use HD-DVDs, and if so, will there be new versions and games adopting the blu-ray standard?
  11. I presume, analoq, that you will now proceed to rock me.
  12. Yes, thanks. Just keep this potential issue in mind for the future.
  13. I don't understand why that couldn't have been going on during the requests period, but I'll assume there was a good reason for it (for now). Rather, when you did discover it was too hard, why not contact me then and tell me to submit something else? It's only fair, I think. It ensures no one is left out in the cold.
  14. I wish that had been caught before request time was over then. My request wasn't in blue or anything so I assumed it was fine. But if it was too difficult you should have told me and I would have picked something else.
  15. You've posted FLAC files. WIN. It would be awesome if you submitted something here. Plenty of other bands (OneUps, Armcannon, etc) have as well.
  16. No complaints here. All you were missing was the yellow background and British accent. What was this doing in an Art History class?
  17. Say wha? I've written more than one (good) paper on video games from both a sociological and technical perspective, and I've never had much trouble finding resources. The exception was the paper I did on leetspeak, but that's not really video games either.
  18. That's just... what the hell is the fucking point? I went to school in a different city than my hometown for six years. My parents gave me $20 (later $25, later $30) a week. Guess where most of it went. The local gamestop probably saw $1000 of my money when all was said and done. Of course, I have a ridiculous mess of games that I haven't touched, that I probably won't even like very much. And I haven't bought a game in over a year.
  19. I thought there were fewer requests than mixers... did Rama flood with a whole bunch like he was thinking he would? If so, why?
  20. I would agree, but try downloading 25 GBs worth of content. The only way to do that is via torrent, and there's no way any commercial venue would rely on torrents. What the hell? Share the love, man!
  21. Back in Spring 2006 I ordered a Slide Card/Swap Magic set from ModchipStore. And it came, no problem. Unfortunately, I could never do the slide card thing properly and this past winter finally got around to upgrading to the slim model. Thus, I reasoned, I could use the equivalent tools for that system (which I've heard are easier) and be well on my way. So I went and ordered the fliptop cover from ModchipStore. I got a confirmation email of my order. It still hasn't come. I've submitted emails to their complaint department up the wazoo with no response. I used one of my parents credit cards to make the purchase and they said they haven't seen a charge from Modchipstore. But I'm not sure that's indicative of the fact that my order got lost. They have no number I can call and their live support is down indefinitely, and there's no way I'm going to order from them again until I find out what happened this time. So does anyone know of a reliable web site to order this particular item from?
  22. Swap Magic, son. It's legal. Doesn't void the warranty. And because it is not for the EXPRESS purpose of piracy (though Z3 is right about correlation) it's safe ground to speak about here. In fact, I'm about to make a post here related to it, so stay tuned.
  23. Are you on the panel or aren't you? How often do the judges themselves find time to work on mixes in between Real Life and judging? How inclined would they be to collaborate with n00bs in an attempt to help bring their mixes and skills up to snuff?
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