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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. ...their website says they have only one programmer. Shit.
  2. Here's the list. It's long. And no, I don't have any games I didn't mention on the list. Here's a complete list: PS2: 2006 FIFA World Cup Alter Echo Ape Escape 2 Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (Number 5) Conflict: Desert Storm Dance Dance Revolution Max 1, 2 & Extreme Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse Dark Cloud Dark Cloud 2 Devil May Cry Disgaea - Hour of Darkness Drakengard Dual Hearts Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy X-2 (with guide) Frequency God of War Grand Theft Auto III Grandia XTreme Growlanser Generations .hack Part 1 Haven: Call of the King Herdy Gerdy ICO I-Ninja (STILL WRAPPED) Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Katamari Damacy Kingdom Hearts (with guide) Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil Kya: Dark Lineage La Pucelle Tactics Legaia 2 Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Maximo: Ghosts to Glory Megaman X8 Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Metal Gear Solid 2 Documentation Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Mister Mosquito Okage: Shadow King Onimusha Onimusha 3 Phantom Brave Ratchet & Clank Going Commando Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal Rygar Silent Scope 3 Shadow Hearts Shadow Hearts: Covenant (STILL WRAPPED) Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (with soundtrack) Star Ocean 3 Suikoden III Syphon Filter: Omega Strain Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Tsuganai: Atonement Viewtiful Joe Xenosaga Episode I PS1: Arc the Lad Collection (including stand-up figurines) Final Fantasy VII Legend of Legaia Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings Lunar 2 stand-up figurines Memory cards of various capacities Xenogears PC: 25 3D Games 3D Pinball Age of Mythology Amazon Trail, The Alien Tales American McGee's Alice Arcade Mania Beyond Atlantis Bumper Wars: A Crash course in survival Chaos Command & Conquer: Theater of War Day of the Tentacle Deer Avenger Diablo (with guide) Dungeon Keeper Dungeon Keeper 2 Dragon's Lair Deluxe Pack (includes DL 1, 2 & Space Ace) Eagle Eye Mysteries in London Fallout Fallout 2 Grandia II Grim Fandango Incredible Machine 2, The Incredible Machine Contraptions, The King's Quest Collection Klik & Play Lemmings Revolution Lighthouse: The Dark Being Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island Monkey Island 4: Escape from Monkey Island Myst (with guide) Myst III Myst IV Myst: Uru Complete Chronicles Oni Pool of Radiance (with soundtrack and novelization) Prince of Persia 1 & 2 Prince of Persia 3D Risk: The Game of Global Domination Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Sam & Max Hit the Road Septerra Core Space Quest Collection Starcraft plus expansion (with guide for both) Terminal Velocity Toonstruck Torin's Passage Typing of the Dead, The Warcraft II + expansion: Battle.net edition (with guide) Warcraft III Battle Chest + expansion (including signed manual, posters & art book) Way Things Work, The Welcome to the Future Widget Workshop Gamecube: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time/Master Quest (STILL WRAPPED) DVDs: Chappelle's Show Season One Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Futurama Season 1 (incomplete... fourth disc missing) Futurama Season 2 Family Guy Seasons 1 & 2 Family Guy Season 3 Gangs of New York .hack Liminality Vols. 1-3 John Q Metal Gear Saga Vol. 1 Parasite Eve (not a typo. There is a Parasite Eve movie related to the game series) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou The People that Time Forgot South Park Season 1 Suspiria Star Wars Clone Wars Vol. 2 Yongary: Monster from the Deep Books: Final Fantasy X Piano Score Book Black Mages Sheet Music (for first CD) Super Paper Airplanes (a book on how to make complex paper airplanes) Some books on Reason, Sonar, Cubase, etc. If interested in these ask me for more specifics Adobe Photoshop 7: Classroom in a Book Comics: Batman and Robin Adventure #9 Star Wars Tales Vol. 5 Star Wars Thrawn Trilogy Dark Empire I, II & Empire's End Droids: The Kalarba Adventure Droids: Rebellion X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Battleground: Tatooine X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess Boba Fett: Death, Lies & Treachery Jabba the Hutt: The Art of the Deal Battle of the Bounty Hunters (pop-up book) Other: Adobe Photoshop CS Best of Final Fantasy 1994-1999 CD Dance Dance Revolution pad x 2 Norton Systemworks 2005 Dark Empire II Embossed Metal Collector's Card Prices are relatively negotiable. I want to ensure you'll get a better deal from me than Amazon.
  3. Hope it's better than Turtix...
  4. No, that's not right. Dan, have you used the Izotope vocal remover?
  5. That's because I felt very awkward and strange at the time. Like I said, I was just messing around... and what I got just by putting in soundfonts didn't totally suck. It's not a brilliant piece now or anything, but I was very surprised that I could something which sounded even that good just with Reason's soundfonts. That's all I was trying or say.
