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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Ooo, sounds interesting. I'll definitely look into this. If I'm reading this correctly, the next class isn't til Mar of next year correct? I'll more than likely sign up, I don't see a deadline or anything either.
  2. How about requests for remixes? I'd like to see one of my mixes broken down. But due to the volume of remixes I could see my mix never getting reviewed. I like the idea though, for sure.
  3. Figured I'd start one since I didn't see one before. Here's to you dude and keep on with teh musics man!
  4. I am the chained, undead guy.
  5. Why, of course =D.

    There's a clicky there btw lol xD.

  6. Haha, yeah for real. You appear to have some knowledge behind you as I visit the PPR section often but I rarely post. And of course, you make music, so that's a double cool =D.

  7. Lmao! I don't know what to think of this. I guess all I can say is, I'll give them kudos for the attempt xD. On the subject of Sonic and the Secret Rings, I honestly think the soundtrack is pretty cool. I really enjoy it and I listen to their music regularly actually.
  8. I find myself not using much compression anymore except on the master bus in which case I'm not using the FL compressor. For past songs though I have used the FL compressor and I didn't think it was that bad =/. I will try this one though and see what's up. @Ecto - Lol wish I knew, I was kinda wonderin that myself xD.
  9. Can't say I got it either. I will say though, that I enjoyed this quite a bit!
  10. Social science major eh? We should communicate more often as that's something I've found a lot of immediate interest in. =D

  11. One man symphony right here. Incredible is all I have to say! The video is pretty interesting as well, definitely fits the feeling evoked from the music.
  12. Pretty awesome work dude, especially workIng with the time you said you had. Everyone had some really cool and different mixes this round!
  13. Rendering and uploading! After rendering this, I can see this song having the potential for some serious badassery!
  14. =D. I think this song I'm gonna spend more time on after the compo. That and my first round mix, these two I like a lot so they'll be worth the extra time. Lookin forward to hearin what everyone has produced!
  15. Lookin forward to hearin what you got!
  16. I'm serious about Melankolisk, finish that ish. Soooo good lol xD.

  17. Oh well there we go! This sounds lovely. If it were me, I would bring up the snare a bit as it kinda gets washed out in some parts like the end section when the other elements come in. There are no problems with the source as it's clear as day, the Bison elements. I'm totally diggin this though I love the way this sounds I'll be dancing and enjoyin this for quite some time. And yes, please finish that other song as well, haha! =D
  18. Whoooooo. This is fuckin sick! Big ol grin(smile) on my face. Nothin constructive, just wanted to let you know that I'm droolin over this lol xD. Some of those wobbles sound pretty liquid I was lovin it. I'm kinda havin a hard time pickin out the source in some parts myself. A breakdown would probably help, if you feel like doin it. You could post it here and just copy and paste if you decide to sub it. And I totally understand the need to keep the flow of the song together. You're not finished with it yet though are you? The song ended kinda abruptly and I was sad when it did, I wanted s'more lol xD.
  19. I was looking at the 'To Be Judged' list and I see four songs from August that are up there, but no others(as I've subbed a song early August, the 2nd I believe). I was just curious as to what that was about...
  20. I'm gonna go the aggressive route this time, just to spite Shielder's rather happy-go-lucky tone haha xD. Also gonna check out the zeros tracks when I stuff myself with the poison that is Mickey D's. Edit: Just listened to the mixes. I will generally say how I enjoyed all of the mixes! Win or lose(there are no prizes anyway) you all win, I rather enjoyed the different styles across the board. There's a lot of musicianship your music, much more than I can say about my stuff. So those who don't win, don't feel bad because the result is that you made some cool and interesting stuff to listen to and I say kudos! =D If anyone wants any critical feedback I'll be more than happy to give my thoughts though.
  21. Ahh, so this is what you've been up to! I'll be checkin this out. Hopefully I'll see you on AIM sometime so I can talk to you about it =D!
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