  6. The screens on the site say they're from the GBA version... is this already out for GBA?
  7. Cock Mobster by MC Paul Barman. Give it a listen. Srsly. You won't be disappointed. One of his most well-known songs.
  8. I've mentioned this before, and I'll mention it again: You can work the fest, earn your admission fee back and free food besides. "Working," by the way, largely consists of sitting down for a couple of hours and making sure the gates of hell don't appear and swallow up all the consoles and players.
  9. I want to get an instrumental of a song that's not very well known. So I tried AnalogX's vocal removal tool. It removed a whole lot besides the vocals... the song was a quieter, far more pared-down version of itself. Anything else I can try?
  10. 0cr Album As T3h Tributez!!! Are you serious?
  11. What is the filename limit now that our old friend 8.3 is history? I, too, tried playing it on Windows Vista and had no problem.
  12. Man, I must be some kind of prophet or something. I'm not a fighting game fan, and I was just writing something for Creative Writing last night. I only decided to bring it in at the end: I swung the stick solidly, with confidence. But, as usual, it wasn’t enough. Thok. Our sticks connected, and swish, my weapon was gone in a flawless disarm. Quickly, I made a swipe for the stomach with my other stick, but a quick sidestep left me swinging air, with plenty of time for him to move in and tag me. “Match point!” our instructor declared. “Ken, be sure to feint. You’re telegraphing all over the place.” Didn’t I know it. My partner tossed me my stick back. Wordless, as always. Alright, focus… I got the left stick in the defensive position and held the right one out at a little less than arm’s length. There, that seemed to cover me. Always moving, always alert, I watched him. But he was as stoic as I’d ever known him; like a mountain, completely at ease. Impossible to read. I didn’t get it… I’d always been told to move around, never keeping myself in one place. It seemed to work for my previous instructors when they were tagging the hell out of me. Suddenly I lunged. The stomach. But a quick redirect of my shot was followed by one of his own, and it was only by bringing my left arm up awkwardly that I managed to block it. We both returned to our default positions. Experimentally, I jabbed at him with my stick, as though I were tenderizing him. Maybe this would work. Sensei had said to feint. I tried again, jabbing with the left but suddenly bringing in the right. Thok. Was it at all possible to catch this guy off guard? Apparently he was tired of waiting. He zoomed forward, first coming to my upper body, then my lower. Redirect, then reinforce. He was coming at the wrong angles for a disarm. I jumped backwards, but that was all the time he needed. “Hadoken!” His arms came forward even quicker then they’d gone back, sending the bright blue light straight into my midair dodge. “Ryu is the winner!” Sensei announced. Again. Without a word my perpetual better offered his hand, helping me up. While this was certainly a step up from fighting green-skinned Brazillian natives, it was also a painful reminder of how far I needed to go before I could call myself a true Street Fighter.
  13. Anyone tried this yet?
  14. What the...? From Game Informer. I had no idea Patton actually did voice acting. I also find it surprising they wouldn't mention his more recent band. Also, is it bad that this is what I first thought of when hearing "Bionic Commando?"
  15. Can I post a thread about this? Even if it's not cool to make negotiations in the thread itself, I'd just like to use this to let people know I have a good amount of PC and PS2 games for sale. Just to let you know, I don't have many of the newer games for either machine. Unfortunately, I just haven't been playing these games at all recently and I could really use some spare cash, so if anyone might be interested either respond (preferable) or PM me. If I get the go-ahead to manage things here I'll post a complete list of what I've got.
  16. I have never enjoyed Windows Media Player or Windows Media Center. I even made sure to take them out via VLite during my latest install. However, one crucial use for Media Center remains unaddressed: I can no longer use the TV Tuner which came with my computer to stream live television into my machine. Is there another program which will (most likely) be able to interface with the tuner and bring me the same TV goodness I was privy to before?
  17. I opened up Reason, imported a MIDI file off vgmusic.com, applied soundfonts to three of the parts, and... it wasn't actually all that bad. I bounced it. I'm laughing at how I managed to make something okay without any sequencing or mastering whatsoever. It's repetitive as hell, but it's the sound. I'm feeling very strange right now.
  18. Wear your shirts. Rick Baretto, CEO of Dream Authentics will be there. And he wants to get in on the OCR scene. I met him at VGL DC. He and the CTNP are affiliates now. So we're pretty awesome like that.
  19. Oh god yes. Since I only have a laptop, I've tried several times to try and get any type of decent latency with my keyboard and ASIO4ALL, but it doesn't seem to play nice enough with my onboard drivers (even though that's what it's supposed to do, IIRC). Now, what's to prevent someone from using the laptop keyboard and/or a MIDI keyboard (barring this driver shit) to trigger said sounds? Granted, if you're using the laptop keys they're smaller, and if you're using a MIDI keyboard it's not quite as compact, but in either case you get many more buttons to map to.
  20. By standard terminology, I am a DJ because I host a radio show. Unfortunately, while it is disc jockeying, it means I am running back and forth, taking discs out and putting them in. Or I just plug my laptop in and play music off of that. Either way, being a DJ definitely doesn't get me any action.
  21. This is going in my sig. Like, for serious.
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